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"M. & H." WRITING TABLE1S. The Handsomest, Most Economical, and BEST method of putting up Wrlting Fiipers for home und office use. (let them from your Stationer, or send direct to the Manufacturera, HASBROUCK & SINCLAIR, 536 L 538 PEARL ST., NEW YORK. N. B.- A JTandsome Tablet suitable for Polite Correspondenee mailed for Twenty-Five Cents. GOLD MEDAL, PABIS, 1878. fJttER&CO.'S Breakfast Gocoa from which the excess oí oil has been removed, is Absolutely Pure and it is Soluble. No Chemicals are used in its preparation. It has more (kan three times the strength of Cocon mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is therefore far more economical, costing le&s than one cent a dij). It is delicious, nourishing, strengthening, easily digested, and admirably adapted for invalids as well as for persons in health. Sold by Crooers everywhere. W. BAKER & COm Dorchester, Mass. VIN w 'IRi For twenty-fiTe yearg '.„? ezpeiienoe oí millions of snff?rers, nld aim - i f , mnla, have :iiy cnJorsed tiie ín-iu. j,.: This Kiannaceütlcal Paradox of the Age A vitalizing stimulsnt without al cohoL A nerro eeacttve without narcotica. A blood riiriñar vrithout poisons. A liver oleamser. A puroly vegetable tissue-maker, pronnotingf i digestión, nutrition, seeretion, ! cretion snd respiration. Alife-giving I tonie, pure and simple, without tha disa3trou3 reaetions of the deadly compounds of rara and alcohol U3uaily eold as bitters. Was never tnown lefore ín the World. Tta discovery amonfr the nedicinal fruita, roote and herbé of California WAS A aiTOACXE, and their conibination into a phenomenal ufejiving tonic A TRIUMFH of the CHEMICAI. AKT. The CTily chaoge marte in the fnrmula dnrine íwcntr iive yeará has been to present it in tico ;ombiuations. The old orininal remain UHchanged, bui being Êtrougor, more laxativa and better. A nrw fornt moro agreeable to thz tas'.e and better adapted to delict trtvotnrn nntl rhildren, but comprising the same tonit; properties, is now made and the ftrinif - af the u&rtii ia ckiillenyttl to produce thecqnaloftliis TRULY i OXLT TEMPE!; ENOE BITTERS KNOWH or to produce apurely vpgetable bitters or medicine of any lïiud, whose action ia at onuii bo saíe, ao certain and comprehensivo as tho CALIFORNIA VÏNKOAR BITTERS, or any compmind whioh frora its Taried action uou the vital iunctions 13 equalto the CURE OF SO MANY DISEASE3. Thpir name is legión- RhrnmatiEm, Neuralgia, Catarrh, Jaundice, Kidney Disease, Sciofula, Skin Ripeases and Boils, Consumption, Piles and all disorders arising from indigestión, iiupurs blood, nervrus prostration, and dilapidated eonstttntion from any cause pive way to it like luist before the suTi, white its Pinnilar power over THE MADLY 1IICR03E AND OMNIPRESEXT BACTERIA indicatos ita miperlority in all dlseast-s of malarial origia, and renderd it the EEST VERMIFÜGE KNOVTN. No íamily can afford to do without a bottle of OLD AND NEW STTLE VINEGAB BITTEE3 n the house, as eipressed by thousanda of teltmonials. Send for beautiful book. Address, R. II. .VcDOVALl) DRUG CO.,' New VorW Mortüaüe Sai e. WHEREAS, Andrew R. Schmidt and Rose Schniidt, of the city of Aun Arbor, Washouaw County, State of Michigan, on the wenty fourth day of December, one thousand ight hundred and eighty-eight, made and exeuted a mortgage to Baker, Gray & Company incorporated) of Detroit. State of Michigan, 0 secure the payment of the siim of fiftean ïundred dollars and tnterefft at -ight ]er cent er aun 11 111 : the iirincipal sum being due as folows : $750 in six ntonths, and $750 in om1 yi-ar rom date of said mortgage. which mortgage 'as recorded in the oihce of the Register of )eeds for said Connty of YVashtenaw, state of liehigan, o the third dny of January. A. II.. HS9. in Llber 7:; 01 mortgages on page 57. And hereaa the sum of foiir huiulrod aiul fortvve dollars of the principal une! interest is laimeil to be due on said mortgage at the date f this notice and default having been made in ie payment Of the same or any part thereof, hereby the power coutained in said mortgage o sell the premises descrilied the rein haa beome operative and no suit or proeeetlings in av or equity haring been instituted to reover any part of the sum due. Notice is there ore hereby given tliat by virtue of the power f sale contained in said mortgage and jurïant to the statnte tn Buch case made and trovided shall on Saturday, the turntvhint day oí Januarj une thoupand eight honred ana nlnety-two at ten o'dock in the fore0011 of that day, sell at public anction t thighest bidder, at the soutfa tloqr of the court onsein the city of Ann Arbor in said county ald court house being the place for holding ie circuit .court in said county 1 the premises escribed in said mortgage or aa much thereof s shall be necessary to satisfy the amount due 1 said mortgage and all cors nul charges Buch sale aa follows: All thoae certain tres or pareéis 01 land sitúate in he tv of Ann Arbor. in the Connty of Washoaw, State of Michigan and desenbed as fol-. ows to-wit : Those parts of lots number oue ld cight in block four (4) north of Huron reet, range six east, commeiieing at the inrsection of tbe north line of North street ith the eaaterly line of Detroit street and mnnlng thence northwesterly along Detroit reet oue huudred and fifty-föur feet, thence outueasterly at riiíht anales to Detroit street tty feet, thence south fourteeii degraea, sreal ie hundred and three and one-half feet thence est one hundred and flve feet tq place of eginning, excepting the right of William "oley to use the wel] 011 said premieea by payz half the repaira thereof. Dated, October 34, 1891. BAKER, GRAY c CO., Q. A. Sessions, Mortgagees. Attorney for Mortgagees. Shoes ratnfly T5s ' 'Box Tip" School Shoes iS% for Bcys and Girls. ij?ïS)" Heeled or Wedgo Heel. t' iSvsiès Slzes-8toMV4 81.25 IL '■'0jnrín7; ntoi3i 1.5 Ift41'!" Ito3 1.-5 ■BPss" gt0 5 2.0 m( FARCO'S JUV $2-50 Calf Shoe WjbIvv for Gentlemen. t:vAlfcS7 yw. Cnequaled by any shoe %fci,L F öïjic1 f JLn America aï the same BS?yltkH . tsüpriee. InConeroliiit■Sés -Stoa ton and Lace. Men'sand Boy 's sizes. e-Tfl FARCO'S 1 ($2.50 LADIES' BOOT I öX V Dongola or Goat, Button, tRo Opera, or Common Sense. f )Cft fi-a Tackless and Flexible. LtLAtHSíSa!" Warnoitcd the most %i. "lllÑríñí" - ï'"-l "'nd servi-eable Víi I y 5JSKadoinLBtUesanlMú3eí DUR N AME IS ON THE BOTTON OF EVERY SHOE. fc,dSk&Our dcal.erfoi' Fanco' Sh x;. IL I10 (Ick-s not keep ihc-m send to us and we will iurnish you a pair oo receTpt of pnce. Send j,otal for depcriptiie list. C. H. FABGO & CO., Chicago, HL DOTY & FEINER, AGENTS, - ANK ARBOR. Hutzel's War Bé ! A very important inveiuion which will be hailed with delight by everybody using a stove or range for hüt water circulation. After years of experience we have succeeded in pro ducing a simple and perfect WATER BACK. It overcomes ail the present troubles of extracting lime and other sedimente which accumulate in water backs, often making them useless and in great many instauces beconing dangerous. The outlay of dollars is reduced t& dimes. No household ufiing a range can afford to be without it. No more trouble by using city water for hot water circulation. Can be used in any stove. Ask your stove dealer for Hutzel's Water Back. Mason & Davis Co's. ranges for sale at C. Eberbach are provided with our improvement. Everybody cali and examine this useful invention. HUTZEL & CO., pivmbers and Sieamfitters. ANT AEBOB, - - MICH Tk llsex, lio can re.d and rite, and ha, tl il I I loi'lir iuurucdon.will wotk iuduilriouily, JIFT r# Whon-to farn Thrfe lli„uond Dolían i YMrintheirownloliliewhcreverlheylivcIwillaliofuniUh the ituaüoo or emi]uymt-nt,at which jou can mrn thatamount , money for meunli-Bssutcessful aaabove. Easilyanti qulcklr learned. I deaire hut one worker from each district orcounty I hve already taurht and provided with mployment a teiira Tl'óïiKfförSTd.ï.1 i-.. C , ALliLft, lSoK 4ïiO, Atii:tu, JUulne. i&ÊSt COMPOUNI) I CE? OomDosed of Cotton Ro-.t. Tansy and %7 sJ I'ennyroyal- a recent cliscovery by an Jüld physician. Is mteasfuUu utcd montlUy- Safe. EffectuaL Frice il, by mail, sealed. Ladies, ask your dnuottet for Cook'i Cotton Root Compound and take no substituto, or inolose 'i stamps for sealed pimiculars Addresa POXI LILY COJirANï, No. 3 Fiiher Blook, 131 Woodward ave.. Detroit. Mkih. EBERBACH &SONS.ANN ARBOR, SELL BELOW PILLS. T A "nTT?Q TEY LEDUC'S "PEJ-lAJL'J.JllCS RIODICAL" PILLS from Paris. France. Established in Europe 1839, (anacía in 1X78. For Suppressions, Irregularities, and Monthly Derangements. A reliable monthly medicine. They always relieve. Any dniggist, %i. American Pili Co., Proprietors, Spencer, Iowa. Robert Sjephenson & Co., wholesale agents, and all other druggists in Ann Arbor. These pills are warranted to bringou the " change. CET THE BEST FIRE INSURANCE $29,000,000. Security held for the protection of the policy holdori. s ■ CHRJSTIAN MACK Represente the following flrst-clasa companies,. of wblcb one, the vKtna, has alone imid tjö,ooo. OUO fire losses In sixty-live yeara : .Etna, of Hartford $9,192,644 Franklin of PhlladelpbJ. 3,118,718 Qennanla,N.Y 2,700,7a Germán, American. N. Y 4.065,968 London Assurance, London 1,416,788 Michigan F. & M.. Detroit ... 287,608 X. Y. I'mliTiviilciv, X. Y 2,596.676 National, Hartford. 1.774.505 Phcenix, Krooklyn 3,759,036 Loases liberally adjuflted and proxnptl; paid. Policiea issiod at the lowest ratea of premium. UHiti Bfiïlai rWruiHlv „J ,.,„„r„blv. I,, il.„„. „f ' , "1 1 ■■ ■ eith.r iex. vomig or olii, and in Huir Bv.f'? 'Ui 9 onnl.'ialitief.whprereilhij'liv. Anv lUWlSh B Olie on do tlir !. Kny to Irarn. Wc furnish evervthinfr. Vie stal I v ou. Nu risk. You can devote your spare moment!, or ail your time to the work. This is an entireiy new lead.and brinps wonderlul mecM to n ery orker. Beglna4n are earning froru t-b to #50 perweek and upwardt, and more afler a ïittle experionce. We can furniíh you the ernplovment and teach you HtKK. No pace to explain here. Ful'. iuformalion FKKK. TRÏE fc CO., AtGISTA, UliH. wi'J f'nd It 01 m JMB 0000.00 a rtftr s being made by John R - ' - 1W Goodwin,Troy,N.V.,at ork for u. header Wli you ma-v not mnk B much. but we can HBtcAch jou quickly how tocara frotn $5 to Hk .jVClU a day at the start, and more an you ro H9f H ILon' ?uth aM In any part of ■■ 1 "■ BAmerica, you can commence at home, pivn 9LJinS al! your time.or spare moment onlv to 4 ËnmBw xlle Great pay 8l'Rli for mr&ZèT eiyworkr. We Btart you, furnishiiifr ■aiaf everyïhinir. EASILY, SPEKDILY leameM MlVk rAiílICLLAkS KKEK. Addre at once.


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Ann Arbor Courier