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Yout coinniii ld' appolnted to exmui' th ■ aeooutri 9 ol the superlnten,l nis of Le poor respe -t LVely repon t ■,■! 1 1 iiey I1.1 v.' examlned 1 he s.-iiil accounts and fLnl them correct. We dei lire I o tinnk 1 He superlntendenta and loeep ofr eo-urtesles extended wliiV dolng uur work. M. .1. IIOWAUII. THOMAS SPEECHLEY. LE8TEB H. BWBETLAND. The liiis Por depoetts and overdrafte were opemed, as foilows: Ann Arbor Savlngs Baak, deposite '■' per cent., overdrafts, 6 peï cent.; Farmer's and Mechandc's Bank, deposita, 3 1-10 per ui., overdrafts, 3 1-2 per cent. Mr. Howard moved th-at the Mtla of the Parmer'e and Mechanic's Bank bf.' ace pted. Caerted. Sniil bid is ;ik follows: Ann Arbor, Oct. 21st, L891. Wc wi'll p.-i.v three and one-tenth per r .■ui . on all balancea and charge tive and one-hall p cent. 011 all overdrafte. tatereal to be computed on cl., i : n balances and payable on the fir-i days oï January and July. Youi-s v'i-v Iruly, F. H. BEL.SER. Cash'r. Mr. Bennett, from commtttee on criminal claims No. 2, reported tlie foilowtág billa approved as stal W.P.Beach, lustloe- - 41 .'9 S781 M. M.Uiuipbell, constable - 8858 J .Jam, h 11 Knton " - 284 Knoeh.I. Co.ik, wltnesa 1 -■ 4 ? II, nj 8. Lee " - - : ' '■; crneul Rberbacli " 85 TllusFHutzel " 5 f5 ut o. J. btoll " - - 85 '& a-;i c. Allen " 8S 52 ■ ace ric-e " - - '■' BurtFail " - - 86 John Clancy " - UeoKnoU " - - 89 Kusaunali Knoll " 86 86 I. Colllna " 48 48 rhas. M. Stonp " -- :"; Uhas. Cole " 4 4S 1'. V. Met 'abe " 48 4s Kute Kinsl.y " 25 -2 Henry fc. Kolil, wltness 180 1 P. W. McUabe " 96 HO Uhas Wbeeler " 4S 4K W.i; snuw, Juror 60 in) A.D.Seyler " ' ■' Brnest hberbaob, Juror 5J ■ W. II. Moliityre, " 60 -'u Hinry Mattbews " öü oO Chas Uaidlner " s" ■ Maggte Barse, wltnesa 48 48 Wllllam liurke " 68 W Edward Eberbacb Juror 5 Kredliruwii ' -' I. Qruner " 50 Fred llulm " 5U M August Bacbbua " 60 i-rank Camplon " 50 50 C ;'uiur. wltne8 r' S2 N. Garllngbouge,wltness 85 f6 Bertba W agner, " ___■„. -■ 8ó George Wugner " 85 8o Leab Qoul3 " 480 John Conde " -is UiiMave Jiuhii ■ W Win l-'i.-y ' 48 Jas. iviuiray " )s W. C.dobaier ■■ 85 :!i " 4S K W. F. Bussel, Juror M 5 Qeo. W. Brown " 50 50 .]. W. limit ' 50 ö'i Wm.J. Bowen " 60 50 W. O. ' 6U 50 A.A. Terry " tO 60 Tillie Hample wltness 1 18 1 18 Elizabetli Hample " I 18 118 Mlnnie üosey " 2( -188 Win. Schleede " 48 -IS chas. Klala " 86 Win. Lul. " Cbas. Uosey " 1 'M 188 Report accepted and adopted. Mr. Miner moved to reconslder the rate by iii,-h the bill of Geo. H. Jackson was ordered pald and thai une be recommitted t-o the proper commli I e. Carried. Mr. Bretnlng ofterod the followlng: Wliereas, onder the provlslons of r! N'o. onc hundred and nlne (10Ö) Oessd-on Laws of the year one thoueand eight lmndrod and nlnety-one (1801), tjhe county of Washtenaw te entitled to (wn (2) repreeentatlves In tiH state legllatare, therefore be it Resolved, Tliat tlie county of Washtpnaw be dividod into two representative ili-i i-icts to consist of the iollowing terrltory, to-wlt: The townniiips of Salem, Northfleld, Webster, Dextpr, I.yndon, Sylvan, Lima, Bclo, AAn Arbor, Preedom and t,hi' eity ol Ann Arbor s'hall constituí ■ DisNo. 1, populatlon L'1,717. and bo-wnships ol Superior, Ypsilanti, PittBÏi 'ld, Lodl, Bharon, Mam-!.. Bridgewatcr, Saline, Lórk, Augusta and the city of Ypsilanti shall eonstitute Representattve District No. 2, population 20,493. Oarrled. Mr. (üli)ii offered the lollowlng: Whereas, James Kearns, the duly appointed ageni ol thls board, dld attend the meeting of the state board o! equalization and performed very satisfactory service, succeeding In reduclng the equallzatlon of thls eounty. llierefiire, Resolved, Tha1 he be pald -15-". per d.iy actual cash e;iensi-s for such gervlce. Carried, The committee on civil claims reported the foUowlmg bilis approved as stated: Dr. John Kapp, Insane Case $8 00 800 E. A. Clark; " " 800 800 Repori acoepted and ndoptod. The amount to bií charged to .Tackson eounty, Adjourned until 11 a. m. to-morrow. AlFRED DAVENPOBT, Cha'n. ARTHUB BROWN, Clerk. Oetober 28rd, 1891. Board met al 11 a. ui. Quorum present. Journal was read and npproved. Mr. DePuy, trom oommH tee on erim nal claims No. i. reportad the lollowing liills :i as slatcd: Clalmed. AJlowed ZinaBuok, dep. sheriff, $20816 19836 Paul Schal!. ' " "7 01 146 96 Chauncey Hummel " 886S Chas. Dwyer.sherlff 5160 6160 Report accepted and adoptcd. Mr. Qilbert . ïrom commlttee on criminal claims No. -, roportcd Ijills as approved as statcd: Clalmed. AHowed. JayM."Wood. constable ?45 6i) IS60 Chas. ! - 22 5(! 22 60 Chas. Boot, " 125 F. p. Bogardus, jnstlce 1 1085 14083 Qeo.W. BroWD, constable l ;" 178 Henry UeFurze, ury, 50 W. B.Soott, " 50 Frank Banéhart, " BO Jas. C. DeMosh, " 50 W C. A. ■■ '■ t!0 50 O. .. Sarany, " M 20 Jas. !■:. Kelly, witncss 8 63 .1. M. Farley, " 8 76 John Tanman. " J. Frank Smlth, " is J8 .nu BUfk, ' H 48 .1. A. Burtls, " 48 48 öuv h'letcher, " -w 48 J. B. Wort!.V, " 4M 48 HiramJ Knapp, ís 48 Mis. .1 F.Saunder, " 48 48 A. J. Bullivan, " 48 4S Cié W. KsBllnger, '■ 48 48 Zlna Un. k. " 48 48 Fred Ijinib, jury 50 5 Edgar niorn, " 50 SO Bol Ostra n der " 50 fO Frank Ktowell, ■' 5U 50 Peter Bourke, " 50 50 j. m. Piersous, " 50 5u LetlaSmlth, wltness 48 48 Mrs. Win. Toiisey, " 48 48 Anii;i líovee, " 48 Jacob Lambert, '8 Stephen ilutchlnson, " 48 David Kdwards, " 48 48 James II. Ealun, " John Scheinold, " W ■' Ueo. Qaudy, jury 60 50 líeo. Anert, " l W. K. Davis, " "0 Tohn Burtls, " "u 'M Iras. Davis, " :" J8 3umner Damon, " 50 scar Westfull wltness. 48 f. Clinton Cady, " 4S 48 lame Kideout, " 48 48 Ueo, Baria, " 48 4S Ohas. Kexford Jny BU r.o Geo. Anert. " ■■ Geo. Barnes, " 50 oO Chas. Westfall, " M Frank Lamble, '■ M r" lohn Norton, " 50 -iO I. Frank Smith, wltness 43 IS Zina Buck, " 48 48 Abram E. Butler, " 1 16 1 I ti Isaac Davis, u ls 4 Krau JI. Johnson, " 1S Walter E. Fisk, " 48 48 (ro. Hopktus, " 48 48 i 'lias. Burt, ary 100 1 0(1 John Ubi, " 100 100 AlbertTold, " 1 01 John Renter, " l W 1 'W Üb s. fctoger, " 1 mi 1 iw T. B. McCollum, " ' "0 JobnBrown, witness 7.j ro Frank Howell, ' "' 75 . Marshall " ": ' ' J.H. Martin, " -75 lo Jas. McCane, " 75 75 J.P. Kirk, " ■ 15 ,5 John Ourny, " 76 8. H. Perkius, justice 1310 13 10 Eteport ai cepted and adopted. Mr. Oesterlln, írom commlttee on civil claims, reported bilis approved as stated: Claimed. Allowed. M. J. Cftvanaugh, Btatlonary and post age ! 4987 1985 Short and Karman, Btatlonary and potítnge S2 Olí 32 00 ,T. A. Folliemus. spiinkling 20 00 Dis'wed 3&yS'!laSUMl:. 20000 S00O0 Howlettand Brown,certtfloategl8 5l) 150 John '. Harnett, uttendance probate oourt 20) 200 Dr. John Kuapp, attendance at j.,il 15 00 1600 Dr. Johñ'kapp " li 100 Dr. ). M. Tyler, " 4 00 4 00 Dr O E Pratt. expert testimony 1840dls'owd V. M. WbIcIi school supplies, 15 00 dislowd Reporting Mortgaget. Register W. R. Branoh 100 1 OH Wni. II. lügelow 770 7 00 " H.C. Hinckley 11 40 dislowd Stephen Klohardson,... 10 " Cha., líooser 280 280 Jas. Baldwln l dislowd " Alfri-il I Vmiu 370 15(1 H. A. lay álO li Jas. H. Hepoorn 40 10 I. H. Wiokwire 340 lo O F. Penny 7 20 1 hl II. L. Skinñer '( ' 30 A. II. üeddes 220 1 LotNevIna 560 ygan County 80 30 r. l'. Frempe 10 lo s I' st John B0 dislwd W. Aldrioh 20 10 W. T. l'itt 1 10 1 10 Eugene I Rose 1320 dislwd A. F.Zeiter 1 20 10 F. J. Bendlct. íiü dislwd JohnA. Heamea 300 350 I. A White -. 10 380 M. W.Newkirk 20 20 E. C. Herendeer. 10 10 Wm. H. Bylvester lo 10 S. H.Watson 90 20 VV.Still 0 dislwd C. W. Ingraliam 1 t0 40 C. E. Townsend 1200 loo .las K. Wright lOdislwd A. .I. Northrup 290 1 U0 A P. Hard y 10 00 B0 Jolin B. Handy 100 SO L. S. Holllday S50 50 A. A Halcomb 70 diswd A. C. Friable 1080 50 A. W.Smlth 3 10 40 F. W. Lamphere 6 40 dislwil .las. lL'Irsloil 1811 20 Boraoe Wllooz 360 20 Chas, (l Jarm:m.., 10 dislwd Chas. K. Carter B) 10 L. Geo. don 10 00 0 70 Report accepted and adopted. The commlttee also reported without recommendation, the bilí of Geo. H. Jnekson. On motion of Mr. Porsyth, the same waa allowed as claimed, $53.25. Mr. Forsyth moved tliat the. ra te of board at Ypsilantl lock-up, ior county prisoners, lx: fixed at 25 cents per meal and i'." cents for lodging. Carrted. Mr. lïiibi reported per dlem md mileage: On motion of Mr. Hughes, the report was accepted and adopted. On motion of Mr. Van Slekle, the board adjourned to meet In adiourn'd session on Monday, Ootober 20th, a i 2 p. in.


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