ONB JSlVJOY Both the method and resulta when Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant and refreshing to tbe taste, and acts gently yet promptly ou the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the system effectually, dispels colds, headaches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever produced, pleasing to the taste and acceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c and SI bottles by all leading druggists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand rill procure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any eubstitute. CALIFORNIA FG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO CAL. tOUISVILLE, KV. NEW YORK, N.Y. Vjhe Bestand Purest Medicine JIïh. EVER MADE. I '■ iö%vTtwi" '1riv0 thc Ilumorfromyourljl ïl 4u V %k.6yum and make your skin gil !o' J: (rj clc:in and Bmooth. ThoseB 8 r 'ö TjJoL Pimples and BlotchcH jj ra)J ''■ vyditehmax your licautypn til . "Ï3 Ca 4 . O.are cauBca by impur'eM 1% '' , % %fLblood, añil can be[B %. ■■-,, % 'o% . Ltlme, If you arel I %'■ Vo A 's 'ZSkpl Kreatl I ■ sraall- oiityateaVt;.. ■ i.%IJ j spoonful. -V ó J . ffl best and cheaiK-sr. $ . v-lll medicine. Try 't, anJ%, % (?J„ g g 1 youv ! v% t -t 2 Get it ol your Dmgglit. Jj, Don'tWait. G;írfAroNOElk B If yon sre Blfferlng from Khl-k il I ney Disease, and wlsh to Uve to 819 la ge, ose srrj'iiru bixïeks. KI acure. s t''' Send 3 2-cent stimps t A. I'. Ovlwar & Co., Boston. Mo ifoi ■ ! nWii hedí Ï3EAL & POND, INSURWCE IGí Couricr Office, 41 anti 43 North Wain St , i Successors to C, )'. M Uien.) The oldcst agenpy in the city. listublished over a anarter of a eentury . seuting the followin flrst-Mass eonipuuies, with over $èÖ.OOTT.rti)O fapifal aml AVsets. Home Ins. (o., of New York. V„. Continental Ins. Co., "f N w York. Xi.v(..u:a Ins. (.'o., of New Vork. Ciilm-.i. ]-:s. e...., ' Philadelphia. Okif.xt Ixs. Co., of Hurtford. Commekcial Unios, of ondon LlVEEPOOL, I.ONDUN illlll (ÍI.OP.K. Rates Low as the Itwest. twïk Lilically Adjasted and pntmptl; I'.iid BESÜL, & POIffD. mÊiÈutÊKP ■ NEW and muderftil. Panlrulanflri ll.IIullelt.V o.,ltx HWI'(,illaini,J!uiHj ■ ■ ■ Ml Bk " AX AKESIS " (fivcs Instant lig nln?li.'f w sim ntallible Ijl L, Vk CureforlMles. Prlce$l. By tf ■ " kDrugiiistsormail. Samples I ■■frc.Ao:dross"ANAKKiI8, H ■ BB Ea Vfiux :-'üi.;, Netv York City. MAKINC A BEAUTIFUL HOME IS not a (uestion of money. Taste, experlence and ifcil] have nmcli to lo with lt. If you lntend to butld, :t wlll be ii austake not to hi'ihI fur our books of Sknsiblk I.ow-rosT HoTTBBS. DOW arranti'i In threé volumu8. In tÏH'jn you will tlnd pcrsptictfve views, floor plans dL'scrlitiions, and t'stimates of costs for Iü5 iasteal, neic üexiyn for houses. Tlu-y also give our piices for complete Working Plan. Details, and SprcIncatlons, wlnch enablt you to build without delajfê mixtik or qitarrels with your Imlldcr, and whicÉ any onecan uruterstand Good bailders reccomend thcee plans. Testimoniáis froin all parta of the c(nuiiry. Vol. I contiiins ;.'i cqpyrlffhted (Icslyns of Iioubos costina between 93QQ umi ism. Vol. Il coïitains Í6 copyrfKlitiMl drslf;nH. 18Ü0 totSOOO. Vol. III contalns 35copyrÍKhicil desiRns, motu fiWOO. Prlce, by mail, $l AH) eWi, or 18.00 for the set. We also publUh ■vim.oni AL HOUSES," a volume showiiiK Perspefttivea and Floor Mana of liouses arranffcd In thi; Inimitable síyle of the Colonial Architectun;, und having all modern urraiiKcmcuts for comfon. Prlce ri.flO PICTURE8QUK HOÜSES FOK FORE8T AND SHOIïK:- Tbls shows ('orspcctlvea and Floor Plans of new clcsiKnsfor Suinmer CottaKi'w, whlch are roniaritic, convL'nliint, and clieap. Prícetl.üO by muil AddresB NATIONAL ARGHITEGTS'UKION, laOH. Si.vcnll] I'lilladelphla, st.. Pa. SAW MILLS, ENOI NES, Improved Variable Frictlon Fecd. Seud for catalogue and special prices. A. B. FARQl'HA CO., York, P
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