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Haïliiwr'en is nol SUCO .'I lioly t(Tror as ol yore. 'llic new i:i w buUddng will be pushed .is rapidiy as possible. Ilaipll Stom' Has been elected liase hall manager by tnt' Atihletlc Assoclai ton. The l'niwrsity GJfee Club Avill ppobabiy tak.' a wesu-ru trip anain tlüs sea son. Tlu' Vrilow and Blue is a worthy snccessor o! the Chraalcle-Argonaut, and deserves support. The G-lee Club will be pleased to rei'.eiv.' in.v n 'v ideas any one ma.v ai for dril ■ . . i ■. Mt. Nagl, the jauitor ui the medical college, bas Been torty-one years (f service la bis poel don. A very ploasaiit program was givi w : y ball for the freshinen Fridaj evemliig, by the s. C. a. L!. T. liarn y, pharmic '89, oi Jacksoit, has goue to Houghtou, !'. 1'., re h.' t,;k.'s a lucrutive position. Tbe Banjo Club Has been reorjïanied, aml Prof. Haug propoees to make '.i superior to any prevlous i-.'un. Neteon Suihi-irLand has taken charge of completiag uoi-k oa the athietic groundB, wliicli btds fair (or eom(i. i Ion tnls ïall. The olfers -"iöO ïor a slioi-t Btory and $25 tor a Hterary artlcle. .Sdinc way the i-oiup, iition is hol y.-i wiiat was antk'iiKU.'d. The Corn '11 iootball team doesn'1 appear to b1 rery oxtraordinary, awtully boggish in thrir demanda íor a game, but they ars' oooeiderably bu. THe foot biiïl team is improving In work, and it iü hoped tltat they ill Ik.' able to Bueeeeetully oop3 with Cotn-'ll- ií Cornell dure cope witli them. The Tellow and Blue uredits the Bophomore and treshman classes with an unusual amount of class i:ii . ; i ii.l the "over the fence" rictims are more ummeioue than before tor years. Tue Betii. Tiieta Pï society save a very pk'asant party at t'ut'ïr cluib luoose last Fivday evaoing. Mrs. Wade, Mre. G-oodyrar and .Mrs. J. K. Beal were cluiperones. EigHteeu coupHa wi'i'i' present'. The foot bali games schaduled for the balance oí the season are: Nov. T, Ol.wt at Jacksou, íor the state cluimp.onship; Nov. 14, the Uiflversity Club, oí Chicago; Nov. 28, Corjk'.I, it Chicago; Not. 2i, Washington' Lniversity, at !St. Louis, Mo. The democratie clwb of the nnlversity lias elected the followins officen: l'n.shknt, James E. Dtuly; vier prestí :u, tí. W. Curtw and i'. Martin; secretary, J. H. Harvey; Sergeant at arins, Win. Turn'.psei'd. The latter officer la intended as a bait for the grangers. Tlit' new dramatic club is called "The Thospi.s," and proposes to glve lx-tween Thanksgivlng and New Years, au extravaganzi ■ au i burtesque, ' All's Wtell that'a Done W?11," or 'The Murderoua Merceaary Mucbeth. ' Charlea LRonard Fletcher, principal oí the school acting is to have direct supervisión if the playa presented. The ;;■.■ Club has liail iis ranks lilled. a in t has oow eommenced busimss in earneet. Some excellent material lias iK'cn dviloped in the new membecB w]m are to take the ])Uice of those wlio droppcd out wlth last ycar's class. H. M. Joy "J2 medie, is president; H. V. Richardson '93 Ht., secretary; and Frank t'. Smith, '92 Ut., business manager. Dr. C. L. Ford h:is been counected with the ujihvrsity thirty-elght conwcative years, liever ttaviog been abseait from liis pent oï duty for more than a day or two at a time durhig all those years of faithful s'r-ice. Thre is not a professor in the co'.lege, and we doubt it' tliere is one living to-day -who was in th tuiiiversity wlien Dr. Ford i'irst eotered the facïüty. The Manhattan Ckib's -'first nlglit," at its club nous:; last evening was in ali respecta a success. Fully 500 membt'rs and guests were present. Tlie attraction was the performance of David Garrick, by Leiand T. Powers. His impersonation of the varioua characters as they were guppoeed to make thedr appearance on the Stage was wonderful, and ealled forth unetinted


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