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nrPRICE's Baking Powder 'A Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. Superior to every other known. Used in Millions of Homes - 40 Years the Standard. Delicious Cake and Pastry, Light Flaky Biscuit, Criddle Cakes, Palatable and Wholesome. i Ko other baking powder does such work. Perfectly Well ! V Fii.LMouiï, Dubuqne Co.. Ia., Sept., 1889. Miss K. Finnigau writea : "My niother and Sister used Pastor Koenigs KerveTonlc for neuralgia. They are both iwrlectly wull n jw and nevcr tíleá praising the Touic. TrpPBCANoa City, Ohio, Oct. 21, 1800. Sinco taklug the first spoonfal oí Pustor Koenig's Ñervo Tonio, the latter part of last May, I have not had any symptoms of flts, and I flrmly 1 i ve that I auicurt-d. I eau nov.a' thank yon enougb for yonrldmluosa ton-.o. Itis a wonderíul m.üeinu. M I ss L ÏDIA U ANT. Capao, Ulcb., Otit. 3, ISDli. My wif,-; at timos bncarae such aervons apolle that Bbe eoiila not bo kept in bed, mui al! jue:llcal trcatuicut provod w ithout eScot. Siuce sho TiBtil Pastor Koenics Nervn Touic she hi no spcllb iiud is healtbiet tl'an ever, thorefore I consider myself undor obligation to expresa niy gratitude to you. CttKIST. SCHOENEMAN. riirr-A Valuable Book en Nervons b lU b DiseHses sent tree to any address, aml poor jiatieuts eau also obtain ■ Illvb tlus medicine f ree of cluirse. This remedyhas been preüared bythe Reverend Pasior Kocnig, of Fort Wayne, Ind., since 1816, and is now prepared under liis direction by the KOENIC MED. CO.. Chicago, II!. Sold by Drussists at SI per Bottle. 6 for S5. tarare Size, 1.73. C Bottles tor 3. FpRMENONLY YOUNG MEIJVOLD MEN v OEI IX THE TOIIS OF THE SIRPESTS OF DISEASE. ■SQ 1 They make heroic efforts to fre themselves, AM. trA but not knowing fcow to succesaiully vKiiSHAKEOFFTHE HORRID SNAKES jft 4 N. grave. Chatón BROK ! There U I1ELP II IWMh IUwA OUR NEW BOOK yU")- HuTÏV ft foraltmltcil tlm.expliiiDa 1 - ff"N 7 'SifJ thephilosophyof DieasI A( ■■1 Jrv I'TY and AfflictioriB of the V NV i JTYsX V? ƒ Organa oí Man, and bow by Í'HmW home treatment. Ja. A KX I iNfl (ffii bymethodiezclciively our V V) l i f U Ml own, the worst cases ol 5y-3Liv-ï=VsU-i LoBt or Failinff Manhood, Z i,J=v t' General and Kervoas De[s VJObllltr. WeakneBB of Body f and Mind, Eflects of Errors or EzcesBci, Stnnted or fihrviken Oranf can be Curod. Benefits in a day. HowtoEnlargeandStrenRthenWEAK,T7NDEVELOPED CBOANS A PARTS of BODY made plain to all Interested. Ken testifv from 50 Statos, Terri'.ories and Foreif-n CountritB. Yon cq writt' tliem. For Book, fuli t'xplntinnand proofs, addresa jERIE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO.N.Y. DE2L DIEFFENBACH'S PROTAGON CAPSULES; íure Cure for Wrat Men, as proved by reportsof leadinuphysieiana. State oge in ordering. l'rico.Sl. Catalogue Free. A O f% A safe and speed? Il fy la ""e for O Ie et, f ■ Strlctureand all nnnatural discharges. PricelSa Vand Skin Dlseases.Scrofnlons Sores anrtSyuhilltlc ARVctïou, without mercury. JTice, S2. Order f rom THE PERU DRÜ6 & GHEMÍGAL CO. .. 18 Wi?cor.3in Street, MIX.WAUKEE, WIS. CARJERSl CURE Blek Headache and relieve all the troublea Incident to a bilioua statu of the syatoin. such aa Dizziuess, Nausea, Drowsinoss, Distress after eting, Pain in the Side, &o. While their most iremarkable euccesa has boen shown in curing 5lwl Headache. yet Carter's Little Liver Pilla ara equally valuable ia Coustipation, curing and presenting thiaannoyinKConiphunt.whilo they also ■ correct all diaorders of t ho s tomach.atimulate tho liver and regúlate the bowela. Even if they only HËAD Achethey wonld boalmostpriceleesto thoeewho Buffer f rointhiaditstrcssiucomplaint; blftfortuSately their goodueno does uotend hore.and thosa Tfhooncotry them ivill flnd theso little pilla valuiblo in so mauy ways that they will not bo williDg to do without tliem. But af ter allsick heai ACHE Is the bañe oí so many Uves tlmt hera is whera we niako our great boast. Onr pilla curo it whila others do uot. Cartor's Litt'.e Livor Pula are very 3mall and very easy to taiie. One or two pilla makoa dose. They are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or puriic, but by their gentleaction ple.ase all who usethem. In vialsat 25centB ; flvefor $1. Sold by druggisto overywbe-9, or sont by maiL CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York. SMALLPiLL, SMALLDOSE. SMALLPRICE RIWSEY & SEABOLT'S BAKERYGROCERY, FLOUR AND FEED STORE. We keep oonstantly on hand BREAD, CRACK CAKB8, etc., (oí Wholesale and retuil tradc. We shall aleo keep 8 S!i]ily of SWIFT & DEUBEL'S BEST White Wheat Flour! 08BOEN'8 GOLD DÜ8T FLOUR, BUCKWIIKAT FLOUR, COEN MEAL, PEED, 9te., at wholesale and retall. A general stock of GBOCERÍES ani PROYISIÜNS onstantlyon hand, whlch wlll be sold ou as reasonable terraa as al i house in the city Cash pald tor Bü i : 3. „,id COUNTRY F&ODUCE gen, 0a de('■har'.1 tó any Part Ol tlW t''ly :vitl"-lut l-'Xtrn RINSEY & SEABOLT.


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