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1892. HARPER'S WEEKLY. ILLUSTKATED. II LBFER'B Wkeklï for the coming year 'lüoontalD more attraetive features, more nú flner illustratlons. aml a sreater number f anieles of live intense Interest than wlil e founcl In any other periodleal. Among bese latler there wlll be a serles of artices n twenty-ttvegreatestcHlesof the world, ïcliulliiK tlve hundred Illustratlons. The ohimblan Exposltlou, the Anny and Navy, reat public events, disasters on land and ea, and thedolugs of the celebrated people ftheuiiy wllljbe desorlbed and illustrated In n attraetive and ttmely marnier. The Deartment of Amutew Sport will oontlnue under the dlreollOD of Caspab V. Wihtnkv. Tiiebestof modern writers wlll opntrlDute short stories, and the most dlstlnguished artlsts wlll make the illustratlons. The editorial articles of Mr. Geohge William CUKns will remaln as an especial attraction. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. PBB YEAR : HA.RPER'9 WEEKL H 00 HARPER'S MAGAZINE 4 00 HAHl'ER'S BAZAR 4 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE 2 00 Postnge Pree to all mbscribers in tlte United States, Canuda ot' Mexico. The Volumes of the Wkekxy begin with the flrst Numbev for January of each year. When no time is mentloned, subscriptions will begin witb the Nuiuber current at time of receipt of order. Bonnd Volumes of HABPBB'8 Wkkki.y for threeyears back, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by mail, postage paid, or by express, freeof expense (provided the freieht does rot axoeed one dollar per volume), for $7.00 per volume. Cloth Cases for each volume, sultable for binding, will be sent by mail, postpaid, on receipt of $1.00 each. Remittanoes should be made by Post-offlce Money Order or Uraft, to avold chance ol loss. Ui irspapers are not to copy this advertí without Uu express order of Haupkr & Bi:othBBS. Address: HARPER & BROTHKKS, New York. ANN ARBOR FRUIT FARM! All kinds of Kruit. Ornamental Trees and Flowers, from Bllwanger and Barry. Order early by mail. 8yTupB,Medicina) Yiues,Raspberry Svnip, Boneset, Dandelion and other Domeetlc Grape Wines, prepared especiallyfoi Invalide. Pure Plymouth Hoek Egge. EMIL BAUE, West Huron St., Ann Arbor. XASTHMAPl SCHIFFM ANN'S Asthma Cure Never fails to give instant relief in the worst casos, and effects cures whtro other fall. Trial Paekage FKKE of Di-Qggit or by fflall.1 AJdrwi DR. R. 8OHLFFMANN. jKJWm 1892. HARPER'S BAZAR. ILLU8TBATKD. IlAtti'KH's Is a Journal for the home. It glrea the latesi Information wltta regard to the fashons. nul lts numerous illustratloiiB. Paris designs, and pattern'Sheei supplement uro lndespensabie iiiikc io home flress maker and the professional mudlste. No expense ts tpared to nmke lis urtlutie attractlvenessoftkehlgnesi order. lmbrtKlit st orles, niniisliiK eoinedles, and thouKhtful eiiays satlBf T au !n-is. and lts last page ts famous a8 a budget of wit andnnmor. tnlti weokly Issues everyWimg Is lncUided whlchisof Interest to woinen. The Seríala lor 1893 wiil be writton by Walter Hksant and Wiu.iAM ltl,A('K. Mrs. OLIPH&MT wlll titeóme a contrlbutor. Mabion HablaSD'b Tlmely Talks ■■iinv in ami i);iy om," are Intended i"r matrona, and Hklkn Mak.-iiai.l Nokth wlll spee.liilly address glrls. T. ff. E1IGO1N8OH. in kW0Baea and Men, will plea9e a culttvatednudlenee. MRPER'S PERIODICALS. VVAi YBAll: HARPER'S BAZ.VH $4 OU BABPEU'S MAGAZINE 4 00 HARPER'S WEEKLY 4 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOFLE 2 IX Pottagt Frrc to uil subscriben in the United States, Vanada or Mexico. The volumes of the BAZAR begin with the rstnvimber lor Jamiary of eaohyear. When o time is mentloned, snbsorlptions will beiti witli tie Numbar curreut at time of reeipt of order. Bound volumes of Harpkk's Hazak, for liiee yenrs back, in neat eloth binding, wtll e sent by mail, postage pald, or by expresa, ree of expense (provided the frelgbi dos not xceed oue dollar per volume), for $7.00 per olume. Cloth Cases for eacli volume, suitable lor linding will be sent by mail, postpaid, on eoeiptol $1.00 eaob. Remlttance sliould be made by Post-offlee [ouey Order or Draft, to avold chance of ioss. mispapers are not to copy this advtrtisement oUhout Ihe e.cpress order uf UARPKR & Bköth;rs. Address: HABPBE & BROTHERS, New York. i r „ S-g2g IWMIIHII Ijllll """ , " S 5' L■ n t - i n [-1 ff yf p r Í 4" tl IIIIMIIIIIIIIIMIIIlrf 0) ■- ' DJ ftj "! Tij J l,-"-' - "Uoiti ra -jip j&r j


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