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"M. & H." WRITING TABLETS. The Haüdsomest, Mo Bconomical, nnc ■ od f putting up Writing Paper h i 1 1 ■ ■ ) ■ : hem Erom your Statloner, or send direc to the Manufacturers, HASBROUCK & SINCLAIR, 538 PEARL ST., NEW YORK N. ]!.- A ITandsome Tal r I'olite pondence mailod for Twenty Piwi Cevtê Xow we are ready with a new Brick Storehouse for the sto'rage of Household Goods Piauos, Books, Moves, etc. P1ANOSAJÍB HOUSEHOLD -:- GOODS Ca.refu.ll3r ÏCo-rrecL. All kinds of heavy and light Draying. FREIGHT WORK C. E. GODFREY, 'Phone 82. Res. and Office M X. Fourth Ave. 1 e OP II;:m:y DoüGLAS. STATK OF MICHIGAN, County of WashteAi a sesslon of the Probate Court for the '■ of Washtenaw, holden at the 1'robate In the city of Ann Arbor, 011 Friduy, the y-third day of October In the year one ind elght hundred and ninety-one. ■ obate. In the matter oí the estáte o sed. (:, Hing the petltion. duly veri0 Mary l.1. Douglas, praying thal Admin[stratlon of said estáte may be granted to l..' I 1 some othei suitable person. Thereupon it Is ordered, tlnit Monclny. the twenty-tfiird day of November next, at ten o'clork in the forenoon, be assigned for thi hearing of said petition, and thatthe heirg at law, of said deceased, nd all other persona tnterested In said estáte, are required to al e Bession of said court. tnen to lx; holden at the Probate Office, In the City of-Ann Arbor, in said County. and show cause, if aliy there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted. And it Igfurther ordered, that said petloner give notice to the persons lnterestedin said estáte, of the pendency of said petition. and the hearing thereof. by causing a copy of this order ti published in the Ann Arbor Courier, anewspaperprlnted and circulating in said County, bbree succ4ssive weeks previoua to said dav of hearli [Atruecopy.j J. WILLARD BABBITT, Judge oi Probate. W. (i. DOTY. I'robiite Register. Estáte of Benjamin Dat. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Oounty of Washteuaw, ss. At a session of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw. holden at the Probate Officefn the City of Ann Arbor, on Tuesday, the twenty-seventh day of October in the year one thousand eight hundredand Qlnety-one. Present, J. Willard Babbitt, Judge of Probate. In the natter of the Sstate of Benjamin Day. deceased. On reading and Qling the petition, duly veri3ed,of Mary Ann Day praying tluit a'dminIstration i :ti estáte may lie granted to tierself , the exeutor in said wil] named orto some other suitable ]"■' Thereupon it is ordered, that Jfonday the twenty-third day of Nov. teno'clockin the forenoon, be assigned for the hearing of said petition, and that the heirs at law of said ■ Land all other persons interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a sessiou if ail Court, then tobe holden ut the Probate Mlice, in the City of Ann Arbor, and show hum1, if any there be,why tiie prayer of the petitioucr shónld not be granted And it lsfur:her ordered, that said petitioner Kive notice to the persons interested in said estáte. of the pendency of said petition and the hearng thereof, hy causing a copy of this Order to )e published in the Ann Arbor Courier, a tewspaper printed and circulated in said ■ounty three successive weeks previous to said day of In-uring. (A true copy.; J. WILLARD BABBITT, Judge of Probate. VM. (.. DOTY, Probate Register. -- - "■-■ - - nnnr-TMi WALL PAPER WALL PAPER Of all tlse L.itett DeMgn?. PSICE3 tlxe jXWEST: OSCAR O. SOHG, 1"lie IDeooratcr. 70 S. MAIT ST., ANN ARBOR. GOLD MEDAL, PAUIS, 1373. Ï. Baker & Co.'s OfoaKlaSI bUüUd from which the excess oí oil has been removed, is Absolutely Pure and it is Soluble. No Chemicals are used in its preparation. It has no!-e than three times the strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is therefore far more economical, costing Iets than one cent a ciq). It is delicious, nourishing, strengtheniug, easily digested, and admirably adapted for invalida as well as for persons in healtli. Sold by Grocers everywhere. W. BAKER & C0u Dorchester, Mass. HE ADA CHES for 25c. CURED I y Pms }L5grs.fYÚ ( solb Bï.uRuesjsra# i EBERBACH & SON, ANN ARBOR. " WORTU A. GUIWfiAJUBOZ J i -AINLE3S cí7vEFFECTUAL j Su #-V' V"l ■ c ♦ iï PILLS. Jgjl-si 5 OL all dru(jLrist!. Price 25 cents a box. $ New Vork Depot, 365 Canal St. 33 L MORTGAGE Sale. WHEKEA8, Andrew K. Schmidt and Rose Idt, of the city of Ann Arbor, Wa-htenaw Coui of Michigan, on the twenty fourth day of December, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight, made and executeda mortgage to Baker, Gray & Cömpany (incorporated) of Detroit, tate of Michigan, Co secure the payment of the suin of : hundred dollars and Interest at elght per cent per annum : the principal .sum being due as fol[owb: $750 i 11 six monthe, and $750 in one year i'i'oüi date of said mortgage, wnich mortgage was recorded in the office of the Registen í Deeds for said County of Washtenaw, State of Michigan, oh the thir'd day of January, A. I).. L889, in Líber 73 of znortgagea on page 57. And the snm 01' tour hundred and fortyflve dollars of the principal and interest is claimed to be due on said mortgage at the date .i tliis notice and default having been made In the payment of the same ór anypart thereof, whereby tlie power contalned ín said moi the premises described therein has become operatlve and no snit or proeeedings In luw or cipiity having been instituted to recover any part of the sum due. Nol fore hereby given that by virtue of the power i Bale contained In aald mortgage and pursuant to the statute In such case made and provided we shall 011 Saturday, the twentythirddayof January one thousand ciL'l.t huniredandninety-two at teno'clockin the fóreTioon of that day, sell at public auction ■ 1 bidder, at the south door of the court noiise in the city of Ann Arbor in said county 1 said court hl u-e belng the }lace ïor holding :he circuit court in said county) thepremises lescribed in said mortaiie or as niuch tli is shall tte necessary to Batlsfy the amount due m said mortgage and all costa andel ': sale aa follows: All those certain ileces or parcela of land sitúate in the city of Ann Arbor. in the Connty of Washtenaw, State of Michigan and described as t'olows to-vt t : Those parta of bits number one md eight in block fonr (4) nortn of Huron street. range sixeast. commeuclng at the inersectlon of the nortli line of North street with the easterly line of Detroit street and 'unnning thence northweatarly along Detroit street one hundred iind rifty-fóur feet. thence loutheasterly at right angles to Detroit street Ifty feet. thence south fourteen di me hundred and th ree and one-half feet thence vest one hundred and flve feet to place of Ing, exceptlng the right of william foley to use the well on said premisea by payng lialf the repairs tliereof. Dated, October 24, 189 BAKEli, GRAY & I O., . i). A. skssions. l ngees. Attorney for Mortgii!; For twentv-five years Ote expertaaoe cf :ni:)ioc3 of siirTerers, oíd aid yor.-i: , iiüve gratefclly endoraed Ö19 aii .j,,:soi Tlúa Pliarmaeeijtical rzrzíox. of the Age A vitalisir.g rtütmlatt without al oohoL A nerve ecaativo without r.arcctias. A blooü. pnrlfler -without joisons. Alivercleaiiser. A pureiy verjetabia tissua-maor, rrcnioiiiig digestión, nutritior., Eeeretlon, excretion and respiration. A lifa-gj tonie, f'-W'ö e.nd e. .louttiio disastreua raactions oí" tha deadly compounda of rum c.C. e lo-chol usuaily eold as bitters. as cever &wn tcfoi-a fc tbs Worli. lts cliacovery amonfj the mccUc:nr.l fruita, roota and herbs of C.i:oraia WAS A MÏTÏ.'iCf.E, and their cembiaation iatú a phccomenal lifegiviDg tonio A TKIUMPH of the CTTKKICAI, AET. Tue only changa made in the formula during twenty-five years has been to xre8unt jt in two rombiuations. Thf n}d orifñnnl reraain ny.i-hanged. bnt beiiif sironger, more luxative and botter. A hkiv 'ortn moro agreeable to tha taste and better adapted to Minnen atttï ehilflrnt but comprislng the flamu tonic propertiee, is now tnadu nd the trimre 0 thr xcoitil ia chulUngiU to pruUuco the eqrial of thia TRÜLY & OXLYTEMPEKEXCE BITTEES KXOWX or to produce apurely vegetable bitters or medicine of any kind, whose action is at onco Ho bafe, so certaiu and cumprehensive aa tho CALTFOKXLi VIN EG AR BITTERS, or any compound whioh from Ha varied action upou the vital luuctions is equal to tho CURE OF SO ÏIAKY DISEASES. Thrir ramfi 13 lepion - Rhcnmatipm. Neuralgia Cntarrh, Janndice, Kidncy Dlsxase, Scrofula. Skin Diseaseaar.d lioils. Consum]itiou, Piles and all disonliTs arising írora indigestión, itupure blood, nervous prostration, and dilapldated constitutinn from any cause cive woy to it lik mist before tho 6U11. whlle its singular power over TUE DEADLY MICROBK ASD OMXIPRESEST BACTERIA. indicates its snperiorirv in all diseases of malarial origin, and readera it tho BEST VKRÏHFUGE KNOWN. No family can afford to do without a bottle of OLD AND NEW STYLE ANEGAR BITTERg in the house, as expressed by thousanda of testi monials. Send for boautiful book. Address, H. H. McDonald drug to., New y od ■ ■Wood's Füiosïiüa-odiii.O. THE GREAT ETOLISH REMEDV. TTsed for 36 years n- of Youthful folly by ÉfUL . antl the excessea uessfully. jbSJHSV of later years. antced to cure all " ajIb j Gtvcs immediate furms of Nervous %3S strength andvioWeakness, ■QKTa, '"". Askdrupulsta dons, IKfir Wood's Phosrhea. ImDotency.l"'1"" "" '}; phodine; takeno and all the erfects Photo from 1-lfe. 'Knnstit.ntft One package, $1: slx, $5, by mail, Wrlte for pamphlet. Adüresa Thc.Wood Chemical Cu.. 131 Woodward &, Lietrolt, Micli. INSURANCE, REAL ESTÁTE and LOAR AGEHGY - No. 2 Hamilton Block. Life, Bïre and Accident Policios written in Kirst Class Companie Rates Low. Li liherally adjusted and promptly paid. One hundred Lots in Hamilton Park Addition for sale on easy terms. Office Horns: From 8 a. m. to 12 m. and 2 to 5p m. A. W.8HAMILTON. Fargöö Shoes -■'3 i OP t-TiO '■! fkttñiy i "Box Tip" School Shoes ?J&s fIeeled or Wed9e Heelf ' 5TSffiS Sizes-8tol$ 1.8.5 üayvA AlKu lto3 1.7 íflT FARCO'S )MI $2.50 Calf Shoe ftrMváV for Gentlemen, í wAlitr - Cnequaled by any ahoa V_-P tGiir lin America at the same -w-OHm.tjay Drice. ín Congren, Butfci-11 faa-rf ton and Lace Men'sand Boy's si zes. rrtfl FARCO'S m [$2.50 UDIES' BOOT ? X Dongoa or Goa'. Button, ƒ ft( Opera, or Common Sense. V '5 CÍ1 iSlA Tackles and Flexible. t 9i ÍSSgiSii IVarranted the most TliÉÉrf" i_ E . rtnOT vj "' '"" soid at liar,! Vil pHsD!Í'MadoinLadiesaodMi!!í OUR NAME IS ON THE B0TT0W OF EVERY SHOE. AskypUT dealer for Farico'd fh xs. lt he does not Keep them send to usond wo wiU íurnisli v..u a lAirco recelptof pra. Send postal for de C. H. FAEGO c& CO., Chicago. 111. DOTY & FEINER, AGENT8, AKX ABBOR. öutf s Water Back ! A very important inveniiun which will he hailed with delight by everyborly using a stove or range for hot water circulation. Aíter years of experience we have succeeded in pro ducing a simple and perfect WATER BACK. It overcomes all the present troubles of extracting lime and other sedimente which accumulate in water backs, olten rnaking them useless and in great man y instantes becoraing dangerous. The outlay of dollars is vedueed tft dimes. No household using a range can afford to be without it. No more troubie by using city water for hot water circnlation. Can be used in any stove. Ask your stove dealer for Hutzel's Water Back. Masón & Davis Co's. ranges for sale at C. Eberbach are provided with oiir improwment. Fvervrxxh rail and examine this useful in'ventioii. HUTZEL & CO., ANN AKHOP. - - M.IC0 V V II Bl II ""h "' fai' ■' ""'"f1 P""on of eilheV m ■ i 0 B I "ei, who cm reuil aud write, and who, fV WV W no un Tliree TI.ou.aDd HoII. , Terintherownlt.,alii....,vl,.r.vTtl.c.vlive.IwnIofunii!l1 the sitimtioncrvinpl..ytin-iit.t n hich vuucan earn thatamoant. No money tur me unleha Hicceaaftll as above. Fasily and quickly leamed. I de.ire Imt one ivorker Irom each district orcounty. I havealready taugljt and piovided with employmant ■ larpe, I,., .re mikinz ov,r ÍUIMIO a jpnreacíi. Il XEW and SOM. Full parliculnrs FIC EE. AddreH at onc, j;. (', .1LI.E.V. Itox 43O, Aucot, Maine. oo3fcs Cottoia. loo"b r Üli? COMPOUND B 'Sp SoniDosed of Cotton Kcx-t, Tarsy and 'Z Yi'01101! - a recent uiscovc-y by an monuuu- Safe, EllectuaL Pricu $1, by malí, Bealed. iAdies, ask your diu'i ' f'T Cook'g Cotton Eoot Cotnpound and taK vi "bstitute, or iiiolose2 stanips for sealed p irt,cu ara Address PON L1LY COMPANV. : ■ 3 Fiaher Block, 131 Woodward ave., Detroit. :.Hcj. EBERBACH & SONS, ANN ARBOR, SELL BELOW PILLS. T A tSTT7C! try le DCC'S "PI JLlüulyXillÖ KIODICAL" PILLS froir.. Paris, France. Establlshed Ín Europe 1839,. Canada iu 1S7H. For Suppressions, Irrearularities. and Montlily Derangements. A ivliablemouthly medicine. They alwny.s relieve. Any droggist, '-'. American 'Pili C"o., Proprietors , . Bpencer. Iowji. Kobert Siephenson & Co., Wholesale ageuts. and all other dnifttrists ii Ann Arbor. These vills are warranted to. bring on the " ehaiige. CET THE BE8T FIRE INSURANCE $29.000,000 Secnrity held for tln' protectlon of the policy CHRISTÍAÑ MáCK Kepresents the [ollowing fint-clase compai of which one, the -Etna, has alone paid $05,000, 000 flre losses in aixty-five years: yEtna.of Hartford $9.192,54 Franklin of l'hihulelphia S.118,713 Germania, N. Y .... 2,700.729 Germán, American, X. Y 4.065,968 London Assorance, London 1,416,788 Michigan F. & M., Detroit 287,608 tí. Y. Underwriters, N. Y tfiUSfiK National, Hartford 1.77403 Phoenll, Hrooklyn 3,759,036 Losses liberallyadjusted and promptly paid. Policles issned at the lowest rátesof premium. Uíllti Bll Wl lia D one can do tbe work. Ksy o .-ni h rvrryrhinp. ÏI r:k. Toa can devoto ' t ) t ïrl v 11 ew 1 end,;iii.l I ritiifs M'ondtrfnl suchos t o overv m ci kcr BefrinitMi ar Bvnlng Brom #'iá to 30 pr week and upwards,. umi mora tftet a llttle experlenct. We can ftirnlafa you ihe emnloyment and tened yon rHSK. No srtareto explain hete. I-ul1 iuformatiyn rRKK. TKUE fc CO., ACtíLSTA, JUOAX Skti V BmíU i hÜBaO this paper, or ob'. BÍng space woen in Chicago, witl frnd t o ' toAdwtiai'iffAncyoi LORS STHGÜwp. ■M 6000. 00 a y rar Is brinp marie bj John R. ytSPHk "oow'n'1 'roy,N.V.,at work for us. Keader 5 ■"" ni"J" ""' make mach, bat re i u 53 Y tfr)cti y aqníekly how toan IhmllM ■mVVIU a liay at the start, and more nsyou po Mr9 HMLon ílLth sexes, all api-s. Iti any part of t "" j A menea, you can comniencc at lióme, girYJ m jÊïnZ Hli our spare m ornen ts 011 1 v to Tfc the work. All is new. Great pay SlHfc'for "Cá every werker. Vo slnrt vou fumishinagk Jrf evt-rythinjr. EASILV, 8PEEDTLY learnert XBHk I'AKIK LLAVS FICKE. AK!ress at once


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Ann Arbor Courier