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'M. & H. MITING TABLETS. The Handsomest. Most lLuaeur' BKST method of putting up rltlng Papers f5et?heem frotTo"? Statiouer, or send direct to the Manufacturers, HASBROUCK & SINCLAIR, 536 & 538 PE ARL ST. , NEW YORK . N B -A Handsome Tablet suitable for Polite Correspotdence malled lor Tu-enty-Five Cents. GOLD HEDA1, PAEIS, 1878. Ï, Baker & Co.'s rëreakfast Gocoa trom which the excess oí oil lias been removed, is Absolutely Pure and it is Soluble. No Chemicals are used in its preparation. It has more than three times the strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is therefore far more economical, costing less than one cent a cup. It is delicious, nourishing, strengthening, easily digested, and admirably adapted for invalida as well as for persons in health. Sold by Procer everywhere. W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mass. For twentr-flve years tbe experience oí millions of ufferers.'old and yoniiR, and female, have gratefully endorsed the miraculeus virtues of This Pharmacentical Paradox of the Age A vitalizing Btlmulant ■without al cohcl. A nerve sedativa ■without narcotica. A blood purifler without poisons. A liver cleanser. A purely vegetable tissue-maker, promoting digestión, nutrition, seoretion, excretion and respiration. A life-giving tonic, pure and simple, without the disastrous reactiona of the deadly compounda of rum and aleohol usually sold as bitters. Was tever fcnown befare In tïe World. Ita discovery among the medicinal fruits, root and herbs oí California WAS A MIRACL.E, and their conibination iuto a phenoraenal lifegiving tonic A TRIUMPH of tho CHEjnCAL ART. The only change made in the formula during twenty-five years has been to present it in two combiuations. Tlie nld orimnal reronin unchanped. but being Btronger, niore'laxative and better. A yinv Jorni more agreeable to th3 taste and better adapted to de! ictitr iconten aml rhihlrrn, but comprisiEg the gaine tonic proporties, is now madu and the trinimof Ihf ivvrld is ehaltenged to produce the equal of this TRULY & OXLY TEMPEErSCE EITTEKS KNOWN or to produce apuroly vegetable bitters or medicino of any kind, whosu action i.sat once ao safe, so j tain and comprehonsive as tho CALIFORNIA TINEÜAR BITTERS, er any compound -whirh from ita varied action xion tho viLal iunctions is equal to tho CURE OF SO MANY DISEASE3. Thc'r is leRÍon- Ehrani:itistii, Neuralgia, Catarrh, Jaundire, Kiincy Dist-Hse. Scroftüa. Skin Diseasesand Bails. Cousumption, Piles aud all disonirs arisinp from indigestión, iiupure blood, nervous prostration, and dilapidated conatitntion ny canso frive way to it like mist beforo thd sim, while its sinpular power over TUE DEADLY SIICROBE ASD OMNIPRESEXT BACTERIA indicates its pnperiority In all diseases of malarial origin, and renders it the BEST TERMIFGE KSOWN. 3ïo family can afford to do without a bottle of OLD AND NEW STTLE VIXEGAR BITTER3 ; in the houRe, as expressed by thousands of testi 1 znonials. Send for beautiful book. Address, B. II. McDOXAL.ll DRUG CO., New Yui Mortgage Salí:. WHEREAS, Andrew R. Schmidt and Rose í-chmidt, of the city of Ann Arbor, Waahteuaw County, State of Michigan, on the twenty fourth day of December, one thousand eight hundred and elghty-elght, made and executcd a morteage to Baker, Gray & Company (iucorporated) of Detroit. State of Michigan, to secure the paymint of the sum of liftee-n hundred dollars aïid interest at eight per cent uer annum: the principal sum being dueasfollows $750 in six months, and $750 in one year from date of said mortgage. whieh mortgage was recorded in the office of the Register oi Deed3 for said County of Washtenaw, State of Michigan, om the third day of January, A. 1)., 1889, in Liber 73 of mortgages on page 57. And whereas the sum of four huudred and fortyfive dollars of the principal and interest is claimed to be due on said mortgage at the date of thls notice and default having been made iu the payment of the same or any part thereof, whereby the power contained iu said mortgage to sell the premises described therein has become operative and no suit or proeeedings m law or equity having been instituted to recover any part of the sum due. Notice is there fore herebv giveu that by virtue of the power Of sale contained in said mortgage and pureuant to the statute In Buch oase made and nrovidéd we shall on Saturday, the twentythlrd dav oi January one thoiwand eight liundred and uinetv-two at ten o'clock Ln the ïorenoouof thatday.sell at public auctlon to the highest bidder, ;it the south door ol the court bouse in the city of Ann Arbor in said county -"ikl court house being the place lor holding the circuit court in said county i the premisos de-icribed in said mortgage or as much thereof asshall be neceesary tp saüsfy the amount due on said mortgage and all oosts and charges of such sale as follows: All those certaln Dieces or pareéis of land sitúate inthe city of Ann Arbor, iu the County ot Washtenaw,8tate of Michigan and described as folio s to-wif. Those parts of lots munter one and elght in block four (4) north of Huron Street, range six east, commencing at the nitersectiou of the north line of North street vdth the casterly line of Detroit street and ninnnlngthenoe northwestorly along Detroit treetone hundred and (ifty-four feet, thcuce southeasterly at right angles to Detroit street üitv fcet.thence south fourteen dreivvs west one huudred and three and one-luili teetthence wt one hundred and five .feet to place of iH-hming, excepting the right pt illiam Foh'v to use the well on said premises by paying half the repairs thereof. Dated.OetoberW.C J Q A Sessions. MortgagcesAttoruey for Mortgagees. Fargo1s Shoos ■-fofthe Family $ ("Box Tip" School Shoes iSlVV tor Boys and Girls. & "fè Heeled or Wedge Heel. B ifr&W Slzefl-8tolOV4 1.25 Xl?Mè Ito3 1-7 tjfít 2PLPsiS -ia&ïv fr Gentlemen, Boy 's sites. sH FARGO'S 1% $2.50 LADIES' BOOT f wi.9 . Donqola or Goat, Button, ƒ iw v Opera, or Common Senie. JjLS o N. Tacklessand Flexible. f OSO I Sív -Wan-anted the mp lCiXírLAtíÍ:i-stTHsli and servdcealilo DUR NAME IS ON THE BOTTOW OF EVERY SHOE. Ak your dealer for F arito' Sh e. If he does no keep them send to us and we wm f urnish you a pair on É'PAKOCOOhfoaloill. DOTY & FEINER AGENTS, - ANK ABBOR. A very important invention which will be hailed with delight by everybody using a stove or range for hot water circulation. After years yf experience we have succeeded in pro ducing a simple and perfect WATER BACK. It overcomes all the present troubles of extracting lime and other sedi-s which accumulate in water m ""Wften making them useless bacKS, TT -r,any instances becoiaand in greaïily, ing dangerous. is reduced tft The outlay of dollá- a range dimes. No household usínjpw can afford to be without it. t- No more trouble by using city water for hot water circulation. Can be userl in anv stove. Ask your stove dealer for Hutzel's Water Back. Mason & Davis Co's. ranges for sale at C. Eberbach are provided with our improvement. Everybody cali ani examine this useful invention. HUTZEL & CO., Plnmbern and SUamfitUrt. ANN ATÏPOP. - - MICH AAAAAiTEAR! lundertuketobrieüy If "i II 11 II teachanyfalrly intelligent prion of eilher V l ll". "ho Mn real1 "ld "lte,nd who. B%_l 1 I laftr instruction.will work industriouily, WW V Wli.nv to urn Tliree Thouund Dolían Yeirintheirownlocaliiies.wherevertheylire.I wil] nlsofurnilh the situatioo or empkyment,al which you cao earn that amount. Komoney tor meunless niietessfu! as above. Easilyand quickly learned. I deira hut one worker from eaeb district orcounty. I bae already laught and provided with employment a larpí number, who are making over $8000 a yeareach. It's I-. W and SOM. Full particularsFKEE. Address at onc, E. C, 1LLE.V. Ilox ISO, Aotust, Mniiic. Jooi:'a Cot-fcoto. Hoot ■ (Ü! C O M P O ü ti D B OSfScomDosed of Cotton Kof.t. Tansy and % fj f Pennyroyal - a recent discovery by aa t Jjtriïn physician. Is swxesafvXLu uscd, Êtïectual. Price SI, ty mail, eealed. Ladies, ask yrur diu iri-t tor Cook' Cotton Root Compound and taüe no mbstitute, er inolose stamps for sealed particulars. Address PONI L1LY COMPANY, No. 3 Fisher Block, 131 Woodward aye., Detroit, Mich. EBERBACH & SONS, ANN ARBOR, SELL BELOW PILLS. T A TVfTPCS TRY DR. LB DUC'8 " PEJ_jil.JJljll& KIODICAL" PILLS from Paris, Franco. Kstiiblisbed in Europe 1839, Canada in 1W8. For Suppressions, Irregularities, and Monthly Derangements. A rehable monthlv medicine. They always relieve. Afly drufigis't, t2. American Pili Co., Propnetors, Spencer, lowa. Kobort Sjephenson & C9., wholesale agenta, and all other druggists in Ann Arbor. These pills. are warranted to bring on the " change. CET THE BEST FIEE INSURANCE $29,000,000. Security held for the jrotection of the policy holders. CHRISTIAN MACK Kepresents the followingfirst-classcompanies, of whieh one, the JBtua, has alone paid $6o,000, 000 fire losses iu sixty-five years : JEtna, of Hartford $9,192,644 Franklin of Philadelphia 3,118,713 Gemianía, N. Y . 2,700,72 Germán, American, N. Y 4.065,968 London Assurance, Loudon 1,416.788 Michigan F. & M., Detroit 287.60S i N. Y. Underwriters, X. Y 2596-Í76 M National, Hartford 1,774505 Jt Phcenix, Brooklyu 3,759,03B Losses libcrally adjusted and promptly - Issued at the lowes catasot premium, llültf . ,r ..i mcnnnts. or all your time 10 tl.e work. Thi i i "Sö ftr a lit.l? perienc. We c.n furni.h you the etnAU ■ bil I lÖEHd Vnm paper, er obtain esttmate on adertibingspacewhen in Chicago, will find it on f"s at (6000.00 a jw is boinp made br John R. Jg Bln Ooodwin.'l rór,N.V.,at work for us. Reader, AHPrL'V you may not make as much, but we can BT , KBtrach youquickly how to carn f rom f6 to HEV$10 a day at the start, and morf as you go WSflBP'flS H.on. Bot'h sexes. all ages. In any part of ■r'PBAmerica' yu can commencf at home, piv JHne i] rour time,or spare moments onlv to JW il,o work. AU Ís newrereat py Sl'RK for WnjT everv wurker. Wc start you, furnïshing W TBMf evcrVthing. EASII.Y, Sl'EEIULT learneK. flMVl I'AKIK'LLAUS FKEK. Address at once,


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