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Hamburg lias au Epwortb league Turkeys should roost high next week. Sportsmen are donlng tlietr heavj clothes and hieing to the north woode The tol l enrolhiiMit a i 1 in' Btati Noimal school is given tmt, as 817. C. J. Snyder oommeaced teaching in the Tuorney district, Sclo, Monlay. Rev. E. II. ('onrad cloged liis labora at. the Dexter Baptist ehurch Sunday last. Samuel Canlne, ui MoorevUle, dled ou Tuesday of last ivci't, of hcarl dis case. Mrs. Barker is now postmaster at Blrfcett, in place of Mrs. Voorheis, resigned. ri'um traas at Plmckney have bren endeavoring to have the second erop tliis year. The Cleary Business college will celébrate its 8th annual commeneenient to-day. The Enterprise thinks a motor line would help Aun Arb mor.' ihan it would Mancheeter. Chelsea is to ,h lighted wlth ilcctrieity. Thafs a grand Btep ahead for Chelsea. The chieken ii - dlnner giren by the Dextor Methodista was a suecess. So were the pie-. Gco. E. Da vis, 01' ('hoisea, took a couplc of car loads of potatoes to Cleveland, (Hiio, last week. Some 30 ri.i.s left Northville conveyinii' huntins parttee to the various (juail groundfi Satorday.- Record. The young men's band, of Chelsea, are giving the people of thriving villigo some excellent music. The store at Stony Creek was brokeiv into recently and a quantity of tobáceo and several pairs of liose taken. Jas. B. Thurber, formerly of Webster, a brother of C. H. Thurber, died at hls home in MiUford, Oot. 31, aged 67 yenrs. Tlie Northvi'.le Rrcord furnishes the La dies Libra ry rooms wlth all the prominent papen of the county and stafe' from its exchange table. A generous deed. New membera are being added to the lihr.iry association ery week. There are now nearly 200 members and the avrage weekly take Is about 90.- Xorthville Eecoi-d. Evory paper contains from one to five accounts of kerosene explosions. All that is wan'ted is to gi-e the legislatur.' a chance and the oil can do the rest.- Pluckney Dispatch. The Thankaglvlng service this 5-ear wlll be held at the M. E. ehurch, and the sermón wlll ba preached by Iiev. Joseph Swlndt, pastor of the Presbyterlan ehurch. - Milan Leader. Job had patlence, had he ? Well, if that brave and )iopeful gentleman were alive to-day, he wouldn't be in it wlth hundreds of our citizens of tuis rillage who favor public improveinciiis. - Chelsea Herald. Teachei-s BhonM Uar in mind the meeting of tJie coanty association at Ypsilanti. Dec. 4th and 5th. The ladies wlll be entei-tained free by n-otiJ fylng Prof. Whrtney, at Ypsilanti before Dec. lst. Charles J. Allen waa lendered and has accepted the politlón of ïloor walker in the establishment of Chas. J. Allen & Wlte, and entered Uppon the duities of his new positiou on the loth inst. It's a boy.- Milan Leader. Joeeph Lncking, a resident of Ypsilanti alnce 1858, and a prominent and respected Citizen, died tSunuay morning, ag'cd ti'J years. He was the fa.ther of Alfred Lucking, of the iirm of Conely, Maybury & Lucking, of Detroit. A novel hanging baskot can be made by carvlng t lio heart out of a carrol and making a eup-shaped nffair, which nmst be kept iillrd wltb water and hung In the light. Beautiful vegetation shoots from the carrot and covers it. The house 011 the estáte of 8. T. Keitli, Ypsilanti, which was bought at auction Saturday, by Oeorge H. Hammond, of Detroit, was badly burned the saine night, fire lia ving caught from a chiraney, a fire having been started Saturday. Garry Briggs, one of the venerable and rcspecCed citïzens of Dexter, died Nov. 5th, after an extended iUness. He carne to ünadilla in Sept. 1833, and was the father of the first white chilid born in that township. His rema ius were takrii to Tuadilla for burial. Iast night several of the boys climbel upon the balcony in front oí the town hall and entered a window and proceeded to listen to the entertain ment. The manager discovered their method of entrance and made thein make their exit in the same manner in wliich they ent-red.- Chelsea Standard. At the election last week in Netn-aaka, Albert H. Babcock, of Beatrice, waa clecti'd district ]adge, comprising tour cimnties. by a moet fiattering majority. Mr. Babcock i a native of Dundee and his many ïiienils here wlll be pleased hear of his elevation to the position of judge and his popularity among hla ei tizons.- Dundee Reporter. A large number of farmers tluouKliomt the country have posted notices prohibitlng ïmnters from treepasslng there(Ki, luit we iindei'stand that gome oí' the farmers have given certain of their iii-nds permissioB to hunt on their farms. Tliis they have an undoubted riehi i o do, but will such a proceedlng not be likely to cause tjrouble '.'-Manchester Enterprise. In digging a well on Ptobert Green's Earm, aonthweat of town, a few daya ago, they struck dirt -vvith brieht j llrw partlclee in it which resembled fioid. They brooght some of it to town and I!. W. Amsilen trled acid on it and afterwards tried to molt it on charooal, but it 'A-as so flne that li ' mild not liolil it. Those farms are rich enough without a gold mine.


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