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Board Of Supervisors

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October iMtii. 1891. Board of supervisors of Washtenaw county, Michigan, mot In adjourned session. Koll culled. Quorum present. Mr. Case moved that a i-ommittee be ppointed to determine proper alIoAvan.ce for sheriff for board of prisoners for coming year. Carrit'd. Osborn, Hunter and DePuy, cominittee. Mr. Case moved that said committee asfertain aml report upon the advLsability of eontimiing the stoneyard. Carried. Mr. Case offeretl the following: Whereas. this board dil, at it June sessiron, instruct the prosecuting attorney if he should fiml, ipon investigation, that the liquor taxes due had not be'ii paid, to proceed at once to collect the sajne from all delinquente; and from the treasurer's reports, as well as his own, we find that he has been faithful in the discharge of this düty, making many complaiuts himself, and through his elforta more than $C,000 bas been eovi-red Inbo the treasury of this county, viz: About $2,515 on persoual solicitation; $3,216 paid after snit had commenced; $350 paid on fines for violations; a total of more than $6,000, and betog satisfied that this work has been arduous as well as unpleasant, therefore, Reso.ved, That $200 be appropriatand paid to M. J. Deiiman, for tliis service. Carried. On niot:on adjoarned until 11 a. m. to-moi-row. Al.FIU:i) DAVENPOET, rha'n. AKTlU'K BKDWN, Cterk. OctolxT 27th, 1891. Board met pursiüi.nt to adjournment. r.ol called. Quorum preent. Mr. DePuy waa a.ppo!)nted chalrman pro temiKr. Mr Case, from eivii claims commSttèe, reportad the followtas iiills approved as stated: Cl'm'd. Al w d Emma Gardner, .tenograptwr, In- J [Jacobs, clothing for prirönen 2 (7 2 67, Backus fe Co. Biatlon q) C Hrst. Clnir, lawii seat'sVor jail! 4 (0 4 00 Martin Clark, coroner o Üb o Oh JeromeA. Kreeman. juror } M 1 oü H. K. Johnson J John H. U-ivis ! -X Geo. K Appel " } ' !? K. Wngner .... l '7Ï Geo. i.'iockcr, wltness Chas. A. Miller ' '„ G B Dcmst, - J 48 sani'l li. Thompsou " .■-■ jj JJ K. J Zebba .. ' ■ Geo. Jl Ethodes. " 48 4B Keport accepted and adopted. The comniitfc alSO ri'povti-d the followlng itliout r.'i-ommrndation: Claiint-d Allowed B. K. WbMh repair ofeloek "■ "" s '" On mat ion i Mr. BreinlnR, toe bill w s all -.vfJ as ila'jin 'd. Mr. Miier oüered the iollow'iUR: Eteeolred, Tha.t a eonunJ I o! tiiree bc Qppoïnted whoae duty it ahall be to fx-uurir the proeeedings '■; this boord tor 1890 and 1891, and prepa'rs a statemernt al the expenses oí the eoaurty ta proper form and thai the mui" be pnb'iBhed at the eloee of the proceeötagB. Carrii'd. Canun&btee, Mlner, Oesterlin and Hunter. Mr. GKbert oilered the ioUowing: Resotved, That. the commïttee wi pubifc buildings la hereby auttaoeized to mak" a:i oeceeeaory repairs on public buildings, also to certify all bilis for ta-bor and matertal, and the county e!erk 'm heivby direct ed to draw orders on the contingent ïniul lor the sanit', and said committee ís dlrected to prepare an ttemfaed statement of their work to the neort board o! bupervteotrB. Adopted. Mr. Osboro, trom eommittee oí tne whoJe, made tbe loUowtag report: To the Honorable Board ol öuperis ol Wash'tenaw County. Ycur eommlttee of the whote, to visii the c-o'iuny oouse, beg leaye to report that after ;i earelul examinatiuai of the 1ioisl' and farm, they iTmnil the premfeee in a comíortable comdltion, the Inmatee clean, wellclotlK'd and led. We judged the iaj-ining by ilie crops we sa.w in the boiidlngs. Wc teel very grateful to Mr. and Mre. McCormdek and others avIio havi' charge ol uur county poor. We récommend that the committee on pubtc buildingB be reqneeted to makv so'iiH' turther improvements. Oiir attention was called to the necessity ot putting i cellar onder one of the buildings wmith of the niain building to be uL'd for a vegetable cellar. Perhaps it womW well to replaee no-me of those oM iencea around the buildings by a more tidy-looking fence. A woveai wire fence, good and strung can bought quite cheap, and it would much improve the appearance. Bespectfully submitted, 1!. OSBOKN, Cliairmaji. Report accepted and adopted. Mr Osborn olfered the ïoilowing: Wherea.s it is very necessary that the accounts of the clerk and treasurer in the ma.t ter oí paying the sparrow bornnty hou 11 be kej)t so that the records of each office may bc readily imTeettgated by a cornmittee, the same as oahcr expenses and accounts. As it ie nmv kept, the clerk simply dra.wing orders and throwing vouchers aaide, Beema too loóse a way to (lislmrse $3,000 or $4,000 anmially. Therefore, Resolved, Tha.t while we place entire confidence on our present clerk and treasurer, we do direct them to books suitable for the purpose and so keep this account with eacH town and the files of vouchers ïn s-uch a mauner that they may be re.adüy compared and settled and at aay time compared with the records of townships and citics. and as this will very mnch llncrease the daily labor of both tliese officers. is further resolved that they be paid Y100 a.nnuaHy foT such service. Mr. Yo'iing moved to divide the qtietitian, voting geparately on the proposition to have the accounts and to pay ior s.-iinc, pending wliicli Mr. G-ilbert moved as a subfftitute to fix coTiipeiisatioii at $50 eaoh. On raotion of Jlr. Baumgardner, the whole matter was laid cm the table nntU - p. m. tu-day. Adjourned until 2 p.. m. 1'. M. SKSS10N. Board met piwsuant fco adjournïiK-nt. Quorum present. .Mr. Kiiner moved that the prenmble and resolutlon relatinjï to sparrow orders le taken from the table. Carrted. Mr. Mtner affered as a Bubstltute for tlw wliole matter the followinc: ReflDïved, That tlie county Clerk be dlrectod to filo all vouchers on bilis wlüeh ax paid by order of this board incradtng all orders on the contingent fund in sui-h marnier that co-inmittee to settle with county offlcers ea.n compare them ivith the orders drawn therefore and that the clerk and treasnrer paid 100 each for this extra service. On niotion of Mr., the --hole matter was indcfinit-ely postponert. Mr Howard, from criminal claims Xo. 2, reported the followiiiK approved as stated. Claimed Allowed. E.B. Pond. justice fS 65 3 65 Adopted. Mr. Case, from criminal claims, reported the fotlowing approved as stated: Claimed. Aliowed. John Costello, burlal soldier .J40 00 HO 00 Adopted. On mot ion, adjourned until 11 n. m. tomorrow. ALFRED DAVENPORT, Cha'n. ARTHl'R BROWNj Clerk. October 28th, 1891. l?oard of supervisors met pursunjit to ndjournment. Roll called. Quorum present. Journal read and approved. Mr. DeBny, trom criminal claims No. i, reported as foHows, approved as stated: Claimed. Allowed. Jacob Stuffen, dep. sheriff.. ..274 40 $257 30 M. O. Peterson " " ... 21K80 212 30 Report accepted and adoptefl. Mr. Case, trom criminal claims committee, reported as foliows, approvod aa stated: Claimed. Allowed. C. George, postmortem, 2 cases Í 10 OU f 10 00 Report accepted and adopted. Thomas Young, froni commlttee on equalization, made tue toIlDwiog majority report: Tïue oaderalgned members ol your committee on eQualization report that tlwy have made a careful cxamination of t.lie asses8me.nt rolls of the severai supervisors districts and liavi eqnaliaed the same as followa ior the year 1891, to wit: SR jsU5íL;? Augusta 605,400 (.TUI 674.100 902.000; BrldgewT MB,d wi,150 9. 11 7S0.00O, 1 Ih-xn-T 64275 ?y, 725 725,000 5aÜ,0ü 10 Freeaom 9.m láSáo 97S.1ÍO 7}0 000 7 Lima 825,010 166.S30 991.840 S23.00IW Lom i 940000 1Lyndon iSÏSUO &M 496.9O0' 410.000 Manen sfrl.u82.lU0 238. 65U 1.321.590 1.1 ly. 24 Korthfleld 826. 600 1 ni, 93,. IA)! ;. 10 Plttstleld UI 2Ol.l(ll.3:B.22O 1,138,000 Salem. : 882.8 I0S.940 W8.S WOW 8 Saline ! 1.174. MM 115. 15(1 1.319. 750 1. 14d.U) 20 Scio l,)4,3O0 215.35(1 1.3'I9. 6) 1. 330.000 10 Slrnron 915,810 110,6101.028,420 770.1) Sunt-riur 1.O57.0I0 M. 480 1. 138, 41 970,000 10 sXau 1)36 550; 276 5501218,100 S.000 15 Welister W. 128,630 1.008,880 875.90 5 Vork 1.119.1W 245; 250 1384.800 U?iO0O TpsiTo'n uoSaao ro,ooo 30 Yp c'yJt. 1, W2.6-. " 673.3H0 2,185.910 1.850.0U0 60 Tpc-y2d. 5U8.00ÖI 95,550 604,050 520,000 _8 sa m All of whieh is respeetluUy subinitted. Thos. Yocks, Jh., W. Buien Wát. DAÍT8IXGBÜRG, Coiumittee. On motjon, consideration of tlureport was postponed ontll 2 i. m. Recesa until 2. p. m. r. M. SBSSION. Board met pursuant to ailjom-nment. Roll called. Quorum present. Mr. Kearns presented the report oï a minority of the committee on equañzatlon as folloxvs: The üiHlcrsiiiiHMi membera of your committee on equalization report tliat they have examined the assessment roll of thv sevcral superTlsorg tlistricts and eqaallaed tiw same as follows for tlic year 1891: Superv. Real Total Inc. or District. sonal. ■ izeil. W. ■ - .. A. City 4.960.875 1,882,775 8, 1 ISO 1,160,000 i{179 A. .. town 1,084,15!) 101.650 1.185.&50 920,000 OS Augusta...: eos,?) .uw mm sao, Ris Bridgcw'erj 898,960 9.150 S95,flo 770,000 M Dcïtcr ! 645,275 79,725 735.000 540,003 20 Frccdom..1 848,080 125,210 975,190 730.000 17 Lima 825,010 166,830 991,840 83S.0U0 10 LodI W4.4B0 144, 730 1.119,300 930,000 R2S Lyndon.... 438,300 58,600 496,900 410,000 r4 Manciicst'r 1.082,940 238,6"jO 1,321,590 1,150,000 R14 Korthfleld. 826,600 111,030 937.6: 740,000 i 10 Plttfiflcld.. 1,132,120 200,100 1,332,220 1,192,000 R59 Salem 887,620 105,940 993,560 915,000 R23 Saline 1,174,600 145,150 1,319,750 1,140.000 25 K Solo 1,184,300 215,315 1.399, 6T0 1,315,01 25 Sharon 915,810 110,610 1,026,420 760,000 17 Superior... l,057,01O! 81,480 1.138,490 960,000 20 Sylvan '.36, 550 276, 550 1, 213. 100 1,030,000 ( 66 Webster... 880,260: 128,620 1,01)8,830 900,000 20 york 1,119,0' 245,250 1,3'V4, 300 680,000 8 Ypsi Town. 1,094,920 142,810 1.237,730 965,000 5 Yp Cy lstD 1.462,610 673,3 2,136.010 1.830,000 i{60 YpC'yMD 5')e.500 95.550: 604.00) 500.000 2 '2&A1O.IO0I Itcspectiully gubmltted. James Kearss, Philip Di-ffy, Committee. On raotion of Mr. DePuy, the conaideration of tho queetion of equalization was postponed until to-niorrow at 11 a. m. Mr. Ca#e, trom ooinmlttee on civil claims, reportod bilis as follows, approved as stated: rialmed. Allowed. Dr John Kapp, services atjai! $15 00 Hï 00 1 visit ' " 1 00 1 00 1 " " " 2dODlsAl'd "postmortem (Smith) 25 00 15 00 (Amsdem) 15 00 15 0J Report accepted and adopted. On motion of Mr. Oase, the building committee was directed to take ch&rge of the town clock and engage some suitable person to keep the same in repair and order. Adjourned until 11 a. m. to-morrow. AliFKED DAVKXI'OKT. Cha'n. October 29th, 1891. Baard mt-t pursuant to adjournment. Ko-11 called. Twenty-seven mombers present. On motion of Mr. Gilbert, the considera t ion of the reporte of the com littee on equalization was resiimed. Mr. Huntcr moved th.u the report I the niajority le adopted. Mr. Korsyth moved that the report f tlic minority be substltuted for that f the mujority. Pending whw-h, a recese was taken in til 2 p. m. I'. M. SES8I0N. Boanl convened at. 2. p. ni. The quention of substitutüiir Hie minority for the majority report beiir eaneidered, the veas and naya were ealle-d for and n-sulted as folows: Yeas- Dnffy, Baiunijardner. Forsyth, Keariis, Miner, Oesterlin, Bpeeehly- 7. Nays- Bennett, IMlbie, Ureininc;, SorUeoB, Ball, Casp, Danslngtiiirg, DePny, (iübTt, Hughes, Howard, Ilunei', .ledele, Osborn, Sweetland, Vau SleUe, Walter, Wederaeyer, Youuk- 19. The question was deelared lost. The question recurring on tlie adoptioix of the report of the majority the same was deelared adopted by the following vote: Yeas- Breining, Burtlees, Ball, Case, DansiiiKbui-jr, DePuy, Davenport, Forsytli. Gilbert. Hughes, Howard, Hunter. Jedele, Oesterlin, Sweetland, VanSUkle, Walter, Wedemeyer, Young- 19. Nays- Baumgardner, lionnctt, Billiic, Duffy, Kearns, Minor, Oesterlin and Speeclüey- 8. Mr. Oesterlin, from civil claims, reportod bill approved as stated: Claimed. Allowed. W. M. Welch. Books, etc $171 18 $127 30 Report accepted and adopted. Mr. (ii'.lKTt moved tliut it is the opinión of tliis board that it is not advlaable to adopt a toe bill for post mortem ex mina t knie. Adjourned until 11 a. m, to-mor■ w . ALFRED DAYENPORT, Cha'n. ARTHUR BROWN, Clerk. October SOth, 1891. Board comvened pursuant to adjournment. Rolcal'.ed. Quorum present. Journal read and approved. Mr. IVPuy. from criminal claims Xo. 1, reported bilis approved as stated: Claimed. Allowed. Chas. Iiyer, Sheriff $93 20 $f M M C. Peterson, dep. sheriff .... 22 05 19 rö Thos. F. Leonard, dep. sheriff. öQ 2ó 51 ft5 M.Brenner " " 2 6(1 2 60 Kep'ort accepted and adoptod. Mr, (iilbert, from criminal claims Xo. 2, reported bilis approved as stati'd: Claimed. Allowed. E. B. Pond.justice $6 75 $6 75 Phillip Kluin, witness $ 1 7tj 176 James Carr ... " 88 88 John Keets .. " 88 88 Natlmn Itider. ' 6 00 6 00 Edward Hamill ' 88 80 Geortte Warm " 6 00 6 80 RandallChapman" .... 6 00 6 00 Aiisus Heeney " 6 80 6 30 John Ileeny U 80 6 30 Wm. I'. Eldred " 4 73 4 73 Geo. Dunn " 6 90 6 90 Alex. Carrick ' 4 73 i 78 ZlnaBuch " 4 50 4 50 Claimed Alloxx7ed. - Zina Buck, dep. slierill' ■ $t 20 $6 20 Report accepted and 'adopted. Mr. Swoctland. from eommittee to with eounty officers, reported. RESOURCES. rail Fund 1,311 93 Michigan Asyluin 48 01 E. MIclilRHtl Asylum 1.1(17 :ll Delinquent Co. Tax 71 11 Salar? Fond 6. lm 21 County Fund (i,068 94 rurors' Fund 3,632 50 i ontlngent Fund 12 2(19 02 Kuel Fund 1,324 Bil Public Building Fund 2.729 08 Insurance Fund 1,003 97 Witness Fund 8ul 22 Board of School Er. Kund 715 Mi ('hareed Back Taxes 13 hl Ben Frank Harria Draiu h 74 bogar Loaf Drain Kund 10 00 LIABILITIES. Manchester Toxvuship 82 17 stcnograper Fund l." ;!3 Teachers' Institute Fund. 12 m Lodi Townshlp il'.t IX) Lima Township I - ;.i House of Correction !tvi) 7n Ypsllantl City 774 7 Ann Arbor City :!i mi Ann Arbor Doe Fund 4iK 3Ypsilauti Dog Fund 18 j Ml Delinquent Tax Fund S4 t.l General Fund 4,2(17 84 FineMoney Fund ;!I7 ir Poor Fund. 4,525 41 Interest Fund s4 .I Drain Funds 2"2 (16 Aimual Tax Sales t9 8 . Aniount due Farmers & Mechanics' Bauk 26.5% '23 $3S,92 21 838,002 21 We also flndthe amouut belonging to Unknown Ileir Fuud Jan. 1, '91, to be 482 01 Recelved Major S. Davidon, Est 96 21 Received Mary A. Thayer Est._ 428 55 Paid to Heir of Major S. Davidson. 9'i 21 Paid tollelrof Mary A. Thayer . 285 70 Bal. due Unknown Helrs 1, '91 ('21 86 $1,006 77 $l,00(j 77 Lestek H. Rweetlasd, I Edwin Ball, J-Commltte. JACOI! JEDEL.E, ) Which report was accepted and adopted. Claimed. Allowed Arthur Bnown.Cr. asperseltlemeunt 890 80 $90 80 The eommittee to apportion state and county tax, reported. To the Honorable Board of Bapervigora of the Couinty of Washtenaiï. Gemtlemtm: Your eommittee on apportioiiraent of state and county taxes make the followiiig report: State Tax. County Tas. Ann Arbor City f7,885 37 $6,965 (1 Ann Arbor Town 1 489 0 1,316 HO Augusta 795 67 702 M Bridgewater 1,286 30 l,(iï iii Dexter 871 75 770 00 Freedom 1,172 90 1.03' '0 Lima 1304 45 1.1S2 Lodi 1,489 90 l,3lp (mi Lyndon 649 &5 571 (M Manchester 1,806 90 1 MM m) Nortlifleld 1,172 90 1.03K di Plttafleld 1.795 80 l,5Ra 2 Salem 1,474 05 IJWj M Saline 1.814 82 Jfl 3 (Hl Sclo 2.108 05 1.H6! (o Sharon 1,220 45 1 078 00 Superior 1.S37 45 l."5s ihi Sylvan 1,577 07 1 8K) ("1 Webster 1,386 87 1 225 ■ York 1,540 62 1 :is 1 X!i Ypiilanti Town 1,577 45 J.'ttmw YpsilantiCity, lst Ward2,932 25 2 WO (i ' 2d ' 824 20 7 ut 00 All of which is respectfully submitted. James M. Forsyth, John W. Bexxett, JOIfN Bau.MÜARDXKI!, Coinniittee. ( 'ontinued on cighth page. Whicli report WM aceepted and adopted. Toe eommittee on per diem and niilea-ge reported. To the Honorable Board of Supervisors of "Washtenaw coiuity. Gentlemen: Your committee on per diem make the iollowing report: r Name. gj S i Éll_l_ J. B. Miner Jl -12 36Í IS 12 Í36 12 KugeneOesterliu -12 36 1 12 36 12 James Kearns 12 86 1 12 36 12 John Bauragardner 12 36: 1 12 36 12 Thomas .Speecbly 12136 1 12 36 12 John W. Bennett - 12 88 1 12 36 12 Walter S. Bilhle 12 ■ 4 48; 36 48 Wm. Dansiugburg - 12 88 15 1 80 37 80 George Wallers 12 8880 3 60 39 60 Jacob Jedele 12 36,11 1 32 37 32 Jacob Breining 12 3Ö10 1 92 37 92 Fred Wedemeyer, 8r IJ B6 24 2 88 38 8 Lester H. Sweetland 12 36 1' 84; 36 84 Thomas Young, Jr I : 36 27 8 34 39 24 William Burtless 12:;6 35 4 20! 40 20 Philip Duft'y 12 86 10U 20 37 20 M. F Case iflSB 7' 84 36 84 Arthur VanSickle 12'36 30 3 60i 39 60 Edward De Puy 12 36 11 jl 32 37 3-2 AndrewT. Hughes 12 86 8 96 36 96 Wm. B. Osborue 1213635I4 20 40 20 Michael J. Howard 12 36 10:1 20 37 2 i James L. Gilbert 1-2,3(5 18 2 16 38 16 Edwin Ball - 12tö8 lOjl 2o! 87 20 Alfred Davenport 14 86 l(i 1 92 43 92 John M. Hunter 121861 8, 96 36 96 David Edwards 12 36! 10 1 20i 37 20 Jomes M. Forsyth 12 3610,1 20 37 20 W. S. Belvin. ) D. Edward, Committee. A. C. Vansicki.e.) "Whicli report was accepted and adopted. The county clerk was directed to draw orders on the contingent fund for services aaid mileage ior tliis ses6ion and the regul'ar session. Adopted. The committee on fractional school districts reported. Your cammittee on fractional school districts report the iollowing: i DecT Assessed Equalized. pr. et. Ann Ai bor city T 6,193,150 $ 4075.000 .196 towD 1,185,850 940000 .207 Augusta 674,100 502.000 .255 Bridgewater 995,110 780.000 .216 Dexter 725,000 550.000 .241 Freedom 975,190 740.000 .241 Uma 991,840 I 823.CO0 .17 Lodl 1,119.21 940,000 .16 Lyodon 496.900 410,000 .174 Manchester : 1,321,590 1,140,000 .137 Xortlifielü ! 937,630 740,000 .21 PitUfleld 1,332,220 1,188,000 .Mil Halem 91)3,500 iO.OOO .06:5 Superior 1,188,490 970,000 .148 Snaron 1,026,420 770,000 .249 Saline 1319,750 1,145,000 .132 Scio ],399,t50 1,330,000 .057 Sylvan 1,213,100 990,000 .18 Webster 1,008.880 875.000 .133 York 1.364,300 972,000 .284 Ypsilanti town 1,237.730 72,000 .216 lstdlst 2,135.910 1,850,000 .134 " 2d dist 604,060 520,000 .1X9 Kespectfully submitted, EUOENE OSTERLIX, il. J. HOWAED, I. L. Gilbert. Which report was accepted and adopted. Mr. Seery, register of deeds, called attention to the condition of the general index of deeds. ilr. Breining offered the foUowing: Resolved, That the different supervisors are instructed to assess the several amounts as reported by the committee on apportionnient of state and county taxes, ateo the amount due the county nousO ior support of poor, also the ainount apportioned in the several supervisors districts as the law providets, also drain, tax and sol-dier's relief iund, providing that u.ny townsh'ip having BuBlclent soldier's relief fund on hand noed not levy for ttoat fund. Adopted. Mr. Uiibert offered the following: ïteeoïTOÖ, That the county elerk is hereby required to keep a separate account of certifícate issued for sparrow bounty showing number issued by each township and city, bo that the committee to settle wlth couaty officers can í-eadily compare and settle the same, and for said service the clerk is to receive anmuilly $50 in full compensation thereof. Adopted. Claimed. Aiiowed. ArtburBrown Í50 00 350 00 A communieation from Miehael Staebler relating to purchase of coal for court house and jail was received. On motion of Mr. Kearns, the county clerk was directed to advertiso for bide for coal for court house and jail, and let the contract to the lowest responsable bidder, reserving the right to reject ajiy or all bids. ('arried. Adjourned until 2 p. m. P. M. SESSIOX. Board ronrened at 2 p. m. Roll ca;lled. Quorum pi-esent. Mr. DePny, from criminal claims No. 1, ï-eported bilis approved au followg: Claimed. Allowed. .inaBuck.deputy sheriff, .... $620 $620 Mr. Míner moved tliat the price for board of prisoners at the county jail for the coming year ba fixcd at 15 cents per meed and 15 cents for lodging. Mr. Kearoe moved an amendment that the price be fixed at 20 cents per meal and 10 cents ior lodging. Which amendment was adopted by the following vote: Yeas- Bilbio, Duffy, DePuy, Davenport, Forsyth, Hughes, Howard, Jedele, Kearns, Sweetland and Young -11. Naya - Ball, Case, Gilbert, Hunter, Miner, Speechley, Van Sickle and Wldemieyer - 8. On, motion of Mr. Kearns. register of deeds, to insect additional lcaves ■vhere required, and that the county clerk be instructed to draw on the contingent fund for the expense of the s; Mr. Hughes moved that the surn ol $5 be pald to Dr. ohJn Kapp for time and expenses in the post mortein e.xamination of Sniith, at Scio. "Which motion was lost by the Jollowing vote: Yeas- Baumgardner, Bilbie, Breining, Duffy, Da-venport, Gilbert, Howa.rd, Hutïhes, Jedele, Kearns and SwcetUuMl- 11. Nays- Bennett, Burtless, Ball, Case, Dansinglnirs, DePuy, Forsyth, Hunter, Minor, SpeechJfey, Van Sickle, Wedemeyer and Young - 13. Your committee to whom was ;issiffned the duty of ascertaining the expenses of the county for the fiscal years 1890 aaid 1891, grouped under various headiugs aud cause the game to be printed with the proceedings, subinit herewith the information required: John R. Mixer, ") Kugkne Oesterlin, vCommittee. .John M.Huntek. ) October lst, 1889, to September 30th, 1890. II I L s2 f is 1 ff ? County Clerk,salary andallowances {1,715 00 $140 00 81,855 00 Probate Judge, salary 1,500 00 1,600 00 Probate Register 1,000 00 1,000 00 County Treasurer, salary and allowance 1.275 00 1,275 00 Court Stenographer 922 80 922 80 Commis'r of Schools 1,500 (K) 81 98 1,581 98 Prosecuting Attorney, salary and allowance 1,240 00 853 80 2,093 80 Superintendent of the Poor_ 249 00 249 00 Janltor's salary 450 00 450 00 School Ex , per diera 176 00 176 00 Sup'visors, per diem and mileage 762 44 152 95 915 39 Jury in Circuit Co't. 4,842 70 4,842 70 Teachers' Institute- 125 36 125 36 Books, station'y and printing 998 16 223 77 1.2J2 12 Telephone court house andjail 187 25 187 25 SherifTs fees 460 50 719 23 1,179 73 Board prisoners and Turnkey's feee 1,640 55 938 55 2,579 10 Support prisoners, Detroit - 268 75 268 75 Deputy SherifTs fees 370 00 1,182 25 1,. 552 25 Conveying prison's, 140 65 140 85 Examlnatiou and 233 30 303 59 536 89 Support of insane at Pontiac 3,018 99 3,018 99 Furniture supplies and repairs 1,543 23 129 42 1,672 G5 Cement walk at co't house 645 70 645 70 Cement Moor basement court house, 384 81 384 81 Cement walk at jail 137 92 137 92 Gas at court house andjail 549 60 549 60 Water rent 100 00 100 00 Delence of prison's, 110 00 l'O 00 Postage 41 16 40 00 81 16 Soldiers' Relief Commisslon 550 00 550 00 Sparrowbounty 2,008 23 2 008 2:1 Sundries 163 56 128 72 292 28 Fuel ._ 1,086 35 1,086 35 Jail physician 50 (X) 50 00 Justiee fees 721 24 721 24 Jurors and wltnesses in Justiee Court 346 70 3tii 7i Constable fees ._ 191 45 191 45 Stenographer in Justice Court 20 00 20 00 Coroner's inquests-161 25 161 2-5 Reportingniortgag's w 80 493 80 Board of prison ers at Ypsllanti 21 70 21 70 Buria! of sokliers 200 00 200 00 829,653 70 $7,2D9 16 $36,953 16 Oí. lst, 1350, lo Scjjí. soth, 1301. i ? 'ff I : Count.y Clerk, salary andallowanees $1,639 00 .$53 50 $0,192 50 Probate judge salary 1,500 0U 1,500 00 Probate register, salary 1,100 00 1,150 00 Court steuographer, salary 922 80 922 80 CommíB'rof seliools 1,500 00 246 28 1,748 28 Pros. Att'y salary & allowances 1,660 00 500 00 2,100 00 Supts. ofpoor 243 00 243 00 Janitor's salary .... 408 72 468 73 School Ex. per. dlem 180 00 1S0 00 Supvlsors per. diem 2571 70 2. .771 70 Jury, Circuit Court 3,488 20 3,488 20 Books, stationary & priuting 11)2 08 4" 7.1 1,367 81 Telephone, Court House and Jail aud Probate Judge, Ypsilanti 6 00 48 00 144 00 SherirTs fees. .. 26100 1,022 78 1,283 78 Board oí prisoners & turnkeysfee ... 3,130 44 2,225 4( 5,355 90 Support prisoners Detroit 359 6J 359 64 Dep. sherlfTs fees... 840 00 1,633 23 1,973 23 Convey ing prisoners 175 65 175 65 Examination &conveying insane . . a8 40 385 70 744 10 Support of insane, Pontiac 2,917 36 2,917 36 Support of insane, Ionia 11039 110 39 Furnlture. supplies and repairs 2,775 54 74 82 2,850 36 Gas at Court House andJail8mo 485 86 485 86 GasatJaiU mo 34 35 34 35 Electric ligut Court House 27 49 27 49 Electric ligut fixtures 100 00 100 00 Water rent 100 00 100 00 Defense of prisoners 130 00 130 00 Postage 5196 50 00 10196 Soidier's relief commission 26 70 20 70 Sparrow bounty 1.887 55 .. 1.8S7 55 Sumirles 236 89 107 05 343 91 Fuel, two year's supply 1.80699 1,806 99 - y- ■HELM-r-' Jail physician 48 00 48 00 Justlce fees 1,053 71 1,053 71 Jurors and witnesses Ín Justice Court 227 16 227 10 Constable fees 239 32 239 32 Stenograph'r in Justlce Court 30 15 30 15 Coroners inquest 184 36 184 36 Report'K mortgages. 30 2') 30 20 Board of prisoners at Ypsilanti 73 50 73 50 Burlal of soldiers- 314 00 314 00 Board of Can vussers 248 40 248 40 Insurance 1,099 08 1,099 08 Stone yard 401 38 401 33 Procur'g 200 00 200 00 Interest _. 611 99 611 99 Register of Deeds 411 90 411 90 34,509 12 10,439 84 $44,948 9 Mr. Beimett offereri the followiiiR: Ilesolved. Tha.t the thaniks of this board are hereby tendered to John E. Minier, clerk iro tempore, for the polite, aifable and able mannor in "wh'oli lic iliscliai'iii'd the duties of tli.-it offic-o. Adoptcd. Adjourned sine die.


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