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- . ... Tn A Pnre Cream of l'artar Powder Superior to other known Used in Miiíions cf Homes - 40 Years thc Standard. Delicious C:;ke and Pastry, Light Flaky Eiscuit, Griddle Cakesi, I'aiatable and Wholcsome. No cther baking powdsr ilces such work. Tvo Roliíí-s Curfl Ifcr. VI í'AitüoLL, Iowa, July, 1889. I was suífcrmtí 10 years from shocks in my head, bo mnch so that. at tiinB I ilidu't expect to recover. I took medicines fro.'u iüany doctors, but didn't get any rolief nntil I took Pastor Koenig'a NerveToniu; tho second dose relieved me aud 2 bottles oured me. b. W. PECK. Kcpoinnicnds ít to ffiíiy. Setmook, Ind., Oct. 1, 1890. My daughtor bccnjo epjleptio iibout ííve yeara ago through a frieiit. All physiciann' treatmen! availed nothing, until I used Pastor Koeuig'e Kerve Tunic, which at once dipelled tue attacks. It ís the bantremedy I ever U6ed and] have recommended it to ruauy of such as are eufïering írom this di'eaíl disease. MAliTHA ZICKLEE. PUPf-A Vü 1 11. 1 1 ile Book en Nervons u Uu b Disoases sunt t'ree to any address, Rl ana poor iiatiente can alno obtain I 1 1 k ILi this medicine 1 ree of charge. This remedy has been prepared by the Reverend Pastor Koeniíf, of Fort. Wayne, Ind., sicce 1876, and la uow prepared under his direction by the KOENSC MEÍÍ. CO., Chicago, III. SoWbyísts:íí. SI licttle. Gfor S5. Larco Sirse, í'-i. J'S. C r.ot'. Uw lor S9. Fee MEN ONLY YOUNG MENOLD MEN jM QET IX THETQILS OF THE SERPEKTS OF DISEASE. 0 ) They make herolc efforts to free themielves, a ' ' e?,-, but not knowing how to sncceiiiully VV f!fe]SHAKEOFFTHE HORR1D SNAKE3 . tn "Ï-- Uiey give upin despatr and sink in toan early ft XI rTfc WfcatanïBROBiTberekHELPI! W"MoA0UR KEW BOOK 1 L.' -wTV Y- -i ■" ". pttt-rold, (sealed) LL' vLfI foralfmítcd timt!lins c- V7's.lJ th philoHophy of Dlieasl N 0 Jrw I V ani Afflictions oí the V S JA iSYnSVN ƒ Organí of Man. nil how by vLV)lVTTföI HOME TREAÍMENT, TAVA I,K nmbymethodsciclmlvelyour í V) 1) IK mi 0WI1. th woret case oí JJ-VAstAlMÍ1 lot r F&illng Manhood, WC'J KX General and Hervona De__U_Í_ bllity, WealtaeBi of Body - "l- ■ - - f and Mlnd, EflectB oí Error or Exceiseí, Btunted or HowtoinlargeandStrenuthenWEAK.DNDEVELOPED CEO AN8 PARTS of BODY made pUln to all Ínteres ted. Meo tetify from 50 Scatei, Territoriei aod Portigo Countrie. Toa cao write them. Por Book, full euplanaiio acl prools, aiidreia ERIE MEDICAL CO. BUKFALG.N.Y. RE3L DIEFFEBACK'S tFROTAGC?í CAPSULES l Sure Cure for Tpafc. Men, as 'A pruvedbyrcportaof leaciinsphy8icians. Stíiie uge in urdtíring. giu'rice.81. Catalogue Free. 7' A O ÍS A safe and speedj K9 BÏ la cure for Oleet, i 1 %h Striotnre and all l U'ir.r.tural discharges. PrlceSS. f ftREEKSPECIFICgToü wand Skin Siseases, Serolnlon Sores andSyphültlc AfTeciioas, without mercury. Price, SP3. Order from THE PERU DRUG& CHEMICAL CO. -525. 189 Wi8ooc3in StreoMILWADEEE, WI8. CARTERS] CURE Bick Hoadache and relieve all the trcmbles incident to a bllious Btato of tho systsm, such aa Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distresa after eating. Pain ia tbe Sido. .Ve. While theirmost rcmarltablo bucccss has becn sho wn iu curing neadache, yot Carter's Littlo Llver Pilis ara oqnally valuable iu Constipation, curing and proenting thiaaunoyingcoiaplaint.whilo they alao correct all disorders oftheatomach.stimulatetha liver aad regálate tlie bowels. Even if they only HËAD Achetbeywouldboalmostpricnlepstotliosewho ■nffer from this diatressing complaint; brfl f ortuiiately thcirgooduess does noteud hero.and thoso whooncetry thom vill ñnd tlieso littlo pills valufibleineomany waysthat they will not bo williDg to do witliout thom. But af tor alleick bea4 AOHE Ís tbe bañe of bo many livea that horo Ís whera ve make oïir great boast. Our pilla cure it whilo oihers do not. Carter's Little Liver Pilis aro very small and very eaay to take. One or two pilla íuakoa doee. Tbey are Btrictly vejíotablo and do uot gripe or purge, but by their gentle action pleaee all who use them. Invialsat 25 cents; flvefor$l. Sold by drugyiata everywh"P, or fient by íuaiL CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York. SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE RINSEY & SEABOLT'S BAKBRYGROCERY, FLOUR ANdTeED STORE. We keep constantly on lmml BREAD, CRACK KRS, CAKES, etc., for Wholesale and rotail trade. Wc shall ulso keep a supply oí SWIFT & DEUBEL'S BEST White Wheat Flour! OSBORN'S GOLD DUST FLOUR, BUCKWIIKAT l'LOUR, CORN JIEAL, FEED, ate, at Wholesale and rctail. A general stoek of GROCERIES and PROYISIÜNS Constantly on hand, which will te sold on a reasonalile terins as at auy other house in the city. Cash paid for BOTTER, KGGS, and COUNTRY PRODUCE ttenerally. Uoods delivered to auy part of the city without extra RINSEY & SEA3OLT.


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Ann Arbor Courier