A. L. Noble
Jl 1DID Tflü MISS TOUR PPORTIIMTY A ff 11 ui in muil m ii ei uidut. yr L S?3Ö? NOTHING NEED PREVENT ONE-HALF OF WASHTENAW COUNTY unJ&á'. 'öA TASTOS fclJFFFR, OLOTHED AT 'tÍom LRcjt ro 57yi?ll. WE PLEASE THEM ALL, 'V)r HT THENIAU THE STAR GUN1 HOUSE ! Aryc Arbor, Micliar. We have the G-oods. We have peculiar facilities for making prices. Having purposely visited the Eastern Market after the rush was over, we purchased goods upon our own terms. We had wonderful success. Wholesalers were overloaded. We relieved them saving customers $2.00 to $5.00 on every garment. Our Saturday Sale was a HummerI It was a grand success. More clothing was sold for the money than was ever heard of before. ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY OVERCOATS AND ULSTERS, (150) from the Wagner purchaseall desirable styles- still going at one-quarter off f rom regular price. Everybody remembers our June Oyclone. LOOK OUT FOR THE DCTOBER AI NOVEMBER WHIRLWINDS ! They are coming your way. We are offering splendid inducements in Suits at $10.00, $12.00 and $15.00--goods way out of sight of the ordinary Suits sold elsewhere. But we are determined to give everyone the rarest bargains going, so AS A SECOND FLYER, we have selected ONE HUNDRED SUITS f100)- good value at marked prices-and IN THEY GO FOR $8.67-$8.67, that figure may cover cost of cloth and trimming, making and profit not being counted. These are in part from the Wagner purchase, Winter Weights, goods laid aside after our June rush, and just opened to CRÉATE A CLOTHING SENSATION. BUT OUR CHIEF PRIDE IS TAILORMADE SUITS AND OVERCOATS in all the popular shades and shapes. These surpass the best Merchant-Tailoring in style and workmanship. IN THE CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT, we will mention one leader in each line- Children's Suits $1.79. Boys' Suits $2.50. both worth two or three times as much. Ask also to see our Ohildren's Suits at $2.50, $4.00 and $5.00, G-reat value, if the people look to their own interests. A CASE OF UNDERWEAR worth 50 ets. per garment, closed out at less than one-third of original cost, reduced during this sale to 29 ets. Nothing in xhe city can touch it in value. ANOTHER DRIVE is our $1.00 White Shirts, plain and pique bosom- selline: rapidly- now on the third lot- only 69 ets. Efsrf Department is Cmicl to Sificitin and ittiii to ünload. fWí IKr rrï)U'U t Take advantage of fine weather and good roads. Come at once to the STAR rg3rel,T WW lf n HOUSE, Ann Arbor, and gather the ripe fruit of 1 III JIJ (LJ) M j choice goods and rare bargains. 1.& MjJk f This Case will be ven y on when jmt CASH parchases amonts to $20.00. Leading Clothier and Hatter, 35 S. Main St.
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier