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Ann Arbor Press Club

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A meeting w.-is heM at the o oí 8. W. BeaJces Last Fridáy p. m., of the editora ol the t-iiy, íor the purpose o: effectlng prcldminary arrangementa Por i in1 coming meeting of Uf State Editorial Aasoalation Ín Jan nary next. After some dlscussion ii was thomght beet to organize a local jncss club, as not, only a means for better atteodlng to the wanta : the sttite aseociatlon meeting, but as a means for a better understandinir imong themselves. That belng decided upon an organázat'.on was efDected, thc foHowing membera belng present and taking part: Argns- S. W. Beakes, W1U W. Watts. Oowrier- Junius B. Beal, George ir Pond. Democpat- Mise Emma E. Bower. HiuistV .íind- Paul (i. Sueke-y. PostLouis J. Llesemer. Begist?r - 8. A. Moran, George H. Snow. Timos - Fred f'. Brown, Eugene K. Prueaulf. Tlie Yellow and Blue and U. of M. Daily wiTi' Invited to send represent'itivi's, and will probably unlte wlth t.ii" club. The followlng oföcers were clected: President- S. W. Beakes. Vlee Presidí nt - Miss Emma B. l'ower. Beeretary- Geo. H. Snow. Treastirer - Junius E. Beal. Executlve Oonunlttee - F. C. Brown, Geo. H. Pond, IOuds J. Lleeemer. Regular ineeting-.s of the club are to be held on the örst Friday of Oach inontli at 4 o'elock ]. m., at the offic' dl' 8. A. .Moran, iintil Otfaer arransements aro perfec t-ed. Tt was resolved to invite the ex■cutivc committee of the state assoeiation to meet in Ann Arbor to perteel their arrangemeate for the innnal meeting, and the èecretary was nistruc t 'il to correspond with thein in iclatiim tliereto. On motion, tho president of the club was authortoed to appoint tlie followfcng c-ommittees, to conslst of three or more memliers euc.h to make arrangementa for the coming meeting Entertainment and Program, Accommodations. Carriagee, and Banquet. A committee on finan ■■ was chosen, consisting of Messrs. Beal, Beakes and LAeeemer. The president, and executire eommlttee wae authorlsed to confer with President Angelí, Sec'y Wade, "t al., r.'lative to arranging a program of entertainment. A motion was made and c'arried to invite the citizens of Yp.silanti to co-operat' with the Club ín entertaining the yuests; on? day being assigned to that city for that purpose. The meeting then adjourned subject to the cali of the president.


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Ann Arbor Courier