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1892. HARPER'S MAGAZINE. ILLU8TRATKD. Thls Magazine wlll celébrate the fourth Centenar oftbe Dlseovery of America hy lts kk-discovehy, tlirough artlcles glvlng a more tborough exposltlon Iban bus hltherto been madK of ihe Keck.nt Unpbbcbdbnted Developmfnt of our Country, and espeolally in the Oueit West. Particular attenttou wlll :m le glven to DRAMATIC l.i'i8ODV8OF AMICRICAN HiS'SOKY. The Field of the sext ErjRÓPBAN Wak wlll be described in a Serien of Papers on the Danube "From the Ulaek Forest to the Black Sea," by Poci.tney Biühijiw and F. 1). M 1 1LST, lllustrated by Hl. .MIli.kt and Alfhkd PABSONS Artlcles also wlll he given on tlie Germán, Austrlan, and Itallan Armies, lllustrated by T. nu Thüklstkui'. Mr. W. 1). Howells will contribute a new novel "World of Chanee," charaelerlgtlcally American. Kspeoinl prominence will be glven (o Short Stobiku, whlch will be oontril.iued by T. H Ai.ürich, lt H. Davls. Cunan lloví. k, Uargabbt Deland, Miss Wooi.son, and othcr popular writers. Ainong the literary features will be PerSONAL E.EMIN1SCENCKS Of NaTHANIEL HAWthornk, by blHoollsse olasg-mate and lireong frlend, Horatio Kriuge, and a Personal Memoirof the Browuinys, by Anna TiiackEKAY KlTCHIE. ïïarper's per;odicals. PEB YEAR: HARPER'S MAGAZINE „....$4 OC HARPER'S WEEKLY i 00 HARPER'S BAZAR 4 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE 2 00 Postage Free to all sibscrtbers in the United lates. Canada or Mexieo . The volumes of the Magazine begin wltn he Numbers for June and December ol each ear VVhen no time is specifled, subserip lons will begin with the Number current at ïme of receipt of order. BoundVolumesof Harper's MAQAziNE.for bree years back, lu neal cloth binding, wlll e sent by mail, postpaid, on receipt of 83 00 er volume. Cloth Cases, for binding, 50 cents ach- by mail, postpaid. Remittiinces Shoold be made by Post-Offlce Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. fltewspapers are nol to copy this ad oerl isemext Hlhout the expresa order of Habper & Broth1!S. Address: HARPER & BROTHERS, JJe' York. 1892. HARPER'S WEEKLY. ILXAJ S 1? Jt A rr K JJ . Haeper's Wkekly for tlie oommg yea wili (Miitiiin more attraollve features, mor and tiuer Ulustratlons. and a sreater ïuimbe of anieles of live Intense Interes! than wli be fouml In any otlier perlodical. Annni these latter there wlll be a serles of article on the twenty-fl ve greatesl oltles of the worlc Incluillui; flve handred lllustratlons. Th Oolumblan Expoxitlon, the Army and Navj grea pabilo eventó, disasters on land ao sea, and Ihe dolngs of tlie oelebrated peopl oftheflay wiu;ie desorlbed and illustrated li an attractlve and tlraely manner. The Depart ment ot Amuteur Sport wlll ooDtlnue underthe direclion of Cam-aii W. WhitnbY. Tae iirst ut modern wrlters will oontrlbule short storles, and the most distlnKUlsned artista wlll mike the lllustratlong. Tlieeditorlal artloles of Mr. Gkokqb Wii-liam CükTI8 wül remaln as au special attraotlon. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. PBB ÏEAK: ÖARPBR'S WEEKLï $4 00 HARPER'S MAGAZINE i 00 HAKPER'S BAZAR 4 00 IIAIII'KR'S TOUNQ PEOPLE 2 00 Postagt Free to all subscriben in lhe United Statu, Canada or Mexico. The Volumes of the Weekly begin with the flrst Number for January of each year. When no timéis mentioned, subseriptlons will begin with the Number current at time ol receipt of order. Bound Volumes of Habpbb'S Weekly for threeyears back, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by mail, postage paid. or by express, freeof expense (provided thefreiuht docsnol exceed one dollar per volume), for $7.00 per volume. Cloth Cases for each volume, suitable for binding, will be sent by mail, postpaid, on receipt of $1.00 eaeh. Remittance8 should be made by Post-offico Money Order or Draft, to avotd ohanoe ol loss. Newspapers are not to copy this adverlitement willioui the espress order of Haüpek & Bkotjikks. Address: HA.KPER & BROTHERS, New York. ANN ARBOR FRUIT FARM! Pears and Grapes a Specialty All kinds of Fruit, Ornamental Trees and 'lowers, froin Kllwauger and Barry. Order arly by muil. Syrups, : Medicinal Wiñes.Rasplerry Byrup, Boneset, Dandelion and other omestic Grape Wines, prepared especially f or nvalids. Pure Plymouth Rock Eggs. EMÏL BAUE, West Huron St., Ann Arbor. ASTHMAPl SCHIFFMANN'SAsthmaCure Kever fïils to give instant relief in the worst cases, and eUVi-t curen wliiro othero faij. TrUl Paekage FHEË of Drnggista of hy Hall., Iddrm DR. ] :. SOHLPPMANN, St Pm.l, Mina. 1 892. HARPER'S BAZAR. IIjLXTS'X'KA.'X'JiüJ. Habpxr's Bazas la :i Jonraal for the boma, Tí givus the latesi Information wlth regard to the Fah. lona, and lts aumerous Illustratlons, Parta (irsluus, and pattern-sheel supplementa ara Indespensabla allKe to tne home dreae-maker and tii muussiemal modlate. No expense 18 pared tu maki' lts iinlstlo attractlvenessoftlie blghestordor. Itsbrighl .-lories. amuBlng comedies, and thoughtíul essays satlsfy nil 1 "■-' "- "'"' " lui page is i'aiuiiiis as a budget oí wlt uncí humor, iniís weckjy iSM,rs everythTng ís lncluded whlch 8 of lnteresi ,, women. The Seríala Cor m wiii he written by Waltkb üi-vm' and h in.A.K. ns. Oliphamt win become oontrlbutor. Mamtos Hakla.ndN Tlmely lalks. Daj In and DayOut," are Intended tor matronï and Hklem Marshall Nobth wil] apeolally addrasa HARPER'S PERI0D1CALS. PER ÏKAR: HARPER'S BA.ZAK $i Oü HARPKK'8 MAQAZINH 4 00 HAIU'Ki; WBBKLY 4 00 UARPER'S YOÜNQ PEOPLE 2 00 r.istwjc Pree to all subscriben in Ou 1'nitetC Status, Vanada o?' Silexico. Tbe volumes of the Bazab begin wlth the flrstnumber lor January of eiicli yeiir. Whea no timo is mentloned, subsorlptlons wi 11 begin t'ie Nuniber curreut al lie of receipt of order. Bonnd volumes of Harpek's p.vzvr, for ihree years back, in neal oloth binding, wlU se sent by mail, postase piikl or by (.'xpress, free of expense (proviüeü tlie frelghl doea not exceed oue dolla.r per volume;, lor {7.00 per volume. Cloth Cases for eaoh volume, suitable for binding will be seut by mail, postpiiiiLoa recelpt of $1.00 eaoh. Remlttance snould be made by Post-offlca Money Order or Draft, to avoid chanco of loss. v wtpaper ure not to copy tlr.s advertiimünt without the txpresi ordt r o 1 1 aki'kh & Bkoth:ks. Ulilrcss: HAEPElt A BROTHERS, New Y.jrk. ; li?; j 1115 n 5 e. 2 u" l J ►o a w s L 3 ■■■■■■■■■ O t.. ! 2. " Krj "iBÍL . SS p w o ff"" '' "1_ M


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Ann Arbor Courier