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ThhKK of Uie crew of tlie barkentine Nortb Bend, bound for the Fiji islauds, were drowned at Port Townsend, Wash. í'aia) trotted a mile in 2:08% at Stockton, Cal., thus securinjr the world'a stallion record. At Sewark, X. J., John Rindell & Sons' planing mili was burned. Loss, $100,000. J. II. Bkioham, of Delta, O., was reelected maater of the National Grange at the session in Springh'eld. At St Louis fire destroyed the stores of Penny & Uentles, the Sonnenfeld Millinery Company and the Famous Shoe and Clothing Company. Loss, about SI. 00, 000. THE wholesale grocery building1 of Grigtfs, Cooper & Co. and a hardware store fit St. Paul, Minn., were burned, the loss being $500,ÖM. Miss Fkancks E. Willard was reelected président of the Wornan's Christian Tempe ranea Union at the convention in Boston. Thk wholesale house of the Minueapolis Glas Company and Lindsay Bros., agrieultural implements, were burned, causiny n losa of .W0U.000. Neap. Celina, O., Frank Raynor, 19 years old. was instantly killed and his younger brother fatally injured by the burstintf of a shotgun. A Énen wind caused a heavy loss in towns and citios ïK'iir New York. As aged eouple, James Ellis and wife, were found dead in their home at Troy, O., from inhaiing natural gas, and their three children were not expocted to live. Fike destroyed the entire business portion of the village of Edgerton, Mo. FOUR cattle drovers went to the house of John Rogan near Milan, Tenn., to coilect some money due them. Rog'an thmuj'lit they meant to levy on his cattle and gave them poisoned whisky, Irom the effects of whieh all died. Boxer, the famous brindle buil dor, died in Boston. He had won more n'ghts and killed more dogs than any other fightinff canine of the present generation John Flbck and John Ruth were fata'ly injured by a Pennsylvania train at Tiflin, ü. Mrs. James Calvo, of Atlanta, Ga., found her son who was stolen from her twenty-three years ago, he then being a child :; years of age. A coMi'ANY has been organized at Fair Haven, Wash., to raise black cats for their fur. James 15. Thompson, a stockman at Coleman, Tex. , disappeared af ter securing ??50,000 by swindling and forgery. .A PA8SBNGEE train rolled down a 30foot embankment at Silver Springs, .'. Y.. and Mr. Iloyt, of üochester, was fatally injured and his wife killed. At Denver, Col., the mining stock exekange building was dedicated and the first National Mining congress opened. Commandeb in ('iiii:r I'almer, of the i!. A. !i., tavttfa the purchase by the national governmetit "f Mount McGregfor, where (en! Grant di Tuk whaliagfschoonerNicoline, Capt. Horendon, arrived at San Francisco after an absence of orer two years in the Arctic ocean. The schooner had sev?rai times been reported as lot. Buköi,ars relieved Charles Holback, at Catasauqua, Pa., of SöOügold, considerable jewelry and 820,000 in bonds. A wagon containing four persons was struck by a train near Greensburg, Pa., and three -of the occupanta w ere killed and the fourth fatally injured. At Lopel, Ind., Mrs. Marv Hoiïman and her two sons. aged 16 and yi, were suft'ocated by gas. Anurew Gulick's three children were killed and partially devoured by wolves at New Brighton, but a few miles from St Paul, Minn. The statistieian of the interstate eommerce commission reported that the fatalities to railroad employés during the paft year amounted to 1;972, while fche cases of injuries were 20,028. At the closing session in Boston oi the Woman's Christian Temperance union resolutions were adopted pledging the menibers of the union to renewed efforts in the cause of total abstinence and prohi bition; declaring unalterable opposition to all political parties that in any way protect the liquor system, and indorsing that party which embodied in its platform the enfranchisement of women, the prohibition of the liquor traflic and the preservation of the Sabbath. A freight and passenger train collided at Fairmont, Neb., killing two of the crew of the passenger train and inj uring several passengers. Makly Justus and Iloward Mills, prominent residents of Martinsville, Ind., went to Kansas on a visit and were killed by the bursting of a thrashing engine. The Farmers' national bank at Muncie, Ind., has been organized, with a capital of 8100,000. By the explosión of the boiler in a sawmill at New Castle, Pa., Charles Wilson and V. Duberry were fatally hurt In the New Vork sub-treasury there were 849,000, or over sixty tons, of pennies The penny-in-the -slot machine caused the accumulation. Earnest Hickman, of East St Louis, I1L, a prominent young man, shot and fatally wounded his wife while drunk and then shot himself. W. H. Brotherton died at La Junta, Col., while en route from San Francisco to Chicago trundling a wheelbarrow on a wager. Frank, who pleaded guilty to killing Christie Warden at Hanover, N. H., bas been sentencedto be hanged in December, 1892. Countkrfkit dimes bearing the dat of 1891 were in circulation in Indiana in large mimbers. A cali, has been issued for a convention to take the initial steps toward having Oklahoma adtnitted to the sisterhood of stats. John Yh ai.kx and John Walsh %vre found immleivd in a room of a hotel n.t, St. Paul. Min IT was said that an attempt would be unade at the coming session of congress to have the remains of Gen. Grant removed to Washington. At the animal meeting in Chicago of the fair managers of the western circuit it w:ts rtecided to hold state fairs as follows next year: Mississiiji, August 15: Iovva, August '.!'■': Minnesota and NebrasUa, September 5; Wisconsin, and üliio, September 12: Indiana, September 19; Illinois, September ïfli Missouri, October '4. In the nim Btates representad no state fairs would be held in 1893. Chaiu.ks Fkisnek shot Andrew Stohl fatally at Carver, Minn., and then shot himself. Information haa been received at the navy department of the death of Lieutenant Commander Joseph Marthon on board his ship, the Palos, at Shanghai, China. Chief II. M. Lu.1,18 and Assistant Chief Packingham, of the flre department at Tacoma, Wash., were run over by a hose eart and fatally injured. The Roekdale Mining & Manufacturing Company of Columbia, Tenn., mada an assignment, with liabilities of $191,000; assets, L130,000. The secretary of the treasury has issued a circular calling attention to a law which prohibits publishing cuts of coins. Prof. Iïi.ake, of Kansas, was reported as saying that minute partióles of dust thrown into the air by mortars would produce rain. The immense erop of Florida oranges, estimated at 4,500,000 boxes, has begun to flovv northward. Wii.i.iam Nibisch and his wife were killed at Allentown, Pa., by William Keek, a quarryman. Sini'MiNTS of ore from Ashland, Wis., for the seasonnow ended were 1,249,000 tons, a decrease of 860,000 tons from last year. At the leading clearing-houses in the United States the exchanges during the week on the 20th aggregated Sil, 253,034, 78(5, against 81,315,321,232 the previous week. The decrease as compared with the corresponding week of 1890 was 12.2. Twenty buildings in the business section of Correctionville, Ia., were destroyed by fire, causing a loss of 8100,000. A commercial agency in New York says that although muoh has happened of late to repress business and shake confidence, yet confidence is not shaken, and the volume of business throughout the country is still close to the greatest ever attained. Elijah Jett, a teamster, cut his wife's throat with a razor at Decatur, 111., and Qthen cut his own. Family trouble was the cause. In the United States the business failures during the seven days ended on the 20th numbered 285, against 291 the preceding week and 274 for the r.orresponding week last year. The anEual report of Redfield Proctor, secretary of war, shows that the expenditures of his department during the past year were 851,450,764. It was alleged that unless special sessions of the Kansas and the Missouri legislatures were called to redistrict the states each one would lose a presidential elector. The correct estímate of the world's wheat erop for this year is 16,000,000 bushels more than that of last year, while rye is 224,000,000 bushels lesa than last year. Hiley Ckemans, a f armer living near Rockford, O., was fleeced out of 81,000 by two sharpers. Giacixto Epifairio, an Italian, who for the last six years has carried on a steamship agency in l'hiladelphia, has absconded with $50,000 belonging to his customers. At Menlo, Ga., the boiler of a sawmill owned by T. P. Batten exploded, killing two little sons of the employer. Mabï Schultze, of Pierre, S. D., has been sentenced to pay a fine of 810 for sending a letter through the mails in a newspaper wrapper. Upward of 40,000 acres of land in Pike and Perry counties, lnd., have been leased for oil purposes by a Cincinnati syndicate. Two masked men robbed a Northern Pacific express car near the Montana and Idaho line of 82,000. The American Express Company has revived an old order requiring agents on railroad trains to we ar their revolvers in plain sight on their persons. Mus. Mabï McVaï, aged 70, of Braddock, Pa., has been voluntarily fasting for 142 days. During all that time she had taken no food but buttermilk, and no drugs but opium and coeaine. During the past eleven years the water in Lake Michigan has decreased 3 feet. John Konold, president of the Konold & Parker Produce Company in Chicago, was charged with swindling over forty firms out of about $20,000. Near Richland, Minn,, Joseph Colburn and his stepson, Charles Peasley, quarreled, and the latter shot the former, killing him instantly. William H. Frizzle was hanged in the jail yard at Abilene, Tex., for the murder of his wife in Camanche county in 1891. The general lumber season of the northwest is over, and the cut in Minnesota for the year reaches 447,713,252 feet, 207,221,000 shingles and 97,697,300 lath. This beats all records. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. Henry RorES, of New York, formerly United States consul at St Petersburg, died at Tenby, Wales. Reab Admibal Gjeorge H. Cooper, United States navy, died at his home in Brooklyn, N. Y., in his ölst year. Governok Jackson, of Maryland, tendered to Charles H. Gibson his appointment to be United States senator from Maryland until the legislatura filis the vacancy caused by Senator Wilson"s death. Wn.T.l .i. FLORENCE, the celebrated eomediuu, !ied at the Continental hotel in Philadelphia of pneumonía, aged 60 years. Isaac R. Miller, ex-consul ot the Dnited States at Florence, died in Philadelphia from a complication of diseases at the age of 72 years. G. He.vry Stratton, who recently fasted forty-four days, died at New York from the effects of himself. Jbbdiab IIowkjt died at Ripon, Wis., aged 75. J ie wat one of the founders of the republican party. The cauvuse of the vote at the recent election in Xew York makes the assembl.y stand! Demócrata, S4: repub licans, :!: independent, 1 (O'l)air). The republicana have one majority in the sen ate. Tiie people's party has issued an address to the people in which it says there is no longer any doubt that it will have eandidates for preside.nt and vice pi esident in the field before June 1, 1892. FOREIGN. Vessei.s arriving in Scotland from America %vith eattle report immense losses of animáis on the passage. Joint debates were being held at Windsor. Ont, on the subject of political union with the United States. Bromwei.l Booth astonished London and advertised the Salvation Army by giving a dinner to 000 thieves. Ha asked the queen tobea patroness. A isill for the suppression of the slave trade was introduced in the German reiehstag. ïhe French liquidator of the Panama Canal Company sa.ys in his official report that the United States government would like to obtain control of the canal. MEXICO's tomporary reciprocity arrangement with the United siates has been concluded. and ai'ler Junuary I, 1892, the high duties on live. stock and other products of the United State!. will be. Lowered. Rrfügkks from Rio de Janeiro who bad reached Rfontevido expressed the onioion that Dictator Fonseca worlld i' '. bc able tolong maintain aimsolf. The Dritleh bark Eate Bancton was e J in . ■ ' 'orth sea by her vi . ei ihirteon iztcn, nine oí vvhom uiei! bciore belog jk.a up. ThiBTT-SIX lkóU.jAND coal miners were on strike in the department of Pas de Calais, France. Bardmeveh & MinnELSRN-. bankors at Hai av fa Led for L8 750,000. The Chillan ?'c?-:orai college held a meeting )t Santiago and officially chose Admiral Jorge Montt for president of the re public oí Chili. Tberk was said to be. a move on foot in Hawaii to dethi'oae Queen Liliuokalani and set up a republic in the Sandwich islands. The supreme court of Saxony has decided that remaining geated while the emperor's health is being drunk is an act o E high treason. Half a dozen stores in the business portion of Beamsvi.le, Ont., were destroyed by fire. The British steamers Eugbj' and Eddlethorpe coilided in the Bosphorus, and the Kdiilothorpe sank al most immediately. Thrce sailora were drowned. A tidal wave caus;d great loss of life and damage to propertj' throughout the GUbert islands in the South Pacific, andeignty people were drowned upon one of the islands. Advices from Kio de Janeiro were to the effect that everywhere discontent and disaffectioo with the. present regime were becoming more pronounced. In general terms, the political condition of Brazil was described as closely bordering on anarchy. LATER NEWS. Tite strnmer Snmuel Mather was sunk in Lake Michigan in a collision near Iriquois point. The steamer was valued at S100.Ü0U and her cargo of iron ore was worth about 810,000 more. Joii.n i I Ki. i. in gek, a 17-yeai--old boy, was killed in a prize fight in New York. Two PB0M1WKNT doctors, Boyes and McAdams, were arrested at Gardner, 111., chavged with attempting to rob the bank at that place. In a fit of jealousy Harry Eves snot his wife and William S. Cooper at Eikhart, Ind., and then took his own life. Phesident Harrison has decided to withhold the appointment of Secretary Proctor's successor until congress meets. Landlord Drake, of the Grand Pacific in Chicago, gave his thirty-sixth annual game dinner. The pilot brig Culdoon was wrecked in the bay of Bengal and the crew of thirty-five natives and six British officers were drowned. Wii.i. iam Black (colored) washanged by white caps at Mosco w, Tex., for inBultLng ladies. Loose sand caved in upon a trench in Brooklyn, N. Y., and four men were killed and three injurod. During the first twenty-one days of November the treasury department at V;ishington paid out SlU.öüO.OOO on account of pensions. Byrne's livery stable at Leavenworth, Kan., was burned, and twentyone horses perished in the James. Theee thoisani) bales of cotton and a portion of the compresa platform were burned at Paris. Tex., the loss being ,?100.000. Tuii natioaal democratie executive committee will meet in Washington on the Sth oí uecember next. l.N the Si'i'ond congressional district of Tennessee John C. Houk (rep.) was elected to congress to fill the vacancy caused by the death of his fatlier. Gold has been found in puying quaotities in the dry cveeks in the vicinity of Elizabeth, Col. The house of David Cooper (colored) near Sylvania, Ha., was burned. and his four children perished in theflames. Xink business blocks in Middlebury, Vt., were destroyed by fire. Jacob HosiJtY, a well-tado Germán farmer of 80 years, hanged himself at his home near Chai"leston, Ind. No cause was known. In a battle with government troops in the province of Manzanderan, Persia, 200 insurgents and twenty of the (fovernment troops were killed. One of the costs of war- Cavalry charges. I feel it my duty to say a lew worde in regard to Ely's Cream Balm, ii iid I do sw entirely without solicitation. I have used tb more or less half a year, and have found ib to be most admirable. I have saiffered from catarrh of the worst kind ever since I was a little boy and I never hoped for cure, but Cream Balm seems to do even that. Many of Jny acquaintances liave used it with excellent resulta. -Oscar Ostrum, 45 Warren ave., Chicago, 111.


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