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The Scribes

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A meeting of the was lield at Mr. Moran'e office Friday p. in., and the president announced the follow ing committees to have charge of the coming state meeting of editora in this city: Arrangement and Program- Mossrs. Moran, Liesemer, Pond, Brown. Stone, Kous, PrentiBS. Banquet- Messrs. Beal, Watts and Brown. Carrtages - Messrs. Suekey, Cramer, Watta. Accommodations - Miss E. E. Bower, Messrs. Frueauff, Snow, Pond, Snekey. Tlie 'president and Messrs. Beal and Moran were appointed a committee to repitsiont the club at the meeting of the executive committee in Detroit. Mr. Moran was appointed a comniittee of oaie to ascertain the cost of tiocuring electjotypes of various buildings of the city and university. Mr. Liesemer -svas appointed a committee of one to give a general "write up" of places of tatereet. A resolution wa.s passed mfl.king each member of the club a nipinber of tlic .■icoinmodations committee. A committee consistlng of Messrs Moran, Beeukes and Pond attended the meeting of the executive committee at the Cadillac in Detroit Monday evenIng. There was a. good attendance, the business being the arrangement of the program. It was decided that the state association shoulid meet in Ann Arbor on Tuesday, .Tanuary 12th. The afternoon of that day to be devoted to a business session, to be opened with m address of weleome by Mayor Doty. In the President Xesbitt, of Big Raplds will deliver the animal address and speeches will be made by onenibers of the assoeiation. On Wednesday forenoon will be a lUBiness meeting; in the afternoon will 1k sight seeing, and in tlie evenim. after a short business session, ;here will be a reception tendered to ;he iiu'mbers of the association by Mr. nncl Mrs. Junius E. Beal. Thursday forenoon will be a business session; in the afternoon a. visit o the university, and in the evening i banquet. Tt was thought there would be trom 400 to 000 present at the meetng. On Friday morning the members who are to taJce the excursión south will teave by the M. C. R. II., taking the following route: From Detroit to Toledo and t henee tu Cincínnati by the Clnclnnatl, Hamilion & Dayton; from Cincinnati to New Orleana via the Louis ville & Xashville, stopping on the way at Mammoth Cave .■uul Montgomery, Ala.; three days will be spent in New Orteans, iheuce to Pass Christian, Miss., where onie day will be Bpent at the famous winter resort at that place; tbence to Jacksonvllie, Fla., where three days will be spent, lncludlng a visit to tlie famous Suwanee Kiver. The return trip will ba made by way of Atlanta, Chattannoga and i'incinnati. One of the pleasant events in the Ufe oí Mr. and Mrs. .Tolin J. Boblson, occurred at thelr resldence on N. Main st., last Tuesday. The occasion was a family gatherlng to observe the birthday of Mrs. Robison, and it was attended by all thelr children and grandchildren. Thoee présent were George F. Robison and family. Jas. A. Robison, and Mr. und Mrs. James T. Saman, all of Detroit, and ('has. C. Robison, of Bharon. The pleasure of the meeting can only be told by those who have enjoyed similar ones. Tt has become necessary for ns once agaln to ask those having notices, ar tic tes oommunicationa tor ilie Oourter to hand them ín not later t1i;in Tuesday apon. lint few people Krcin td peallze thai it consumes time to put notices or articles In type, rcail p-roof and gin vlii'in ready for tlic pness. But it doee. "Thia la omly a short notice," ia oftcn the BBlutatton, hut wlien yon jome to take a Large number "f "ahort 110licrs." tlicy make i considerable type setting, and consume considerable time. Liast wek thete were severa] noticefl and commuuication that canil' too late Insertion. li la porsumed the samo -vvill be the case this week. Please remember. The Daily Times was a yearllng yesterday. Quite a lusty fellow, too, íor one so young The Times is up ■vith the timos. Pnlly alive and Wlde awake. May it Uve long and prosper.


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Ann Arbor Courier