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Brow.n Dnlversity'8 now "gym1" has beca opened for business. The alumni of DartmoutJj have raised $30,000 for a new gymnasium. A coach win endeavor to get the U, oí M. boys up in foot-ball next year. Princeton comes forward with 37 volunteera for foreign missionary work. The Yellow and Blue advocates the farmatkm of a Hare and Hound Club in the University. The junior spead will be given Thursday, to-morrow evsnlng, In armory hall. Hangeterfer caters. Tlie contract for the university printíng has boen awarded to the ('uiiricr office for the comintj year. Yale college lias had nearly $350,000 given it during the past year.No wonder Yale has a terrifie yell. The congreae Just assembled at Washington, is said to have 17 U. of M. graduates, 1(5 Harvard and 11 Yale. The medies are kicking about the scats in the new ampitheatre. They are said by them to be even harder than those in University hall. John T. DeSullum, of Maryland, left Princeton about $21,000, recently. The U. of M. does not appear to be in it in the teiracy business. Rev. C. V. Spear, oí Cleveland, who lied recently, left Oberlin college $65,000 In lii.s wlll. Dr. Spear liad previouwly given a large library building- with a $25,000 endowment. This makes the second gift this college has received within a mouth. The suggestion that a series oi field day sports take the place of the old time tug of war or rush between the Sophomore and Freshman classes is a sensible one, and would reflect credit upon the classes adopting It, besides it would give atliletice a boom. The Uamma Pili Beta Soeietyliad its annual convention wlth the U. of M. chapter last week. About a dozen delegates were present from Madison, Wis., Syraeuse, Boston and Evanston, and for tliem an elegant reception was givon in Newberry hall Thursday evening. The lectures by Dr. Ful ton, oï New York, before the Hobart Guild, are full of historical interest, and of great value to the student who is inclined to pursue theological studies. The lectures occur on Tuesday and Friday evenings at Hobart hall, and Sunday evenings at St. Andrew'a fhurch. The Schubert Quartette, which appeara at University hall January 9th, in the Studente l.iucture Association course, consista oí four male voices, assieted by Miss Eugenia M. Haldwin, soprano; Miws Iouisa Roman, accompaniBt; Miss Ida M. Clemens, reader. They are receiving great praise wherever they appear. There is to be a pronoimc-ing conU'st at University hall on Frijay eveniug Dec. llth, between the literary and law departments. It is to be under the auspices of the Oratorical Association. Proís. Trueblood and Knowlton will act as judges, with Pi'of. P. N. Scott as referee, ana the prize will be a Webster's Unabridged dictionary. Seats can be reserved at Bowdish's State st. store. This entertainment will be unique and full jf pleasure. The literary forces will be headed by Mr. W. H. Nichols, and lu' laws by Mr. A. C. Gormley. Each sido will have 25 men. Mina Jane E. Brigham, formerly a resident of Ann Arbor, died at the residence of her nephew, John B. Moloney, in Detroit, on Monday, Dec. 7th. The remaina will be brought here for interrment thin p. m. At the Unity Club next Monday evendng, Dr. 8. A. Jones will read a paper on Thomas Carlyle and Miss Charlotte Undtrwood will give some selectione irom Dickens. Tliere will also be some music by Mise Edith Jones. On Friday evening, the 13 th inst., at the Congregational church, the Bev. Dr. Frank Ilussell, oí New York Oity, will addrese the Cniristiau peo pie oí Ann Arbor on the subject of cooperation in reaching the neglected classes. The piustors and ehurches unite in bringing Dr. Russell to Ann Arbor, and it i.s expected that ararrancpemente will bc made ior at once takhiR a relixtooe i-cnsna of the comniunity, in cxrdor to know what familk'K are without religious privileges. Rev. L. T. ChainlMM-lain, D. D., of New York, will ispeak under the same auspices at the Presbyterian church Tuesday evening, Dec. 15.


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