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SPECIAL SALE! OF CLOAES! POR LADIES. MISSES, AND CHILDREN. SHAPELY, 8TYLISH OARMENT8. LOWPRICES AND LARG EST STOCK. rife-' 'lililí %i 'l' i I ' ■ PP; . Cl'iíuiG'ttftuH Ladies' Jackets $4. $5, $7, $9 and $10. Ladies' Capes $10, 12, 14 and $18. Misses Jackets $3 50 $4.50, $6 and if8. Misses Newmarkets $3, $4, $5, to $15. Fur Trimmed Cioaks a Specialty 100 Pairs 'White and Gray Blankets at 75c a pair. 5O Bed Comfortables, worth $1.25 at 75c. One Case Shaker Flannel at 5c a yrd. Ladies don't forget Our Great Sale of Silks at 25c and 50c a yard SCHIER k MILLEN, LEADERS OF LOYV PRICES AND ALWAYS THE CHEAPEST. CUT GLA88 Art Ohiech CROWN MILANO, Ml l UUIülilö ROYAL FLEMI8H, ! ROY Al. and WORCESTER, D0DLTON' I Tableware and many others. may be seen at RANDALL'S Holiday Opening next week. 30 E. Huron St. - Ann Arbor GRAND OPERA HOUSE ONE NIGHT ONLY FHiöftï Oei 30 Mr. H. T. Thoicpson's Gprgeoua Production of the Kealistic Powerfdl Comedy Drama THE MIDNIGHT ALARM ! Original In coustruction, thrilling in actiou. Interspersed by a full oompanv of METROPOLITAN AKTISTS.' Gorgeons Costumes. Thousands of dollars invested in Mcchnnical and Scenlc Effects. NEW YORK WHARF SCÈNE Showing famous Brooklyn Bridge, Statute of of Liberty, and City of Brooklyn in the dlstance. Genuine Fire Engine drawn by two spirited horses. Sceuery used in the original New York Prodnction. Prices, - 35, 50, 75 ets. BLANKETS! o Cold weather calis for Blankets, are you supplied ? If not, a glance at E. F. Mills & Co. 's Blanket Window will surely repay you. Blankets in every grade. Good Blankets such as you pay $1.00 a pair for at 89 cents. Fine Blankets to be found only at our store at $7 00, $9.00 and $12.50. Our Special " Santa Barbara Blanket," made up of pure wool, handsomely trimmed, new designs in the borders, fine enough for anyone, only $9, although it would be considered cheap in any other store at $10. o E, F, MILLS & CO., 20 SOUTH MAIN STREET. REPORT OF THE 00NDITI0N OF THK FABMEES' J) Jj M W iEsoxi.iÑrics' U n 11 II AT ANN ARBOR, MICH. At the close of business, Sept. 25, 1891. BESOl'RCES. Loans and dlseounts $249,7(17 93 Stocks, bonds, mortgages, etc 87,746 07 Overdrafts. 2,89108 Due from bnnks in reserve cities 96,783 "1 Duo from Washtemuv C'ouuty 27,578 82 Bills in transit Ij Kurnituru and fixtures ' 3.000 00 Current expenaea and taxespaid 776 19 Interest paid 1,820 83 Checks and cash items 1,050 01 Nickels aud pennies 221 2ii Gold 5.717 10 Silver 1.2I..I M) U. S. and National Bank Notes 10,4; 00 Total $428,587 14 I.IABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $ 50,000 00 Surplus fuud 10,000 00 ündlvlded proflts 12. Individusl l)eposits 118,616 50 Certlflcatee of Deposits 177 Savlnga deposits 51L16 66 Duc to bank and bunkers 8408 81 Total $423,587 14 BTATB OF MICHIGAN, j CODNTT OF WA8HTENAW, ( sa' I, b'. II. BELSER, Cashier, of the i Damed liank, lo BOlemnly swear that ttir abovE tatement is true, to the best of my knowledge Sndbeliff. F. H. BELSER, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this lst day of October, 1891. WILLIAM W. WHBDON. N'olary l'ulilic. Coeeect- Attesl : Ambrose Cearney, Junius E. Beal, Chas. E. G reene. Directora.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier