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good io;)'.-' all over the utate, regard...

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good io;)'.-' all over the utate, regardl?ss of party, wlll v.'j.k-e vit)i the good people of Detroit in their victory for flecerui govrament in t'.iat ■city yetfterday. Mayor Pingree and the cutiré republican ticket was elected. Republicana carrii'cl li o'.it oí 10 -.viinlK on. aldennen. ühe regult of Ui electkw yesterday UT serernl statee is quite gratifying to tkv republicana. The politica] pendulum Ls on its way bask to the republican side. Lu Ohln McKimley is aurely cleotcd l).v a majority of at least 15,000, and !otii branches of the legislatura ropubüican. -In Nw York the Tammany tigpr is Btlll ti'iumphant, thanks to tlie shims of ïork city and Brooklyn. in Massacimsitts. Ruesell democrnt, - btM'ii etected governor by a reduccd majority, the balance oí" the ■ repubUcan. In Penneylvanla the republicana carry the stit . In lowa Koifs may 1" re-elected goTernoi-, but r republicana carry the balance of the ticket and th" legislature. in Kansas and Nebraska the republicana defeated the alllance and -rlvinocrats combLurd. John V. Sheehan, at. the council meetüng Monda; evening, pleaded hard Jor the itght of the tftizens of thifi city to lx heard in relatian to the allzabsorbjhg qwatioo of sewers. He - mi rery imiy, that foi' ome he would not car.' to take the responsibUity upon In; shoulders, nrere he au alderman, to deny the ri&ht for .111 ex1 pression of the people upon this question, ;nd that h woiild ba very Riad throw the responsSUUty apon the people themselvee by giviiig them a L-!iai)(;.' tor au electfon. Die rclalimis liMweca t'.iis couutry and Cliili are ui a stralned conditlon. The succssïiil party known as the juntn, having whlpped Balmaeeda, hae uu iüea that it can succeesfully tope with Uncle Sa.m. and the officials iï 1 lic junta are in consequence very Baucy and impudent, and du not propose to offer any redrees for the mur1 ilora oí the United States snip Baltlmore, the woandlng of Beveral others and t!ie imprigonment of ;i niiml "Wit1.! gr ! i o: (!;■ 'i-li'-i 1 BS sea coast it would li ■ a dangeroug thhig' to declare war against fchat littl ;■ country, for she has a iiunit)er of powerful waj veeeele, and any of them mlgbt .xiip a,v.-iy and Éombern coast eeajly, lay waste to our clties and destroy our harbors. Tïut i!l-T' is this much to be said. The lnitcd States lias never yet taken Inculta from any nnfcion, and the present ailininisl i-atión Is not one that sv:il allow Tlie finst time to come In this respect. Bul ' : Ca t that this Httle 8 ■ rieaiL wasp can annoy this great country by its impudence, siiows how powerless w would ! on 11' waters and on t!;e coast should some powerful ïiation take it into lts head to fight iis. Is ifc not time that sonv measures tor coast defemse wre .vt th present ra.te oj plHng the tas in Ann Arbor city, ]iov loiifï wi:i it !■ betere there win be a premium f(ir living In tlie outeide towns '.' In Cajdfornia, tin mines are rapldly Ikmiik developed, a,nd in a short time this country will not only produce all her tnvn tin plate, but all of her own bloek tin as well. Tho Ailrain Prees is mili harping upon tlu' ctimpaign lie that Capt. A lm promleed the farmers ."iii cents a pound ïor their wool provldlng In1 w;is i'iiM-tt'd. No 0110 believes the talsehood, and tüe Presa ahould drop chestnut for its ou-n .u-oil reputation. tlie eoum '.: m eting Mond ij eveñlng AU!. Win s made a point . i; dn u-:'ll bo heed p rhaps. 'i íi n i city ehartei m ik ui; all waTranta ilrawn on any ïuü,l tiat is ezliausted, void, .".al he questioned wiiethér the membera oi the councll nere nu laylng bhemse v is !i it)l3 by orderin lald. The Chicago "Timee" lias fallen iito th ■ Ii uade of ex-Mayor Harri.-mi, of that city, aod !i ■ says he proposes bo nvalce 9t a paper "witii no friendo to Berve, no enemies to piuiiwli, no liobbies to rid" nor asee t i grind." FurtluM-niore, tbat he wiB "gftve all ïu-w.s, excludlug evcrytlütog vuJgar and Indecent." A very coiuniviidabli' undcri akiir.:. and it is to be boped that Mr. Harrteon will be abte to carry it out. Of eourse it wi:l be a. rellgioue paper hereafter. The r'Kht oí petltion is .1 rlghi that the fathers ol the revoiution fought wlvR tbey tooght for llbörty. it ts a right that was öearly bought, and one that otui'.u to be respected by every Amerfcan c-itizen. And yet 011 Monday evenctag the common councll of the city of Anu Arbor reïused to receiVe, even, and have read a pettt'jon to which was attached the mmee oí 1S. iiiisin ■- men and oitizens, representiiag every ward In the city, and viT.v kilnd of business earried on in the ci'ty. It woiild seem as II that w s a pretty heavy reeponslfoUItj to lesume. sm-ii an actüoo is noc only a direct boud to erecy man who s:n -, that petltion, but it is an attempt to ErtSTle bhe right 01 a large porti'o:i of our citizens to ba hcard. tieklng a fraction, Ann Arbor elty wi'.l now have to pay one-fifth oJ the entire state and eo.unty taxea lor t' ís rount.v. Wlll the supervisors any one of th -m that Ann Arbor e i i y possesa '8 one-flfth of the property of th:s couaty ? We have yei (nied tu flnd such a man. Tíie elty of Ypi',anti. and the vlllages of Chrls-a. Manchester, Derter, Saline and Mi'an. wonld make nearly two cltles like Ann Arbor. and tlion there is the farming tanda ol -0 to-wnsMps in "the richesi agricultura! couaty in Michig-m" to be added to thera. Have iiot the Bupervisors taken a powerful fft-ld glass and h-eld ir to their eyes white looking at Ann Arbor, aad 1 sed 't to. look at tbelr oira townshpa ! There can be selected 3n this oo.unty townships that are nol payüug on more ihan onethïrd thcir value, and it is thouht by Bome not over one-fourtli of theïv vajue, while there are only two cities ?n Une entire state of Michigan where property ís assessed so near its valne as it i.s in Ann Arbor. The rate per capita In this City has li -en raised way above every city in the state, wïth two exceptions, and yet the supervisors keep Hglitening their own burde.11 and castteg it upon Ann Arbor. Jlistice instead of s.'lii.shncss may some day be the actoat&ig spirit oí the conimi'tteos on equallzation. Ann Arbor peoplo wHl be glad shonld that day ever come.


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Ann Arbor Courier