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A GENTS WANTKI).- Fiw prepald outtit t energettc men. Severa! oí our salesmei nave earned f rom $70 to$100 a weel tor years past. P. O. Box LS71, New York. PP)R SALE- High grade safety bicyole. Coa Been uaed about four montbs. condltaon fully as good as new.,$75.00. Cash wil buyiï. E.P. Hotchkiss, ai S. Tudíth Btreet Aun Arbor. gj T, :; SALE- Four young new milch cows for J. Bale al reasonable prices; alao two year-pld steers at the Renwick farm one mile south 01 Salem station. Address Mrs. v B Renwick, box 1515, Aun Arbor. ;i IjlOR SA.LE- One cok three years oíd, four colts one-yearold, oneweanllng cok, fif't,en breeding ewes, top buggy and harneas touse east of County House. William .Cl.X fin u nour. A few lady students can Si'"'1 ;l-' i'"r" Bvedollars byan bour'ework Fot partlculars cali on or address the Crescent Clasp orks. Aun Arbor, Mich. 31 EX. HILHIE - Teacher of Violto. Rooms .corner of Main and Liberty Sts., Ann Arbor Organ vo'a building. 43 JTiUKNISHED ROOMS WANTSD- Near Univeraity. AddreBS E. T. R., Conrler office 1)0 Y WANTED- At the Colrier Office, a i good, bright boy to lea-u the prlnter's trade, fut ILK. BUTTEK, STOCK- For sale at the il Connty Fair, A grand, good uew milch cow. Has do rauksand a regular breeder, Bas a record of Wpouuds of ïuilk 11 day. ! salea gelding one yearold, sired bySanford'e horse, dam by Oid Raven. .. f". a TITISS GRACE Pupil of J.U Profs. Luderer and Yunck, of Detroit. wul glve instructJons on the violin. Particulara 1 ,728.6 8m 1 OST A Bmall black satchel on the roacl J ..f rom Ann Arbor to Salem. Oontalns lady's lothms;. It found please return to.J.Q. "a. Sessions. Office. Xo. 5 X. Main 8t., Ann Arbor WANTED, APPLES- at the Ann Arlx S; inegar 1 o.'s Works. 4ÏTATER TANK Kou 8ALE.- Tank, 4 feet M square bj 4 fe t deep, made oí a Inch pine plank, lined with heavy galvanised iroi at tliis office 1'0 RENT.- Tavo houses 011 W. H Enquireof J. I). Stimson, No. n Maynard et -■rpo RENT- An office suite over F & M Bank JL cor. Malu and Hurou sta. Applj , i Office. FOBSALE Oïl EXCHANGE.-Farm oí 154 acres, all improved but eeven acres of tlraber. Good house. Graln and stoek bara. 38 x 54 Kinubel roof with basement Horse barn . it!i gambel roof. barn, 20x36, hay baru. wagon shed, and detached grainery Twogood orehards. Five rulles east o Fllnt, (ienesee Co., Mich., Chicago and Gd Tk Rv stutfon. Belsayon Bouth-east corner of farm. ïüexchange forsmall farm or tor Ann rbor property. Dan H. Church, 11 Jefferson 8t., Ann Arbor Mich. piAKM VOR BALE- The Hullock or KvX erett farm, 8 miles west of Salem Station, and 11 miles from Ann Arbor, contalmiií; 109 acres: house and barnes, stock, and well water, timber: school and church wlthln a ïmle. Land naturallv the best and cultivation pood ; also forty acre farm for sale, the S }., of the E. '., of the s. E. qr. of sec. 34 of Ann Arbor town. beine part of the Howe-Xorth place north of the County Farm ; "8 miles from Mack&SchmldVlJá miles from city limlts. First-clasa land for peaches. Prices and terms .Callón or nddress Vndrew E. GibWHdhlnfrton Sí.. Ana A


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Ann Arbor Courier