OPENING AND CLOSING OF THE MAILS OFFICE HOUR8. LOCAL TIME. ..„, , ( 7.30 A. M. tO 6.00 P. M. General 6.50 P. M. to 7.30 P. M. Monev-Order and Regis1 try Departments 8.00 A. M. to 6.00 p. BC. ■Carrier Windows 6M : i. to 7.30 P. M. Sundavs- General Doliv ery, Stamp and Carrier Windows 9.00 A. M.to 10.00 A . M. ïflrTa MaJI.S GOING EAST. Close DistribDTID. Express Pouch to Detroitj 7.30 A. M. Detroit fe Grand Rapids, R. P. O 10.15 A. M. 11.00 A. M. Detroit & Chicago R. P. O. 5.15 p. M: 6.50 p. M. Detroit & Chicago R. P. O. s.00 p. m„ 7.30 a. k. Express Pouch to Detroit 8.00 P.M GOING WEST. Detroit & Grand Rapids R. P.O. "Paper Train,"... 7.30 a. m. Detroit & Chicago R. P. O. S.35 a. m. 9.15 a. m. Detroit, Three Rivers & Chicago R. P. 0 9.35 A. M. 10.15 A. M. Express Pouch from Detroit 3.00 P. M. Detroit & Grand Rapids R. p. 0 5.50 p. m. 6.50 p. M. Detroit & Chicago R. P. O. S.00 P. M. 7.80 a. m. GOING NORTH. .'opemish & Toledo R. P.O. 7.30 a. m. 8.30 a. m. Express Pouch from Toledo... 1.15 r. M. Express Pouch from Toledo 5.45 p. i Express Poueh from Ura nia,Mich 5.45 P. M. GOING 8OUTH. Express Pouch to Toledo 7.20 A.M Expresa Pouch to Milan 7.20 a. m New York & Chicago R. 1'. O. Train 11 11.30 A. M Express Pouch to Toledo 11.30 A Jí. Express Pouch to Urania 11.S0 A.M JExpress Pouch from Durand & East Saginaw R. P.0 12.10 i'. K. Copeniish & Toledo R. P. 0 8.00.P.M. 7.30 a m. MESSENGER SERVICE: .Mail leavea for Weiusburgh, Tuesdays and Saturdaya 12.00m. Mail arrivés from Weinslmrgh, Tuesdavs and Saturdaya 5.45 P.M. Muil arrivés from IHxboro and (eer, Tnesdays.Thursdaysand Saturdays, 11.00 a.m. Mail lejivt's for Dlxboro and Geer, Tueedays.Thursdaysand Saturdays, 12.00 M. EDGENK E. BEAL, .4ifn Arbor, Mich., October, 1891. PoatmasU r. The fall field day Avill be diepensed ■witli tliis year. Sec the great pyramid of flour at St. Thomas fair. Etev. Fr. Fierle has been visiting nis old pariah during the week. Mrs. Chas. s. F,-iH is entertainlng Mrs. Flint, of X.Avport. MiCh. Lottie Medarls, while running last Friila.v, fel] and brnkr lier arm. TIh'it is to !;■ au examinatlon for teachers at Manchester on Friday, Oct. 8Oth. Mr. and Mrs. ].. (iruncr entertain'■il Mr. and Mrs. Qeorge Osius over Sunday. Miss May Breakey, on Thursday evenlng, gave .! tea party for Miss Clara Maek. Miss Mary WYUlenniaim, oí Aun Arbor town. is vleitlng frtenda Portland, Oregon. Orla Tayl-or, who studled law in this city. iiiiw living in Detroit, was marrled last werk. Mrs. Milo Pulcipher lias been enbertalning Mrs. Seymour and Mrs. Drak oí Marshall, d uring the week. The ladics of' t!ic Prestyterlan Caurch ar;' to gtve a. t.'a and social Thursdaj eveulng al 6 o'clock p. m. All iuviU'd. Prof. Emil Baür has received S new varleties of Btrawberrles for experimental purposes t'rom Prof. Ca R. Tatt, of the Agrieultural College at IyansiuK. The Ann Arbor & Ypsilanti St. R. 1!. .'o. hope to build an extonsiou on Washington st., Ypsilanti, at once, ajld sivo the people. of that city horme carw. Mr. I'. (i.. Suekey returncd from nis Btay in Eu.rope last Friday cvcjiing. He wafi met at the depot by a bjind and welcomecl warmly back ag'ai.n by his friends. Welch Post G. A. R. are talkiiiK abourt the next state encampment to be held ia. Ann Arbor, and propose to make it one of the most enjoyable times for the old soldier boys ever held In the city. It requires a vast aniount oí Christian fortitude on the part of coal deaelrs, to meet and satlsfy the tremendous rush for coal during the first chilly days of October. The only sensible way few the buyer to have hLs or her eoa.l dellvered is to order it a tYw days or weeks belOre needd. Mcmtlily meeting of the Washtenaw Hortitiltural Society, Nov. 7th, at 2 p. m., in the court house. Topics: "Which is our best fruit market V Is fruit and vegetable growing overdone in our connty V Reports of coinniittees. Kxhibit of fruit, vegetables and flowers. All lovers of liorticulture are cordially tavited. Peter Grogan, of AVhitmore Lake, had a srnall branvli wlth 15 apples of the BaldwLa vartety packed on eo solid that one could not see the ich. Tha.t la pretty liard to beat ín the apple business James Donoi. oí the nortb sidc, thinking it quite a curosity. brought it to this Office for our inspectlOQ. One thouxand useful articles it the fnir in the rink. Mina Anna Flynn was the guest of friends in Ypsilanti over Sunday. Chas. E. Hiscock has to Texas, on a trip combining business and pleasure. "Blind Boone," the great musical fïeniiw, is coming! Ann Arbor people will have a treat Nov. 9th. Roy, the six years oíd son of Clay G-ooch, of Pontiac st., died Kunday of diphtheria. There were 2,608 poiuids of mail matter delivered by the letter carriers in this city last week. The special dellvery boy at the post office receeived ten, letters by this morning's mail for delivery. The game between the Oberlin and T7. of M. foot buil teams Saturday remilted in a score of 26 to 6 in favor of the U. of M. George M. Haas, of Ann Arbor town, died Sunday evenlng, after a continued illness. His funeral services were held yeeterday p. m. The Junior Gtattd, of the M. K. S. S. will be giveu a mu&ical cvening this weck, at th ■ usual time and place. It is hoped that all will be present at 7 o'clock. The B. M. Q's are ia good (Iemand this evening. They will sing at the M. E. fhureh iu the early part of the evening, and later at the Cntholic fair at the rink. The sophomore ladies, of the literary department, gave thelr animal spread to the freshmen ladies of the literary departmont, Friday evening. It was a pleasant attair. The foot ba 11 game Saturday, at Ypsilanti, between the Normal school boys and the Ann Arbor high school club, resulted iu favor of the Ann Arbor boys by a score of 30 to 4. Inspcct the ornamental and beau.tiful artieles for sale or raffle at thue Catholic fair in Palace rink. Open every evening during the remalnder of October. Refreehjnents every evenlng. A story writ'.eu hy Mrs. E. ('raft Cobera and piiblished in the issue of the Epworth Leagu ■ of two weeks ago, was copied into tin1 Chrlstian Herald, (Baptist), of Detroit, Ias1 e, k. Rev. H. Tatlock, rector of St. Andrew's church, S. V. Beakee and Geo. H. Pond, delegates to the convention of the Brotherhood of Si Andrcw, returned from St. Louis, JIo., Mnnüay noon. Tliere will be an entertainment at the high school cliapel on Friday evening, which will include a readlng of Silas Manier by Mrs. Trueblood, and mulcal seleections by Miss Cole and Miss Edwards. Mrs. Thos. G. Birllngame present - ed to each mcmler of the board of supervisors, Mouday, a large photograph of the flowers at Mr. Buiiingame'a funeral services, on which was ateo -a picture of Mr. Burlingame. The organ concort on Saturday evening, at the Congregatlonal church, was a pi asant affair. Prof. Stanley was aseisted by Mrs. Bulkl;y, Prof. Kempf, Mr. Bilbie, and the choir of the Congregatlonal church. The audience were greatly dellghted. The Ladiee' Llbrary Associatlon wish to express to Prof. Stanley, Mis. ISulkley and Mr. Bilbie thcir wincere t luniks and appreciation of their kindnesa in asslstlng them to reduce their deiit by the concert giren at the Congregatlonal church on Saturday evening. At the l'nity Club next Monday evening, Dr. Víctor ('. Vaughan, of this City, will give a paper on "A Study of Pure Science," . and Miss M. Briggs will give some recitations. There will also be a musial program, the subject matter of which i mu v ! annoanced. There vere two very large congrega.tions at the M. E. chiu-ch Sund-.y las't, and the iieople were greatly pleasid with what they heard. The first Bible stiuiy upon the "Wit and Humor of the Bible," at the evening service, w.-is i-ertainly a success. The subject of the second study will be "Acrostlcs, Anagrama and Pubs." The okl organ of t,he PreBbyterian church wra.s taken down and snlpped to Detroit la.st week. Mrs. Sa.ckett, of Hmon st,., who presented her valnable city property to the Tappan guild, Avill present to the church, a. uew i)i4-,000 organ which will take the place of the old one. The uew organ is expected in about two months, and is being built by Farra nd & listee, of Detroit, and wiH be one of the best in the state. Will Worden was in town the past few days preparing to take np lus residence in San Francisco, where he will eoigage in the manufacture of drugs with his brother, C. E. J. T. Jacobs is in Texas on a business trip. Mrs. P. Bnch has gone to Connecticut for a visit of several weeks. James E. Darla and Dr. Jack, the Detroit drug manufacturera, were the guests of .1. J. Goodyear last Wednesday. The eighteentli annual district meet Ing of the Woman's Foreign Missionary Society, of the M. E. chureh will he held in this city on this and tomorrow evenings. Thás p. m. the ehildreiis meeting will be addressed by Dr. Meta Howard, returned missionary from Corea, wli.o will also deliver an address 1lijs evening. Tomorrow .iftirnoon Mrs. K. Craft OolKrn and other ladies will address the convention and in the evening Etev. e. M. Coi)om will speak upon "The Romance of Egyptiaa Miselona." The public are invited to attend the sessions. Randall's holiday opening uext week.
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier