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WHAT IS SQUAWBUCK GIL? It is Not Only Dangeroás, Bu Also of the Very Poorest Quality. CKRTAIPJ RKi'IMCIIS ARETRYIM 'I'O PORCE THE IM'KKIOK OSIU PEtnOLKI'tl ON TH PIKIK AM niciniav. TBtlOUGII t'III INADBdUACY oí' ailíH I. A Un, i A CHIUf B l'ülllill. Tlie LecIsltUnre Miould Otra !■ Laiv HeqnlrltiK nol only llili Fiiv (pk), Hul Ai íioi ;riil(y. Inlh tl iiitliiic, CluiMiiuiera shoiild liis crimínate and Huy iily Olla V klIOM 11 .l; I Ifioh Quali!) lltil Pire lost, Sudan ihe Well Knnw Brand, "NATIONAL MG UT " Mr. ,T. E. Harris. Manager Michigan Oil Company, Dotroit, senda us the fol lowing corainunioation: - 'While the aclion of the last legislatura in lowering tlie lire lest on Kerosine a undoubtedly a eerious mistake, it is no entiroly rosponsibls for the very inferió quality ot muoh of the oil that is now being brought ulo the State. The new law is responsible for the inoreasoc daDger from oxplosions or fires, but it i only partially responsible for the inferió burninp qualities of the oil. Por severa fears p-ist Michigan people havo oom plaiiied that their oil was not what i should be ; thnt it did not give a olea bright liglit, but burned with a yellowrisl ñame, cansing smoke and gas to be thrown o(T, whioh fillod the house with a strong, disagreeable kerosine odor. More ever, in a very short time the lamp cliimney would be covered with a thiok white coating. Very few people hav understood the cause of this, and a great many bave even supposed that al kerosine had the same faults. 'The facts in the matter, however, are these. A few years ago crude oil was discovered in Ohio. It was found to be vory muoh iüferior to the Pennsylvanin oil, and was supposed to be fitted only for u-e as fuel. It was found to contain Bulphur, arfenic, antimony and other üoxious confitituents, which no procesa of retining could remove. With all these faults the oil still found friends, people whose solé idea of business is to cut pnces, rather than to give quality, ni the greíit struggle for business. The crude oi] oould be obtained for a song and could le put through a oheap procesa of refining. I he rcsult is that many soot,ions of the country have been tíooded wit h this oil. Tho Weel has beon the chief sufFerers, as in the Kast the pi refused absolutely to burn the oü and torced the refiners to send them bettei goods. Michigan lias been a chief ferer, as the poople, having no petroleum in their State, are of course not eo wel] acquainted with its properties as the people of Pennsylvania. Xew Vork, Ohio. etc, and consequently feil easy prey. Not content with using this cheap, bad crude oil, these retiñera in their efforts to retain and secure trade go further, and put it through the cheapest reüning pro cess krjowri. After the light oiis are extracted from the crude, there ptill ■■ mains in them 8 large per cent.of parafline wax. 1 his must be pressed out, or lue was will clog up tíie lamp wiek, and cause the lamp to smoke, char the wiek and throw off bad odors. This is not done to the cheap oil, as it is an expen sive process, and the oil is sent out ful. of the paraffine wax, and reaches the consumer in the condition of which so much complaintis heardon all sidos. The. sulphur in the Ohio oil causes the white coating on the chimney, and the paralline wax and inferior burning quality of the crude cause the poor light, bad odors, dangerous gasses and eharred wicka. "The State can prevent mueh of this evil by ordering not only a high firetest, but also a high gravity test. A gravity test detects the presenceof paraffine wak A tire test alone accompiishis little as regards the quality of an nil A very inferior oil may have a high lire tost. The very presenee of the paraffine wax before referred to gives an oil a lire test as tLe wax will not burn. It is the two combmed- high fire test nnd high grnvity -- that a good oil must have. The additional cost to secure these properties is but a few cents per gallon, which is 1 placed to a large degroe by the Ionr i life, and greater ilhrminating proTiprties i of the oi!. "The people of Michigan Blioukl lusist on their representatives passing y luv governing thepe properties of kerosine In the meantime, they should deroand o their grocer that he furnieh them the high grade oil. At the preseni time there is but one oil of this qun'iiy soul in Michigan. It is the "NBtiofcal Liglit" oil, manufaetured by the National Refining Company, which has a niitional reputation. 1 his oil is guaranteed tandt froin the best gnides of i'ennsylvanis crnile, and is entirely free fioni paraffine wax or other foreigneu batanees. It is thebest oil that can be reflned, and if guaranteed to give twice the light of the cheap oil, will last Jonger and will nol give the least smoke or sniull, ror char the wiek. It has high rire test. degrees being guaranteed, high gravity and low cold test. Every consumer when buying their oil should ask lot 'National Light," and tbey will not only "get the best article, but nlso be entinï free from danger of elcpkisioji or fire." MICHIGAN OIL CO., DETROIT, MICH. State Agents for Michigan. Kor sale in Ann Arbor by Brown & Cady, and "Wm. Salyer. , . , -f The Problem Solved. AH UNIUVALED BLOOD PÜRIFIER. Found at last in Hibbard's BleV matic Syrup- A remedy which espels all poisonous matter and taints of disease from the blood. A well known citizen of West Lebanon, Ind testifies to its value: Gentlemen: It affords me pleasure to state that my wife has received iïreater benefit from Hibbard's Rheumatic Syrup than from any medicine she has ever taken. We have used six bottles, and find It to be the best family remedy and the greatest blood purifier that we ever used. It is truly all it is claimed to be by its founder. You cannot recommend it too hijrlily. Vours truly. Frank Wallace, West Lebanon, Indiana. Solrt by all druggists. Prepared only by The Charles Wright Medicine Company, Detroit, Mich. Act trcssca- Blonde wíks. I


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