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TJSEDR.CRAIG'S ORIGINAL K1DNEY AND LiïER GURE Crown Piasters and Pilis. They are only Safe Remedies to n-=e for those afflicted with Brishfs Disease, l.iver Complaint and Urinary Affections. Only those prepared in the dry foi:m are the original and the only Kidney and Llver Cnre that wlll restore you to perfect health. ALJ LADIE8 D8E o. ie. 3FL. j. SOLD BT ALL DEÏÏGaiSTS. THE CRAIG MEDICINE CO. l'-VSïi.-VIC, 3ST. J. 150 DOSES ONE DOLLAR. )No more i SBB Babber 8hoes nnless wora ■ancomfortably tljrht genaralljr illp off the feet ---. THE 'COLCHESTER" EUBBER CO. i-iake all their shoes wlth ln11 of heel llned wlth nibbtr. Thls clines to the ihue and prcveuu the rubber trom allpping off. Ca'J for the - Colchertir " "ADHESIVE COUNTERS." FOK SALE BY WM. ALLABY, L. GRUNER, JOHN BURG, W, REINHART&CO. DOTY & FEINER, A. D.SEYLER & SON ANN ARBOR. MHangsierfer's FOR Wallace's N. Y. Chocolates and Marshmellows. Kuhn's Detroit Creams and Bon Bons. The Finest Line of Candy in the City. CARAMELS, Cl. r JES, OPERA CREAMS, BUTTEIU l I's MADE Fresh Evory Day. ÏÏAHGSTERFER'.S MlGHIGAN ClITgAL " The Niágara Falls Route:' Time table taking effect June 7, 1891. CHICAGO TO DETROIT. STATI'S. '= i;1 '- -. M Sri "3M j BW j W gH H a A.M A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. A.M. Chicago. Lv. 7 0Ö 9 00 12 20 3 10 9 3 1Ü 10 Kala'oo. 1155 2 171353 7 00 2 17 380 9 40 17 4 40 6 15 9 05 ea. .. 3 6a 5 30 7 10 9 42 1'fXter 4 14 5 45 7 25 9 55 P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. A. M. A. M. Aun A'r 442 5 20 6 22 945 605 7151010 Yösll'ti I 5 08 540 .. . :■ 18 1032 w'e Je 15 27 . . 6 47 i 8 35 10 50 De't ....Ar. 6 15 C 45 7 20 10 45 7 30 1 9 20 10 25 DETROIT TO CHICAG O . - . c . bc . . . c TT STATIONS. '3 H gM JK fi OM J g G-1 ö w zj gm u A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. P. M. Detroit. .Lv. .8 20 7 40 120 8 00 9 25 9 15 4 4S WayneJ'u.. 9 00 38 954 5 19 lpsllantl... 922 825 2 05 900... .1015 5 40 A.M A.M P.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. AnnArbor.. 9 35 8 39 2 19 ;) IS 10 19 10 30 5 52 gextet 9 55 945 .. 607 Chelsea. .. 10 !U .... 9 58 618 Jacksou ... 11 001 9851 8 1411040 II 15 1146 6 55 Kalamazoo.. 2 05 11 50 5 Ooi 1 00 12 55 2 17 9 30 Chicago. Ar. 7 55 3 55j 9 00j li 50 4 50 8 05]1115 G. W. RTJGGLES, H. V. HAYES, G.P. fc T. Agt„ Chicago. Agt., Anu Arbor NEW TIME TA8LE. Toledo, Ann Arbor and Nortn Michigan R'y. GOIXG XORTH. No. 2.- Tlirouph Malí and Express 7 40 a. m. 4.- Ann Arbor & Toledo Aceom 11 20 p. m 6.- tiara Passenger 5 05 p.m. GOIXG SOUTH. Xo. 1.- Clare A Toledo Aceommodation 11 30 a m 3.- Throuiih Mail 9 20 p. m. 5.- Anji Arbor fe Toledo Accom 7 20 a. m. All traína daily except Sunday. Tranü4aud ö run bctween Aun Arbor and Toldo only. W. H. Bennett, G. P. A. K. S. Grkenwood, Agt. XlUllCOL WUI&! Me by earnest men aud women. He fv.rn.isk the enpital.' If you mean business, drop Ufa a card and get some facts that will open your eyes' A legitímate line of goods, and ho'nest men wanted to introduce them in town and country Dan't Waitl Address at once, P O Box 649, Cincinnati.O. LUMBÊR! LUMBER! LUMBER! If yon contémplate building, cali at FERDON'S EB ÏABD ! orner Fourth nnd Depot 8t8., and pot our figures lor all kinds of LUMBER! Ve manufacture our own Lamber and riuirantee VERY LOW PRICES V&-('ive iis n eall and we will makelt to (mr interest, is our large and well graded (pek f 11 11 y sustains our aisertlon, 'i:K'[ihone onnectlons wltfa i T J. KEBCHupt. JAMES TOLBSKT Proy


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