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During The Time Of Mr. Gladstone's

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premiere hip, in the iivc years followiiiR the fall of L r.l Beaconefield's .uovernment, there was h little bami of i.ndepemlriH coneervatívea in the House of Comnmns, tha1 itc.-l: uim! to follow the leadcrgtilp of the late Sir Stafford Northcote, -u-hom they found too iii(hi;:j,-,'i)i wirii Mr. Gladstone. They hrleil In every possible manner to harasa ': ■ liberal leader. ïhis was tlic 8O-called I'nurtli party, aamcil so because ir only oouuted fqur miembers, Lord Randolph Churchkl, Sir Hcni-y Drummond - Wolf, Slr Jo-Iid üorst and Mr. A. .1. Balfour, ome of -w-hom lias elnee gained [ame as a statesnian. The R%ht Honorable Arthur James Balfour, the present chiief secretary for Ireland, wlm has just been appointed leader of the house of commons, to succeed the late Mr, W. H. SmLth, is 42 years old, is a nephew of Lord Sailsbury, and was educated at Eaton and Trinity college, Cambridge. He enjoyed the advantage of private secretary to liis uncle, whojn he aceompanted to tin' Berlin conress in isys. ]!■ was'jörsi r ■■ . ■ ■. l ii! parliament in 1874 .- ■- 1 1 1 i: iw ou' di th members for Manchester. HLs liisl office was the Becretaryshiip tor Scotland in whiich he had n i opportninity of dislishing himself and politicians were therefore ruther astonished when Lord Salisbury appointed him to succeed s:r Mtchae] Hick- Beach, ,-is secretary lor Ireland, howevor lie soon showed what stuif lie was made of. lic bas developed toto a íirst t-lass deba ber nol bo s y opator, keepimg cnol i,n parHmen! iin.l t bhe greatesi proveoatLons sliou timI ujioii iiim ly tlic irLh members, who have learned to fear hlm as wAl as bate him. He has ïiot tor a moment relaxed hij Him, not to say Urinal, admonlstratioa of the law in Ireland. I'crBoaaÜy Mr. üalour is rathcr a khully dteposed gentleman, and the linktality lies in the eystem, and not in the man. Mr. Iia'fuur i-; vcry popular wtth toe Tory party and is eonsiiUird as a not uni'ikely man to become premir-miaister, rheitever Lord. Salisbury dtóájpeárs froni the poILtical arena. Mr Balfour has shown great literary ability and lias i lïslied severa] works on Thilosophy, '■ which are vc.-y In'ili'iy Kpoken of. '


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier