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OPENING AND CLOSING OF THE MAILS OFFICE HOURS. LOCAL TIME. , ( 7.30 A. M. tO 6.00 P. M. General 16.50 P. M. to 7.30 I'. M. Money-Order and Regis try Departments 8.00 A. M. to 6.00 p. M. Carrier Windows 6.50 P. M. to 7.30 p. M. Sundays - General Deliverv, Stamp and Carrier Windows 9.00 A. M. to 10.00 A. m. M A TI s M A J LS GOING EAST. Closk DistribUTED. Express Pouch to Detroit 7.80 A. M. .; Detroit & Grand Rapids R.P. 0 10.15 A. M. 11.00 a. M. Detroit & Chicago R. P. O. 5.15 P. M. 6.50 p. M. Detroit & Chicago R. P. O. 8.00 p. M. 7.30 A. M. Express Pouch to Detroit 8.00 P.M GOING WEST. Detroit & Grand Rapids R. P.O. -Paper Train," 7.30 A. M. Detroit & Chicago R. P. O. 8.35 A. M. 9.15 a. m. Detroit, Three Rivers & Chicago R. 1'. 0 9.35 A. M. 10.15 A. M. Express Pouch from Detroit ' 3.00 P. M. Detroit & Grand Rapids R.P.0 5.50 P.M. 6.50 P.M. Detroit fe Chicago R. P. O. 8.00 p. m. 7.30 a. m. GOING NORTH. Copemish & Toledo R.P. O. 7.30 A. M. 8.30 A. M. Express Pouch from Toledo.. 1.15 P. M. Express Pouch from Toledo .... 5.45 p. M Express Pouch from Urania, Mich 6.45 P.M. GOING SOUTH. Express Poueh to Toledo 7.20 A.M Express Pouch to Milán.. 7.'J0 a. m New York & Chicago R. P. O. Train 14 ! 11.30 a. m Express Pouch to Toledo 11.30 a .m Express Pouch to l'riinia'll 30 A. M .Express Pouch from Durand & East Sagiuaw R.! P.O. 12.10 P.M Copemish & Toledo K. 1'. O. J-.OO._PLM1_7:3O a M. MKSSENGER SERVICE: Mail leavee for Welnstmrgb, Tuesdaya and Saturdays ". . 12.00 m. Mail arrivea from Welnsburgh, Tuesilays nud Saturdays 5.45 P. M Muil ftrrives from Dixboro and Geer, Tueadays.Xhursdaysand Saturdays, 11.00 a.m Mail leavos for Dixboro and Geer, Tuesdays.Tliursilays and Saturdays, 12.00 m. EUGENE E. BEAL, -4 ï(Ji Arbor, Mich.. Ortnbrr, 189L PottlUCMti r Bparrow scalpe cosí the county. $188.51 during October. o rain makers appear to bc neceseary hereabouts just now. Mrs. Jeaneee-Mlller, the great drese i. iiiiiinr. is the motber of a baby gtrf. The editorial expartmetnt oí the paper will !►;■ íouod upiMi the 2d pan1' jï tliis week's isn '. The üliiwl liooiio concert at the Congregational chiurch Mondaj evenlng was a great Biiceass. (in. WiiLiiis is sai.l bo be vcry firm dn rellattan to tlue strlct enforcement of the gama aiv il h law.-. 'Tw re bet ter to "look a leedle oud." The Ann Arbor Iiriek & THe Co. have ix'i'ii experimenting wlth clay ft'om Leiand, and belleve that they have found Home that la ol excellent qiKility. The last lessoa o! the cooking school now being heil at Harria hall, will glven to-morrow, Thursday afternoon, and t subject wül be "cake." and "eweetmeate." The hoiir ior the schooi la 3.30. Coffee will be k 'rvcd, and sjentlenien are invited. Tlie total receipbs at the eountj treasnrer's office durln the month of Octobor were $,048.66. The disbursenifiits were $10,905.11, leavlng a total overdraft Nov. lst, of $86,311.04. This county ought jiot to be in debt. It ia tóo rlch a county for that. At the Unity Club, on Monday eveninp; ïK'xt, bhere will be a lecfcure by the Rev. ('araihi M. Cobern D. D., entitlod ' A.t with Graat Hen,' beinj? reminiscencea of OUver Wendell Holmes and Wende, 1 Phillips. Thrre will algo be som ■ music on the piano b.v hiisp Edit.h Jones. To-inoriow tli ■ Brotherhoof of St. Amdrew umi Llttlè MUslonaries, ol Ypeüanti, are tu glv an excursión from Ypsüanti to the flower show at Detroit. Tickets 75 cents. Aun Arbor folk.s de.siring to go should take the 7.30 motor. IteturniiiK home on 8 o'clock motor. Tlios. R. McColhim, Bupertotendemt of the Aim Arbor & Ypsiiliinti Ht. R. B., mot wirtli a serJOus accldemt last Tburwiay. One end of a tíe dropped upon hits ri)iht ioot, b.idly lnjuring ■the same, aail llayUag hiin np ior a li'ttlc tjWK'. Dr. Darling has takéi Wie contract of brlnfctnR him out al ráfehlt, lKfWcvrr. TIk' cookinu' school, whlch has bcei conducted by Mrs. Bwlog, under the ausipices of the La:'.i 's Aid Society o St. Andrew'B church, at Harria hal for the past ten days. has been a gTeat snecess. Neailv 100 ladlea have been in attpndanu', and have probab ly storeíl away suf.liieait knowledge upon this important subject to las them rnany yearg. Undoubtedly mos of the notes taken ivill be allowed to remain untestod, but it is certainly a pleasant thlng for ;i lady to know that she can do theB9 thlnga if sh desires to. It h. is been Buggestet that dyepepsla cures will dow in ready sale In A:;:i A"bor for som nionths to o n . Bilt perhaps tha ivas an ank " 1 Buggestion.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier