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In order to learn if tbpre h.-ul teen juny advaiiee in the price oí woolen iïoods this fall because of the Increased ta riff nu these artlclea on account of the McKinley bill, a reporter ïor The Tribune called on Wayne DeForrcst. in cliarge of this departmeni at Kdson. Moore & CO.'S. When askeil as to the relative price tllis year and last Mr. DeFoarrest said: "Evéry article of hmnan wear iu woolen goods is sokl for loss money tlian it was one year aso, or beióre the McKinley bill went uto effect." "How do you account for tliLs ?" "We buy Otir goode at home instead of abrond thte year and competltlón has made them cheaper." "But are they ae good ?" "Better in quality and far better made. American nfachinery is better tlian that rused abroad. Here are Borne of the fiiiest woolen shawls you ever saw. Tlio.v saul in Bngland Ili.H thjBy could not 1k% made itere. They are better tlian the EugUsh niake. are KOkl cheaper, and are better lookiill.U'." "üinv about woolen underu are '."' "Cheaper than it was last year and better made. Here, ïor instauce, is a wonian's all wool flannel skü-t. It i-i warni and neat; last year il was vetailed at $1.25. Xow it can be sold for more profit to tlw retaüer for $1. I couM go through the entire stook and show you reductions on ëvêry artlcle of wearlng apparel." "tkx's it affect the ffoods worn by the laboring classes ?" "Ves, look at this shirt for instance. A linen Imsdin, re.inforced back. best white cotton and it retalle for 48 cents. Can jou ask moire ?" "But it has no pearl buttons." "Ilifiht you are. The duty prohibited the Importation of pearl buttons when this shirt was made, but it lias a better, stronger button than ever. A factory here in Detroit lias started up since the McKinley bill went imto force, and it already employs 200 persons and will soon employ as many more. Marshall Field, of Chlafgo, put in the first order with this factory, and Edson, Moore & Co. the second." "Then, after a year's trial, what do you find as the result of the McKinley bill ?" ''That i-t has reduced the pi-ices of clothinï to the consumer; that vaal sums of money sent abroad have been spent at home; that the character of the American product has iniproved; that nciv manufactures heretofore unknown have sprung into existence here; that the competition has kept down the price of goods and in the end it will compel foreign nations to come over here. buy uur machinery and adopt uur methode in order to compete with uu at all." Xo man in the United States is betblood only in color. There is often the practical effects of the McKinley bill. He is one of the largest buyers


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier