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Republican Gains

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rii ■ g 11 ral resulta oí the efeetkm ure fuvoral 1 ■ to the republicana!, Thcy limv made gatea In every state in wtoí.jh nu etection w-as held with the oxeeptki'ii of New Vork and the SOÍW South. Even in Xpw York cme branch o? ttoe teK9latnrre is republican by a Kiuall majority. trhksh will prevent "MiehteanUing" that etat. In MaaBacluussetts we agato Ins. governor, by a sifatiy reduced majority but elíct tlií' balance oí" the republican t:ok't. by bandeóme majorlties, and Wie legisiatare overwhelminnly. In Iowa the republicana listened to the syrco voice of Wie prohibltioniat, and it preved a syn-n volee, Indeed the leyislaturv betaig the only tliing ïeft out of tibe general wreek. Nevertheless, Iowa ia to-day solidly repúblicas upon national issues. If tli party in that state had Itetened to the adrice of President Harrisoo, and made a sound curreney and the tavff quesfon, thie issues to have been deciöed, Iowa wo-ulil Have been in line with a fine mnjority. As it is the Hit:-prnh:bitioi:ist are on top, just as tJiP Tammany ttger is on top in NVw York. In Olifio and I'ennsylvania, wheire the curreney and the tarii"f, tlie two irre-at nationnl queSitions were made the i-su-s, tbe republicana have rolled np tï-emendous majorrties. In Xebraska, Kansas, Colorado, 8. Da kot a, etc.. the republJcans have reanoni to rejodce. In New Yoirk state the democracy have :ii Tammany hall one of the most comptetoe and effeoüve political organizatio-ns in the known world. It te a machine without conseionce and without scruples. It plunders the peop'e with ooe band and turns wronnd and buyH up enou-h with the other to hoW ltsetf in power aiui BtSH retain a handsome profit. It is not altoiyetluer the poor voter that ït buys, eitber, bnt such preat papers ae the NT. Y. Times, Eveninp; Post, etc., wiU Hhwt theiir eyes to Tammany comiptlon and fraud and hold out their tor proffered patronage. The Courier was in error in its statciiiint last week thftt the couneil refiused to read the petition oi the 3 29 business men in reference to scwers. It refused to receive and place on file, the petition, until Col. Dean oated for the return of the same, pwhen, upon the advice of the city attorney, the petition was received and ■xeferred to the committee on sewera, th'ere to líe until resurrected by time. This question of sewcrs, howevcr, is one thint can not be snuifed out, or be .-iicccssfuily "set down on," and the peopk' Teill object to the city being lionded for $100,000 or $200,000 to ]ay for them. It is a question that wiil liave to be settlejl right when It s settled. Ann Arbor wants no debt. Only one country in the history of the world ever had three eltles within its lii'nits haviuK over 1,000,000 inhabitants each, and that'a U. S. Tiic tin-tin-abulation trom Ohio is sweel music bo republicaa ears. lüíl ye' the din of American tin down In oiiio ? lt makes free tradert swear like siu. The l uited Kingdom of On-at Britaiu lias seu1 109,051 emigrante to iliis couniry during the paal eighi months, 41,378 belng from Irelaaid. .lusi watch for ■Billy" iiaybury at the front iu Detroit democratie eirclee,. He has qraietly blded his time, and nis flne [tallan hand has at last ghown iis ruiming. Let'a éee ! Mills, oí Texas, and Crisp, oí Ueorgiu, instruct d the Ohioana how to rote, in the recent election, dld they nut.' The republicana Bhould gire them a tiu modal. The Detroit Tribune is authonty f'"1 th Bfcal in-ui that hereaiter the society girls of that city propose to o'stracize bhe dude. How about tlie ie ? Will the young meo oí Detroit ostraciae her ? The American farmers are 7jo"!' better off thteyearthan last according to rtatistics gatoered at "' ' "Jepartm m ol agirteulture. Do lot iliis com i ireo-y naar telng a billion dollar country '.' it was aearly as clean a efweep for the repubUcans iu CJhicag as u wai8 in Detroit. Only 0,1,. demon-at. Ml. Oooley, was elected, and he by the minority representation plan. Hurrah for Chicago and Detroit. "It means Grover aeveland in l.vcy ia the universal sentiment oí W ..-in, na w county demócrata. The astute HUI has few toUowera hereabouts. Nelther are there a-ny westernera who have loomed up anough bo cateh the eyes al our politiclans ol the democratie faith. Brazli la in trouble. Martial law has been pi laim-d, and President f Fme8ea is to fcry hls hand as a dictator. Thia i. not pleasant newe, ui:', wi:l ];. regretted by every lover t Uberty in the land. Brazil oughi t" be advanced enouhi to exlst as a public. U Pjojeeutlnj5 Attorney Barroaghs, )i Wayne county, win come over and vi-it Prosee nting Attorney lhman, 'i Washtenaw Oo., he ean get some valuable pointe upon enforcing the lqnor law of fchla s.tate. fhe law, (s far as paying the t:u is concerned, .s emJorced ia this couaty. The EnRli8li pcopli. and journals " ■ vi. iy mach deipressed over the u-U umphant electtpn o; MaJ. McKiniey in Ohio. Thcy had contrlbuted thlr ÍÍOO.1, hard monoy for big deieat and tlicy griev iliat the dftmocracy did not deliver the goods as promised. Listen tu tlü t il ■ o; woe. Major McKlnley proved htmselt one oí the mot indeíatigable Avoikn-s any pnrty ever pat in the field. He knew ii was right and trorked for victory. II i - ï-i'u-ard wan vil earaed, Bul it v,-as öipre tlian a personal victory for the eatire natiou for the American principies of protection and honest moiii'y. In their graai excess of joy the democracjr should not törget that the repnbUcnn elepkant has hls tnmk with Mm, una wlll remain perman ■ntly in this country. has been aequ; lated with sri"f b fore and re.-ovored from it. He wlll recover trom tWg s Ight Ciwouragëment. Partlculariy do we look for him to be around in rolrast form about '92.- N. Y. Advertlser. (Ind.) HiiRh Pentecost, wlin ave np a bri'li int carear as a preacher, to advocate Hani-y Georse's tree trade and single tax tintori'?. tORether with the sflll more iosane do -trine of anarchism. lias trithdrawn from that fi.'lil. ivith the statement that the people for who-m he was Bacriflctng hlmself, were not wortliy of the sacrifice. Hi will now take np with the law. Mr. Pentecost has found liis mistake a costly one. How foolish the leaders of the Irish people in Ireland are. They are all Ktriving; for the right of home rule, but quarrel bitterly among tliemsclvcs as to wh o shall lead. It is a sad picture that Ireland pi-esents 1 o-day, and mainly so because of the Irish leaders themselvee, who appear to sink the common cause of their country in a di'sire to serve their own seliish nmliition. What Ireland nceds is to have thp love of country instillOd into its leader's hearta and the love of self expelled. Oov. Hill and hla horde of politieal maipoUs' are aow engaged In putting up the New York legislatnre. Where republicana havo been elected by unmlstakable majorities, they are inDaenclnK thp boards of election to refnse tbem certifica tes. Is it possible that the repnblionns of the Empire state will Bit irlly by and allow themselvee to be Tilundered ? If they do they deserve what they are abont to obtain- diefeat, alter they have crained victory. It of vital importance to tlie peiople of the entlre n.-ition, however, that such villainies abould not ye consummated. The only way in which the democratie party can hope to succeed in 1892 is by refusins: to allow iiny Tammany candidato to le thrust down the throat of the convention. It is either "Hands off!" to Tamraany or it la defeat. And the best means f provine that the national convention lias no entangllng Tammany alliances is to insist on the nomination of nomo western man for president. It would be bad politics for the demócrata noxt year to cboose any man who hails rom Xew York, city or state, because he will inevitably be considered a Tammany man.- X. Y. Herald, (Dem.) The republicana lui ve a great dea no crew ovi'i' iu ihc recent glorious victoriee ? The ihi píate liar w;is not as mud in a success down in Olüo as the til peddter was two years ago. In conmection with the recent repub lioaii vii-tiirirs in Michigan, we caí not Init turn to the famous squaw inu'k tegii'Blature oí Michigan, and won der if they heexd the sound ? The Adrián Prees Says it is not tin t:iriiï ihat makes wheat higher, bnt the scaxcity of the cereal In Burope If the jirii'i' ha.d happemed bo hav gone down instca.d of up, the tarin wiiuid bave been to blame. ll;:ss,in Bon AH, of Morocco, is seek i!X a conceaeioD 10 make a Morocco exhibH at the Worid'a Bxposltian. He says hc wjll spend $50,000 in slunviim the ii'ipl ■. manners, customs, amusement, rt ■.. ol liis oountry, and in brina'inff to Chicago a trlbe oí Berbere. The electlon oí ('api. Belknap to congrese in the 5th Michigan district was a wonderful event. for that district. He carrled every eounty in the dist 1 . Betng one of the best memböTS oí coim-i-fss the sta If ever had, the people there have made no mista ke. It is tlu prottd boast of thia country that its ncw war vcssrls are built of American steel, armored wlth American nicklc steel; the fiuns with WhliCh they are armed are made of American metal thronirhout; in fact the new Bhtpa are American "from keel to Tvnck." llnrrali :or America and Amerira's workmeii. L. Tak:iqui and K. Ikeda, two reprt'-:ntativ!s commissioned by the Mikado of Japan, have been ia Chicago s 'i'kiiiii' (htaüi'ii Information coñcerning tlie World'a Expositdon. They were greatly pleased and said Huir country would mak" a fin:' eshlbit, and that in it would be a number o( private art treaeures ol the Mikado. The Ohlto reputdiean papera are aliiiost hiiaiii'iums in the opinión that Calvin Brice has no riirlit to a seat ín flip ünftwd stit s scnatc iroin that stat", being ar th" time oi' lus election, and dow, a resident of New York. They bring coovtncing proof to bear opon tihat ]miíhi. and wlll ineist tliat the coming legisla tui-c right that greait wrong to that Btate. Tlu; forty-fii-st annual seeslon of t!io Stüte Teacher's Association will be lH'td in Graad Rápida on tlie 28th, 29th ml SOth of December. Among others Prof. W. 8. Ferry, of tliis city, will deliver au address upon "Phyaic Studies in the Public SchooJB." President Angelí will speai upon "The Itelntion of the Univcrsity and the College.s of the State." Prof. D. Pntoam, of Ypsilanti, will open the exercises of the session with a talk npou "The Proper Bphere of a. Norma] School." It ís hint-d that Captain Allen an( Broth'r (W::iii. nf toce Ypsüantian. Hpa abomt t start otrl in prospec tor a tin ini:iv in tliis oounty. Why BhouM thsre not !:■ a tin mine ii "Wasktcnnw as wel) as ::i the coinity of ('ornwaïl ? It woulrt b.' a grreat ca-rd II ttoey could fiad a tin mine in thi i-onnty. Il thry shonld lócate it Ga Preedom an:l estahiish a tin factory tihere emptoying about three hundred men, it woul'd knock out the domofraiic majortty Itere and enabie Thcm to etect th ■■ ïicxt oounty ticket. Dembcrate want to be "up and doing." - Ann Arbor Democrat. Why shou'.dn't théy find a tin mine ín thLs connty ? Judge H arriman once found a paylng gold mino in tho court housr. and that lic is not worklng ït yet is no faalt of hls. If he could ooly lócate that claim once more, what a glorltm.s thins it would be for the democracy of the county! Hon. John J. Kobigon tells a story th-it Ulustrates the position of a few of the leaders in Detroit, ín a hnmorous way. He says tliat i,n dsriving along a country road once on a time he carne upon an overturncd load of liay, and a couple of boys were tenri.ns; away at that hay in a furious manner, scattorin it to the four "wijïds, regardless of consequences. Stopping hls horsee he spoke to tbem: '■Tioys, why don't yon take up the hiy in forks-full and lay it one side in a marnier that will save it ? As you are doing ow you will waste it all." "Don't care i ilnrn for the hay, mister, dad'a nndeT it I" was the boy's reply. In Detroit tlif workrrs of the junta didii't appear to "care i darn," 'cause Don and Dan were "under ir." Thfy are still under and Wm. G. Thompson is keepiBK thcm corapany. The "loys" couUln't pitch the hay oíf (ast eDongh to save them. Aun sL-mils uninue and alone among the smaller cities oí the unión, noted íor tlie inngnifice-nt musical enf rt.:iimi"nts it ha.s. Only four other citiee in the iinion are placed in tlie same class, namoly, lioston, New York, Chicago and Cincinnati. This is a compliment tbat our citizens should apprcoiatr. It has been tliroiiíih l'roí. Stanlcy'.s personal and indi-fatiga ble industr.v, tliat this high standing -has been aehleved, and !ie is cei'tainly díci-ing oí tuistinted pr.-iise. Tlie Choral Union took a bold stand whan it secua'ed these groat miLsical oi-g.-mizations to visit our city, ond the citizens should uphold tile Union by seciwing íor theni - sielves tiekeits to the series of concerts to be given this i 11 1 ■ i-. No paiirchaser of ticket will lose ,-inytliing, but on tile eontrary lie will be the gainer, for he will get $10 worth of music for oaily $2, and be conscious of aiding in a work that Is mout conimondable. The íirst concert will be giren Friday (-N-niim1. Mayor Dol y ha.s rccci ved several lctt-rs oí ímniiry reepecting a motor line from Ann Arbor to Saline and Manchester, from i'a.stern parties.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier