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The following, in reference to Unlvcrsity extensión, has been issued by the authorities of the U. oí M.. and c.ontains so raucli that will be of lntereal to the? public, that we give it ín f uil: The Unlveraity of Michijïan desires to render such aesistance as is precticable for it to What is popularly known as the University Extensión Movement. Below is glven ;v list of BUbJecta of lecture courses, (six l?ctures to each coursc), whlch members of the Faculties are ready to prive on iiïvitation, in cities and towns nol too ■emote from Ann Arbor. I. Gkeek Lífe andLiterati'iik. 1. On the Public and Private Life of the Ancient Greeks, illustrated by stereoiiticun views. Professor M. L. D'üo'ffr. [The limtern foreihlbiting these views mast be furnished by thuse lio wisli to engage this course.J 2. The Greek Drama. Professor V. H. Pattenglll. II. Kd.M.lN ART AM) LJTÏEATUEÏ. 1. Art ui Ancieut Komt. Professor F. " KeJsey. ■2. Koiiuui l-itcrntuiv. witli readings from representutive authors. Professor.!. C. Rolfe. III. Astboi.ogy and ITS Bearisus. Professor C. W. JV'lser. IV. Khkmii LlTIBATBBIt. Professor Wnlter. The Authors of the Age of Louis XIV. V. Germán Liteiiatiiík. The Life and Works of Goethe. Professor V Thomas. VI. English I.anguagk. History of the iinglish Language. Professor G. Hempl. VII. Khetomc and Art Cwticism. Professor F. x. Scott. 1. The New Rhetorip. -'. Literary Movements of the Nineteenth Century. 3. The Principies of Art Criticisra, with special applicatiou to the pniutiugs of Leonardo da V inci and Michael Angelo. VIII. EnautH LiiEitATLKE. Professor I. N Pemmon. 1. Authors.- Moore, Bacon, Milton Wordsn-orth, t'arlyle. Tennyson. 2. American Authors.- Irving, Bryant, Hanthorn, Emerson, Longfellow, Lo'well. 3. Shakespeare. IX. History. Kuropean History. The Uerman Empire- The Story of its foundation, and the points of resemblance and of contrast between it and the American Union. Professor R. Hudson. 2. American History. Congressional Government. The Constitution of the United Mates in actiou. Professor A. ('. MeLaiiühlin. X. Philosopht. Dr. Alfred H. Lloyd. 1. Introductiou to the Stady of English Kthics. 2. lutroduction to the Study of Gurman Philosopliy. XI. The Science and the Aet of Teachingliy Professor E. E. Browu. 1. History of Education. i, (.nitline of the Herbert-Ziller System of Pedagogy. XII. Politica l ÉcbsoMV; 1. Social and Industrial Problema. Prof. II. '. Adams. -'. Theory of Politica) Economy, and lts aptilii'tition to the Nineteenth Century ProbIems. Dr. F. C. Hickg. XIII. MU81C. Professor A. A. Stauley. 1. Musical Art Fonns. 2. six Forrnative Periods In the Development uf Muslo. XIV. Pri.nting a.n li JiooKs. Librarían R. C. Davis. 1. Tbe Invention uiui History of Printing. 2. Books aud Readlng. XV. Mathematns. Prof. V. V, Beman, F. N. Cole, A. Ziwet and Dr. J. L. Markley. 1. Elenieutary Mcehauies. 2. Trigonometry. 3. Teaching of Algebra and (ieometi-T. 4. History of Mathematics. XVI. (knf.rai, t'HEMiSTRY. Professor Freer1. History of Alohemy and the Developmeut of the Atomic Hypothesis. 2. The l'hemistry oi the Atmosphere and of Water. XVII. BactkhioI.ögy. Professor F. G. Novy. Bacteria nd their relation to fermentation ftiul disease. XVHÏ. Popular Astro.nowy. Acting Director of the Observatory, V. .1. Hussey. XIX. Geology. Mr. W. R. Sherzer! 1. Rocks nnd Rock-forming Minerals. 2. Fossil Coráis oí Michigan. Leetures aud practical workupou speciuieu.s. XX. Zoöloot. Professor J. B. Steere. The Fouudations of C'lassificatiou iu the Animal Kiugdom. XXI. Klocution and Okatorv. Professor T C. Trueblood. XXII. Bubvkyinq. Professor J. B. Dayii 1. Tho üníted sutes Public Domaln and the Public Land Slim ys. 2. I.iin.l Survuyiag aud Resurveys. XXIII. Driwins ani. rr.Ksi'KCTivi:. Profeeeo (;. S. Denisou. XXIV. Mechanical Enoineering. [A tion oí six muy be made from the iollovviiiK eight lecturos] . 1. ïheStenm Engine, includiug Boilers. Professor F. e. Wagner. 2. Valve Gears, including Link Motions. Professor F. C. Wagner. ::. Movere, Inclndlng Water Engines. md Kngines.Steam Engines, Air Bngines and Gs Engloes. Professor M. E. cbolev. 4. Kapid Transit of the Past. Prese ttt and Future, l'rofessor M. E. CoolBV, 5. The Manipulation of Iron aiid Steel. ressor u. (.. Jnyior. B. The Elementa oi MechaBtem. Prof.C. s. lenHoii. 7. Projectkin Drawtng. Professores. Den! son. 8. Drawlng ud Draugfcting. Prof. e. (,. Taylor. It Hhould be dhstinctly understood that white these lectures, it is boped ■wiM be int-eresting to the liearers, they are not Intended lor mere amueemeut or entertainment, Uut for the pui-pose of sorious instruction. A prmtod syllabus oï the lectures wiU be provlded, witli referencea for collateral readlivg, and a final examinaron in wrlthiK of such persons as lcsiro to receiye certlUcates oí proIciency wiU Ik' made by bhe lecturer. 8neb ccrtiíicnis are not to be regardd ;is 1 1 1 i 1 1 i 1 1 u' l ir kolder to any credit om the books of the üniverslty. There nay be oral quizzes, before or after ■noli lecture, on the KUbject of the precedí ns lecture. It is expected Chat persons, who do not wisli tri present ilicmsclvcs for the quizzes oJ final examlnatlon, wili be admitteq to the lectures on payment of the rem ular fees. I The University cannot undertake td organize the elasaes or societies, td which lecturas are to be giren. Local managers associations must dq tli. 'M work, and must make all tin] arrangement for meeting the expensj ee of conductiiiR tlie courses. It iJ sussested that in advance a guarant.vj fimd lx raised, or that tickets enoiighl be söld to insure the necessary sumJ The arrangement as to time, extentJ and expenses of each course must foi-j the present be made by the local manJ agers witli the lecturer. It will be Kenerally desirable thatl the lectures be given on Friday even-] in#, or at some time on Satnrday orl Saturday evening. For further iniformation. Inqutiies] may be made of Prof. M. L. D'Ooge,! Dean of the Ltterary Faculty.


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