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Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant and refreshiug to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the svstem eflëctually, dispels colds, headaches and fevers and cures habitual constipatiou. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever produced, pleasing to the taste and acceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its efïècts, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c and $1 bottles by all leading druggists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will procure it promptly for any one v.ho wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. LOUISVILLE, KV. NEW YORK, N.ï. Wm Te I 9 eí -JU n flHb i I v'Q e8 ES w (Si H V J THE CSREAT Germán RemedyJ iTRUTHS FOB THE SlCK.n II Kór tliose ileathlyrTuimMvïïnïö'pniïïlll llBIllonsSpellsdepend foracaaowhcrelSrL- lloUSri.I-liritlilTTEBS PIIL'Ii BITTEUS Willlll (Jit will yon. notasslstorcnie. ItJ E3 l).,y.,liM',lVlTWit.h ncvor f!liUP Ithatttredandallgone Clennsethevltiated Ceellng; if so, use i)looj when you stí, I í SUI.PHUB Bitters; te impurities burat-l 1 it wiil cure yon. uffthrough tho t-kinlll n Pimples, nlnsnlv nnnflned in nnl' Sores. Bely on(JI S8hop8;clerk8,whodó ;""} heaia Wl11 íolj Inot procure sufficient lMiMnBI Iexerci8e,andallwho sulphukBittebsI psfegssa sSSI UrLeSa!braSediÍtWmCUre!í IMelckly. ' "' ►- willbulld youup and II atism, use a bottle o! P8011 Btruufe'und i Suli-iiur Bitters ; hCTltly18 ltr."vor fausto cure, sulphi.ií UittersJII nDoñ1! be without a wlllmakcyom-bloodpj I bottle. Try it; yon pure.rlöhBndstrongr.U wlll not regret it. an.l your flesh han]. II LadiesTídcuSt? "TryTruTünsl I health, who are all i'KU.s to-night, andl 1 1 run down, shouM use vou will eleep welllll SüLFUL'it Bitters, imd fc'l liettcr forif. lli Do you want the uest Medical Work published? Send 3 i-cent stanips to A. 1'. Oiídwav & Co, Boston. Mass.. and receive a copy, free. BEAL & POND, INSUKMCE ífil Courier Cffice. 41 and 43 North Main St , (8ueces8or8 to C. l!. Milieu.) Tlie oldest ftgency in the city. Established jver quarter of a century ago. Representlng thefollowing flrst-class coto ih over 60.000,000 Capital iikI A-scts. Home Ins. Cu., oí New York. .„ Continental Ins. Co., of New S Niagakj Ins. Co., of New York. iíií: isp i s. i o., of Philadelp Orie.nt Ins. Co., of Hartford. COM Mi Bl I L I NI0N, Of LO! Liverpool, London aud Globe. Ratcs Low as the LdwosI. 1,!so Uhe ally Adjnstrd and promptl} Paiil. BEai, tL POIffD. (_j A 48 All ■ V. i hou yim li ..v H.llullc-lt.l; ('o.,lloi HlWPorUniKli MuiuJ ■fe ■ D n . "AiAKF.SlS"(iivo=instuit nl relief and is an iufuüiblo R_ , Eu re for Piles. Pricegl. By 11 If" W Druünisls ir mail. Sample? ■ Hi-recAildrcss-ANAKKSIS," H DB BI liox -410, Xew York City. MAKINC A BEÁUTIFUL HOME ís not yquestion f money. Taate, exporlenoe and skill hftve inuch to üo wlih It. If yon futend to build, it wlll be a mlstake not to Bend for our booka of SbxBEBLB LOW-CO8T Htsks. now uniin'l in (bree volumcH. Ín them you will fimi perqpectlre views, tloor piaiiH desorlptloos, aud estlmatea of costa for n íusirO't, neto design b? houses. They alao (plvc oar f trices for complete working Plans. Detalla, and Specrtcatlous, wiiicti enable you to imíid without delaye, miatakes or quarrél smh your bullder, and whíuh any onecan under stand, Qood bulldera recuomend thuBe phtns. Testimoníala from l) parta of the country. Vol. I contalns 35 copyrlghted designs of housos costlnK between CSOO and 118%. Vol. Il contains SS copyrlRhtcd designs, íisi,u (u:ku. yol. ni rontahis ■ tyríghfied designs, íuou to ííhxhi. Prloe, by malí, H.OOoacA. of 18.00 for the set. UViilwu piiMIsh "COLONIAL HOUSBS." a 70lume showiiiK rerspeettves muí Floor Plana of housos arrantced In the Inimitable Btyle of the Colonial A-rchltecture, and having all modern arrangementa for comfort. VrlcoflOO P1CT1 RE8Q1 È IIOUSES FOB FORSST AND SHORE:- Ttale Bhowa Perspectlves and Floor Plans of new designa tor 8mnmer Cottages, whlch u-e romantic convenir])!, andoheap. Prlceil.OOby malí. AddR'88 NATIONAL AROHITEGTS' UNION, . Bsventh PMladelphia, Sfc, Pa. SAW MILLS, ENGJNES, Improvcd Variable Frlctíon Feed ' Eor catalogue and Bpeoia] pnces. A. . PA RQUI1AR (0., York, P


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