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The appte drycrs have drled up. Oidor milis have stfbelded for the Patrick Hagerty, aged SO yeare dicil in Lyudon, Nov. 17th. A W. Reynolds and ïamily have removed trom Milau to Ba.y City. Mrs. Lawremce Olaaver, ol Webster, dicd Nov. lOth, aft-r au extended 111TIuti' will 6e an addross to (armers at Saline on Sunday evenlng, Nov. 29th. Tlie Grerman Worklngmea'81 Society cu' Manchester, will dance to-morrow night. Out of a n ciiTollmont of 302 ('hclBea reports 147 pupila neiltlier absent or tardy. Bervlcea a.t the M. E. chnrch, Chelsea, to-morrow, at 10 o'etoek a. m. The barn of James McMullen, of Mllan, was burned with contunts last Thursday niorning. Henry T. Eddy, of Saline, aged 70, died Nov. llth. He carne to Michigan in 1882. The Methodist at Dextor are holding evening meetings in wlik-h a goodly interest is takeo. The Stockbridge Sun man calis for thft suppression of the billiard hall. Ex-cue-sing it so to speak. Miss Ladd is teaching the school at Worden, in place ut' iSim Alber, who has gane to the Nonaal school. Prof. Schatter, principal ol th Ypsilanti high school, has resigned and his resijiuation has been accepted. At Dexter, to-morrow, Kev. B. T. Morris is to deliver 'die Thanksgiving sermón in the Baptist church. Saturday last the sportsnien of Lyndion met those of Waterloo and enjoyed a general hunt. Waterloo-t of fun. George P. Wing and Miss Katie Heselschwerdt, of Chelsea, axe to be marrted to-day, says the Chelsea Standa.rd. Facetiae frorn the Salüne Observer: "Tlie Jackson prison loses another trio. Good management doubtless the cause." Lafayette Grange, of Lima, meets at the residence of Wffl. Stocking, tomorrow, Thanksgivims, and expect to have a big tinne. Dr. G. E. "Wriglit has removed from ChcLsea, to Pittsford, Hillsdale co. Dr. Strangways is to remove from Chelsea to Chicago. The Milaa Baptist, Presbyterian an;l Methodists mite in a ïhanksgiving service in the M. E. chud-ch on cvening. The Manchester tadtee aro already talking up a leap year party, saya the Enterprise. They do not belleve in getting left, evideutl.v. Ex-Gov. Luce attended chapel exercises at the Normal last Thnrsday and captured all their votes, or else tlie Commercial is at faalt. Tvo and one-half tons of dressed chicken wêre shipped from Ypsilanti by express last Friday, to feed the delicate palates of Bostonianx. lliss Aggie McKune left for Landing Monday evening, where she has Tccepted a posdtion in the office of the secretary of state. - Chelsea Stani'n ard. The conditilon of fall wheat on the ground in Michigan this íall is given as only 88 per cent. of the average. More has been sown than usual, however. Mis.s Matilda Woston, who lied at her home in Dexter Nov. 13, was 62 y.-ars of age, and came to thi.s county 55 years ago, se+.tllng in Webster township. i The Hon. Greorge R. Wendllng, at Onlverslty hall, Saturday, Nov. 28th, ha ving for his subject, "Saul of Tarsus," wlU Ik worth coming laany milos to hear. Birmingham'.s water worka sysi :iv,il enoug-li of the vlllage from being dfstroycd by firc last week to more than pay for the whole pl;nt. - Xort h rille Eecord. One of our hunters reporta killing 32 quail, 7 partrldgee, 11 rabbits, and 3 sqnirrels oni one trip receaitly. It may be so but we bellere him another. - Stockbridgc Tidings. Dame "Rumor" says she wlU wager er a cent that the sweet scent of oraage blossoms wlll soon b3 sent scentiug the ntmosphere of thiw hunting ground.- Stoekbridge Sun. AVhich denotee the pre-sence of sent-imentalists iin this cent-ury. The lawyers' harvest seaso.n has rune, a r least that is the way it looks here in Wayne, by the way thcy are sitepping around. The divorce mili i getting in ite deadly work- Wayne Review. AVliy not teil the plafn truili and say the devil's work. It is an oíd and familiar truth, but one too often diaregerded, that business makes business. The presence of a (actory, or a jobbing house of any well developed line of tra de tends to brtng more and more customers to the point where it is loeated.- ('1io1ki Herald. A flawing well of water was struck o.n the coiuity farm, just northeast of tho iiKiin building, lately, after boring to. the depth of 150 ïeet. Four feet of this depth was sunk into rock, whcn the Ice-cold water began pouring over the top of a íour-inch pipe. - Wayiie Review. "Let us organize a society in which its members, by combtaation, inay be able to secure better advantages in the way of tramsportation and otherwise la attending the coming World's Expositton In Chicago. Other towns are moving ini this direction and why not we ?- Stockbridge Sun. On Souiday morning John Antcliff, who livcs abouit eight miles southwest of this, on the connty n, took his milk pail and went to he cow stable. Ho was in his usual lealth and appearcd in a cheerfuj 'raTne of mind. An houir later, not aving returned, hit wii'c went to look for liim and on entering the stable was striyk witli surprise to find him lying on bis slde dead.- Manchester Rnterprise. Grase Latee (alia tnto line .-is naturally as a button mto i contrlbution 1k)x. Jack-the-hugger is their lateet. A young colored glrl was out aftxr night and bouw young fellow lier a gentle Bqueeze, but a lust.v yell (rom her caused him to leave loot prints wtth the heela towards her.- Stockbridge Tldlngs. As itcv. 8. T. Morris started last Saturday inoniin fpr a day'e onjoymrnt at the Webeter Parmer's Club, his horse became unmaoageable on account of ui eoglne on the crosslng by E. B. Tyler'e and performcd in Kuch a way as to plaat a calk of a hind Bhoe in the Rererend's rlght hand, leavlng a palmlul fracture.- Dextor Lebuier. Three mail bag were khrown or kickt'd off trom (rand RapMs express west. on Wt'dncsday cveninj', went unlu- the whccls and were cut topieces, togthcr with thelr content. The m :iil matter was gatherad up In a basket and taken to the post office. It presonteii ,t son-owful appearance and a look of consternation feil upon the faces oi those receiving thelr mail in fragmente.- Wayue Review. Oten Pepper was drivlng a team with a load of lumbar aeróse the race bridge Ia WHson'e mili yard Wednesday morntqg when the lumber 8lid off the wasron, striking liim and tonocktng liim off the bridge into the race, ten or twelve feet below, the Lumber on top of him. He was badl.v bniísied but no bones were braken. The Ice broto! with his fall which probably saved his Ufe.- Milán Leader. He must have been pretty well peppered, we sriirmise. Immwliately after the whLstle blew for snipper, at the Globa furniture fnctory Jlonday, a large naimber of the employés gathered in one of the rooms and held a short prayer meeting. It is safe to say that no other factory in the United States has so many employés who are good Christian ehurch members aa thi. We believe over two-thirds of its 200 employés are members of some one of our churehee, and Mrs. Snxall is right after that other third.- Xorthville Record. Tlie Bpworth League of the M. E. chiirch are arranging for what is called an Industrial Social to be given some time in December. The plan is for all the ladfes wluo are intens! - ed in the ehurch or league to earn $1 during the mo.nth in any way they can and then at the end of the month h.-ive a social umi have the ladies teil how they earned their money, ebarging the gentlemen an adinission fee to hear them. Tliis plan if a social has been trted wlth .una t succes-: in other places. - Holly Advertiser. Bcové Stacy, of the Tecunneah Herand, wlio is still an "old bach," buít perhaps ïot from cholee, glvee the following bit of new.s: "It isn't too soon, perhaps, to remark that next ear will be a leap year. All years whose nmanber is divisible, 'ithout leaylng a remalnder, by fomr are leap yeai-s except ceutury years, whlch aiv leap years only when they are divisible, without a remainder, by hundred. For instance, 1800 was mol a leap year and 1900 will mot be, butf 2000 will be." So it wotdid Beem that there is hope for


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