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I Drunkenness or the Liquor Habit, Posltlvely Cured by administerlng Dr. Haines' Golden Specific. It Ls manufaetured as a powdcr, whLch can be given in a glass of beer, a cup of coffee or tea, or iu food Avitliout the knovl'gde of the patiënt. It I absolutely harmlees, and wiU effect a pormanent and speedy cure, whether tjie patiënt is a moderate drinker or nn alcoholic wreck. It luis teen given Ín thousands oí cases, and in every instanoe a perfect cure has followed. It never faUs. The syst?m once impregna ted wlth the Speclílc, it bocomes an utter impos sibility for the liquor appetite to exist. Cures guaranteed . 48 page book of partLc.ulars free. AdíliM'ss GOLDEN SPECIFIC Co., 185 Race st. Cincinnati, O. For S;ue, at reasonable priep, 7 head of 2 year old steers, iveight 1 ,- 200. extra feedere. Six miles south on State st. R. B. EOUSE. A good many gelf-made men cvicl-i!tiy got tired before the job v;is finishcd.- India napolis Journal. Hibbacd's Rheumatic Pilis. These Pilis are scientifically comI)ounded and uniform In action. Ño griplng pain so commonly foüowing the use of pills. Tliey are adapted to both adulta and ehildren with perfect saiety. We guarantee they have no equaf in the cure of sick headache, constipatlon, dyspepsia, and bllllousness; and, as an appetiser, they excel any other peparation.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier