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WEDNE8DAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1891. Short ndvertisements not to exeeed three lines, or Lost or Fonnd Houses for Sale or Keut, Wauts, etc, iuserted three weeks for 25 cents. Sitaatlona wanted, free. BUY your wood at the Saw Mili and save moncy. ('ord aud stovu wood eonstantly on hand. Cor. Hill and Packard St. F. M. Hallock. firANTED- Young ma who wish to prepare VV themselves fnr the active duties of life should enter the Business Night School. WAXTED- All voung persons engaged during the day should take a course of actual business training at the Business Night School. WANT EP- All who expect to enter the Business Night School to do so If possible, either next Friday or Monday evenings. TO RENT- For a term of years, the inrm known is the Arnold farm.S'j miles west of 4nu Arbor. For particulnrs address E. N. Green, 72 Winder st.. Detroit, Mich. TPOR RENT- The wropcrty Nq.M So. l niver_T slty ave, occupietl by Dr. Fleming ('arrow. The house has bath, ros, nnd every modern convenience. Kent. $27.50 per nioiuh. ApplJ to Dr. Fleming Cnrrow. AUOTIOXEKR- C. Kingaley, Uve stock and general auctloneer. Patronage Boliclted. Dates can be made at this office 01 at my house. 46 S. ünlverrlty Ave. Referenoea givenH deslred. EX BILBE- Teacher of Violin. Pupil of . Emile sauret, Berlín. Uermany. Rooms in the A. A. Organ Co. Building. A GENTS w-VXTED- Gentleman or lady in every city or village in Michigan, where uot represented, to bnj and Bell our famous Oreans Symphonias. Pneumatlc Sympbony b Playing Organa I, eto. For onr Organa catalogues, ui agency, only addreas om State Agent, N. VanDerwerkeo, Hanoi Mich. The Wllcox & White Organ Co. I mentlon thls paper. AGEXTS WANTED.- Free prepald outfit to energetlc men. Several of our salesmei have earned from $70 to 100 a week for years past. 1'. O. Box 1871, (few Vork. H f Ananhonr. A few lady students can Í5O.' 'U earnflve dollars byan hour'gwork. Tor partieulars eall onoraddreeBtheCresoenl Clasp Works. Ann Arbor, Mlch. 81 EN BILBIE - Teaöher of Violin. Rooms . corner of Main and Liberty Sts., Ann Arbor Organ Co's building. URXISHEÜ BOOMS WANTED-Near Universlty. Addresa B.T. R., ourlei BOY WANTED- Al the I qubieb Opfic. a good, bright boy to lea-u the printer a ivailr. MI8S GBACE HENDRI KSON -'I'1 "' Luderer and Yunck .. of Detroit, wül give instructlons on the violm. InimuJars at residence, 72 8. State St. ■"" WTKF TANK KOR SALE.- Tank, 4 feet 'm. uu br 4feet deep, made of ■- inch pintlallkqm1edith"hJavy'S,.lvn..,iz,airon. Enquire at this oflice . TO REKT.- Two houaes on W. Huron streej Enquireof J. D. 8Üma0n, No. 8 Maynard st TO EENT.-An office suite over F. &M. Bank cor. Main and Huron Bts. Apply at tol rier Office. FRM FOR SALE- The Bullock or Everett farm, S miles west of Salem Station, And 11 miles trom Aun Arbor. containing 109 eres; house and barnes, stock, and veil .'. tiniber: school nnd church jvithin a mile Land uaturally the best aud cultivntion rood; also forty acre farm for sale, th, - '- of the E. i of the S. E. qr. of sec. 84 of Aun 4rbor town, belng part of the Howe-North place north of the Couuty Farm ; "8 miles trom foack &8chmld's," 1' ■'. miles from city limite. iirst-class land for peachee. Pricea and tcrnis leasouable. Cali on or address Andrew h. Gib?on.2 East Washington St.,Ann Arbor.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier