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Tt is snggested that the colors of the A. A. L. I. be White and yellow. Is it good policy to allow storm sheds to be built out upon the sidewalks? Cbunty Trcasurer Brehm pnid sparrow orders last month amounting to 80.34. The hydrqpllc clevator for E. F. Mills' store has arrived and is being put in place. Charles S. Ashley, of Toledo, was married last week Thursday to Miss Bmily Bellman, of that city. Emil Baur broug'ht in a nice lot of apples and pears for the Courier force llonday, which they all enjoyed very much. A new time table went into effect on the T., A. A. & N. M. B, R. Monday. It will be found corrected in its proper place. Rev. S. A. Carinan, oí this city, lelivered an address at the recent conference of the Michigan Baptist Association in Detroit. James J., the nine year's oíd son of John and Sarah E. Tice, of N. Main Street, died on Thursday last, of diph.theria, and was buried Friday. If any of our readers desire to take a walk into fairy land, they should step into Goodyevr's drug store. It is a veritable bower of beauty. The total receipts of the county treasury for November were $0,647.77, and disbursments were $14,517.C0. Amount overdrawn December 3d was $40,780.71. A unión meeting of the churches ■will be held at the Congregationnl church next Friday night. Dr. Russel will address the people, for the purpose of booming a Christian Alliance. The Young Ladie's Society of Zion's Lutheran ehurch celebrated its first anniversary last Sunday eveuing, by appropriate services in the church. The society now has a mcnibership of 64. Tlie Adrián Prese suggests that justices of the peace sentence tramps to be washed clean, and sent to their oompanions in disgrace, in preference to being given good lodgings nnd square meals at the county's expense. A typographical error in the Courier last week gave our friend of the Argus an item, and the cuteness(?) of the Ypsilanti Sentinel gave the Register man a chestnut. Both were evidently tickled. How little it takes to please some people. Frank Heney, for some time a motor man on the street railway, is said to have been smitten by a charming lady of the place and to have left for other parts, last Friday, neglecting to take with him his wife and two children, who are reported to be in dës'titute circumstaaces. The Joe T. Jacobs Camp, No. 90, S. of V., have elected the following officers for the emsuing year: Captain, William F. Krapf; lst lieut., Henry M. Perkine; 2d lieut., Honry Allmen(liiiKer; council, Claud Gage, David Porter, and George Coate; delégate, Claud Gage; altérnate, Frank Fields; installing officer, Edwin E. Hallett. John Schleh, of this city, has ob tained au Increase oí pensión through W. K. Chiids anciicy. a deaervlng case. December gave us ome of her freaky da.vs Sunday. It rained anti Rtowed iuul blowed, and was generaüy unpleasaut. liut it was íollowed by a bright Monday. The alarm of fire that called out the department luot Thursday p .in., was a burning cliiinney in the Gerïuaina hotel. No damage, but considerable ttinoke. Sumt yoimg lady, name unknown, but "a oí Compauy A," lelt an elegant Jiead rest upou one oí the cilutra in tlie armory parlors, a da.v w uvü since. There will be a tea-aodal at Harris hall u-inorrow, Thursday, evening, at o o doek, at Wüich a collectiou o, water eoiors by M,iss Koby, of UeM-oit, will be exhiuiUid. The loriiK'r captaui.s of Company A, viz: L. 11. Manly, J. F. Schuil, Warren Üj, WalKcr and Maj. Mfilard, have becu unanimously elected as honorary meinbors of tüe A. A. L. 1. Misa Carrie i'reeman gave a cobiveü party at the home oi her fatlier, John A. iTeem-au, on Miller ave., Friday eveuing lat, aud tlie pleasures of the evening extended inOO me HUiall houi'S. Mr. Ueu. OrcaLt, has pliiced luo elegantly cirved lloora, received irom New ïork, ui ihe front entrance oi J. L,. üabcocks N. División st. home, addmg materially to Olie beauty oi tlie place. The Art Club exhibiiion will open on Wedursday aud close i-'riday eveuiug oí this week. It will be held in the Ladie's Library building. Sketches Irom Bay íát. louis, aear New Orleans, have been received. Christuias souvenirs will be on sale. 'ihe eleetion of iield ol'ficers for the lst regiuieaiiL M. 5. T. , will take place iii Vpsilanii Jan. llth. E. W. Bowen, oi ïp.silanti, it is thought will be made colouel; 8. W. Miilard, oï Ann Arbor, liBUt. colouel; and Fred Schubel, of jLansing, major. A good ticket all around. We notice that since J. L. Bilbeock returiu'd irom liis visit ;it Chicago, he is ha vi ng the N. W. corner of hls grouiHls improvéd by the removal of an 'old timer" - a poplar tree, that han obstrncted the fine view of liis place. Tlie Ladies Home Missionary Society of the M. U. church, has chosen oífloera for the ensuing year as follows: President, Mrs. Ueorge A. Douglass; lst vice-presidont, Mrs. Camden M. Cobern; 2d vice-president, Mrs. Benj. Day; recording sec'y., Mrs .Chas. A. Muina; corresponding sec'y, Mrs. Orlppln; treasurer. Miss Julia Royce. WlH'ii a large body of law students invaded the premises oi' Lew Goodrich, the otlier niglit, and attempted to serenade him, be gently kicked, and told them that he had been married for seve.ii years, and advised the boys to íollow his example. Lew is a good talker and it ia said that he convinced some of his audieuce of the truth of his argumenta. Some time since we noticed the beautiful prizes won by H. Randall for photographic picturefl displayed at the aational convention at Buffalo. Xow it is a pleasure to state that four ot these picture have been selected to be taken to (iermany for a permanient place in the great art galleries at Berlin. This is still more complinicii'ary when it Ie known that these pictures were the ooly ones seleeted 'rom the exhibit. The annual meeting of the Washtenaw Oounty Agriculture and Horticultural Society will. be held In the court house, in the supervisor' room, Tuesday, Dec. 15th, at 11 o'clock a. m. At 1 1-2 o'clock p. m., the treasurer will read his report. At 2 o'clock thö president will dellver his message, aiter whicli the members will proceed to eK'Ct officers for tilie ensuing year. After the clection oí officers, impromtu speeches are in order. All are cordially Lnvtted to attend this animal meeting. One of the indispenslbie articles on our desk for the past six years has been the Columbia daily memorandum calendar issueil by the Pope Manufacturing Co. It has a leaf for each day of the year on wlneh there is a broad margin for memorandums of meetings, appointments,, etc. This company not only issues these handy reference blanks but it makes the best bicycles on the market. This is amply illustrated by the i'act that that a majority oi the wheelmen of this country ride their Golumbias. Mrs. Mary A LAvermore addressed a crowded house lat Saturday evening on Columbus and ttie Discovery of America, before the Unity Club. Mrs. L. is without doubt one of the most eloquent and forcible speakers in this country. She hold hor nudience with ease for two hours with her masterly effort. Jn her history of Columbus she stated that other navigators had been exploring 130 years before CoumbuB. The brave sea-faring Norsemen had discovered Iceland, Greenland, Nova Scotia and had sailed even as far south an Massaehusetts. Columbus did not discover the American continent, having only reached the West Indies, but supposed he had discovered the continent of Asia. Americus Vespucius, one year afterwards, being a warm friend of Columbus, obtained his maps and charta and thus through them explored furJier west until he reached the new world which has received his name. Columbus deserves all the credit of ;he discovery, having labored many ong years in studying up the arte of jKivigation and working up an en;huBiasm vhich finnlly resulted in the ;loriou8 accomplishinent of his eforta. The correctnese of the maxim "nothng Kiicceede like success" is well exemplified in Ayer's Sarsaparilla. The most sviccessful combination of alteratives and tonics. it always succeeds in curing diseases of the blqod, and henee its wonderful popularity. The spring rains this fall have been very numerous. The seasons appear to be swapping indiosynerasies. The followlng are the new officers of Golden Rule Lodge F. & A. M.: W. M., I!. H. Cuthbert; S. W., George H. Rlum; J. W., A. V. Gasser; sec'y, N. D. Gates; treas.. D. C. Fall; S. D., Paris Banfield; J. D., W. L. Baxter; Mer, L. C. Goodrich. At the annual election of Washtenaw Chapter R. A. M. No. 6, W. W. Watts, H. P.; Z. Roath, King; R. H. Cutlibert, scribe; C. E. Hiscock, treas.; X. I). Gates, sec'y; A. "W. Gasser, C. of H.; J. F. Hoelzle, P. S.; Geo. L. Moore, R. A. C; J. R. Bach, M. of 3'd V.; J M. Snioots, M. of 2d V.; jteorge H. Blum. M. of lst V.; Thos. Taylor, guard. Installation Monday ■vcning next. At the M. E. chureh, next Sunday norning the pastor, Rev. Camden M. Cobern, wlll preach a special sermón the topic of which is "The Walk, the lace and the Eagle Flight." The choir wlll reneter an anthem "Oh be oyful in the Lord," by Dudley Buck, md a soprano solo will be given, 'Oh that 1 had Wings like a Dove," Mendelssohn. In the evening this congregation imites in a unión service at the Presbyterian cliurch. The fourth lecture in the Slocurn course, to be delivered by Rev. Jolm Fulton, D. D., LL. D., of New York, vill be givc.n at Harria Hall, on Fridiiy evening next, subject: "Freedom of Historical Cliristianity froiu varivas Modern Difficulties. Tlie Symolisra of tlie Creeds. 'The Christianty of Clirist.' " Ou Sunday evenlng, at St. Andrew's chureh, the subject vill be: "Theism. The Triune (iod of the Nicene Creed is the God Postuated by Modern Science." On TiH'.sday ovening, üec. 15th, at ne M. E. chureh, under the auspices oí the Epworth lyeague, Rev. Camden M. Coberu wlll deliver a lecture that wlll be of intense interest, entitled, 'Among the Turks, Arabs and Egypians." This lectnre is a sketch of lersonal exploratino and adventtire n Egypt during the past year. It neludes a description of life among tlie Fellaheen and of visits Wlth Beys, Pashas, and the Khedive himself; a erilous journey through the 'desert o the ruin of the City of Pithom, vhich the Isrealites built white in ondage (Ex. I. 11,); also a romantic rlp to the granl, though empty torab oif Menephtah, the Pharaoh of the Exodus, as well as a -week's sojourn n the Fayoum, that oasis unvisited )y the scientifie traveller since Bayard Taylor'K daj'. The personal narraíve will be interspersed wlth jokes :.000 years old, which no newspaper reporter has yet heard of, and wlth much curious Information concerning he "Wisdom of the Egyptians." If you wjuit a good spring bed, juy the Ideal, of Martin Haller, the iüost comfortable and luxurious spring a the market. ♦♦ - ' Ministers, Lawyers, teachers, and others whpse occupation gives but little exercise. should use Carter's Little Láver Pilis for torpid liver and billiousneeR. One is a dose. Try them. The Michigan Pomp Co., of Ypsilanti, held an election yeeterday, reBUlting in the followlng choice: Pres., Wilirod Eamcs; vice-president and manager, Morris S. Huil; sec'y and treus., E. P. Goodrich. The incorporators are: Chas. K. Whitraan, AVilfred Eames, E. F. Johnson. H. C. Eames. Tlie eompajiy vill start busilese about Peb. lst. At the regular election of Fraterntty lodga F. & A. M. last Wednesday Chas. I. Davison was elected W. M.; John B. Dowdisan, S. W.; Fred ü. Novy, J. W.; Chas. E. Hiscock, treasurer; Chas. W. Greenman, sec'y; F. W. Cole, 8. D.; John Smoots, J. D.; Thos. Taylor, tiler; W. H. Dorrance, musical director. Installation during the coming week, jointly with Golden Rule lodge. Probably a public infit.illation. At an eK'Ction of directors of the Farmers & Mechanica Bank yestenlay. tflie followlng wore choeen: Reuben Kempi, Wm. C. Stevens, Chas. E. Greene, Junius E. Beal, Wm. F. Breakey, Edward Duffy, D. Fred Schairer, G. Frank Allmendlnger, Ambro-c KearH'y. The board mt in tlic evenlng and re-elected the old officera, as follmvs: President, Rueben Kempf; viceircsident, Edward Uuify; cashier, Frederick H. Belser.


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Ann Arbor Courier