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USE DR.CRAIG'S ORIÖINAL, IIDOT AND LiVER CURE Crown Piasters and Pilis. They are only Safe Remedies to use for those afllict'ed with Bright's Disease. Liver Complalnt and Urinary Affeetions. Only those prepared in the dry form are the original and the only Kidney and Liver Cure that wlll restore you to perfect health. ALL LADIES USE . JcrS. Jr%-, xV. SCLD BY ALL DECO3ISTS. THE MEDICINE CO., PASSAIC, N. J. 150 DOSES ONE DOLLAR. o No more Bk of thisi Rabber Shoee tmless worn uncomfortably Uglit, generalij slip ott the foet. THE 'COLCHESTER" EUBBEB CO. mafco all tiielr shoes with taalde of heel lined with rubber. Thls clines to the ahoe and preveuU the rubber troza slipplng off. Cali for the " Colohester n "ADHESiVE COUNTERS." - - FOR SALE BY WM. ALLABY, L. GRUNER, JOHN BURG, W. REINHART&CO. DOTY & FEINER, A. D.SEYLER &SON ASÍN ARBOR. HANGSTERFER'S mmwum Fine hand-made creams 25c per lb. I]utter-scotch Drops, 25c per lb. Opera Creams, 25c per lb. Chocolate Creams, 25c per lb. Chips, 30c per lb. Caramels, 25c per lb. Molasses and Vanilla Cream Taffy 20c. MADE FRESH EVERY DAY. Michigan (Tentral " The Niágara Falls Route." Time table taking effect June 7, 1891. CHICAGO TO DETROIT. STATI S. s SS . .,3 ■--■ =-5 - O Z-; S5W Kw - W A.M. A.M. P. M. P. M. P. tí. P. M. P.M. Chicago Lv. 7 05 9 00 12 -Ju B10 9 MÍO 10 4 55 Kala'oo. 11 55 2 171 8 53 7 00 1 " S 32 10 05 Jacks'n 255 4251530 847 4 15 615 9 25 Chelsea. ... 359 5 08 710 102G Dexter 4 14 5 23 725 10SS P. M. P.M. P. M. P. M. A.M. A.M. AllllA'r. ... 4 42 5 25 6 22 9 45 5 43 7 45 10 10 Ypsil'ti 503 5401 956 6 01 8 03 1010 reJc 527 ... 627 8 35 10 30 De't ■■ .Ar. 6 15 6 4-5 [ 7 20 10 45 7 15 9 20 12 10 DETROIT TO CHICAGO. ■ _; . o '. .u ai S5 STATIONS. g S j LS ÖM A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. A.M. P. M. P. M. Detroit.. Lv.lS 20 7 40 120 8 00 9 25 I 15 4 4 Wayne J'n.. 9 00 8 SS 9 55 5 19 Y pallan ti... 9 32 S25 2 05 9 00... .10 15 5 40 A..M A.M P.M. P.M. A.M. P. M. P. M. Ann Arbor.. 9 35 s 40 2 19 9 IS ïu 19 10 32 5 .VJ r 9 55 945 10 52 6 07 . Chelsea.... 10 10 968 ...1107 618 Jackson.... 11 OU 9351 31410 40111151165 C 55 Kalamazoo.. 2 05 1150 I 10012.55 2 18 930 Chicago. At. 7 .V 3 561 9 00J (i 50 4 50 7 55 11 IS G. V. RÜGGLE8, H. W. HAYES. G. I'. & T. Agt., Chicago. Agt., Ann Arbor NEW TIME TABLE. Toledo, Ann Arbor and North Michigan R'y. liOIXG XORTH. No. 2.- Through Mail and Express 7 40 a. in. 4.- Ann Arbor & Toledo Aceom 11 20 p. 111. 6. - Clara Passenger 5 06 p.m. GOING SOl'TH. Xo. 1. - Clare fc Toledo Aceommodation 11 30 a. m S.- Through Mail 9 90 p. m. 5.- Xah Albor & Toledo Accom 7 20 a. in. All tralns daily except Sunday. Trains4and 5 run between Ann Arbor and Toldo ouly. V. 1T. Bennett, G. P. A. k. s. Gbeenwoo, Aot. HonestWork!-;'.ïV men and women. 11 e funiixh tin; Capital I II yon mean business, drop us a csird and get some facts that will open your ees' A leiriumate line of soods. and honeet men wanted to introduce them in town and country. Don't Watt! Address at once,? O Box 849, Cincinnati.O. LUMBER! LUMBER! LUMBER! If yon contémplate building, cali at FERDON'S LÜMBl TABD ! Corner Fourth and Depot Sta., and get onr figures for ttll kinds of LUMBER! We manufacture our own Lumbcr and gnarantuO VERY LOW PR1CES lGivo us a cali and w& will make it to your interest. :is our large and well graded stock fully sustains onr assertion, Telephone Connectiona with oflice. T. .1. KEECH, Supt. JAMES TOLBERT Prop.


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