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Flamks in tlic Are Iight and Power Company building in Chicago caused a oss of $300,000. Tuk issue of standard sil ver dollars rom the mints during the week ended n the 30th uit. was 8454,980. The issue uring the corresponding period of last year was (668,900. The public debt statement issued on he lst showed the total debt to be Sl,46,981,6; cash in the treasury, $748,350,750; debt less cash in the treasury, 1798, 04. 945. Decrease during Novemer, S:;, 570, 139. liisso was sentenced at Inianapolis to twenty-one years in the tate prison for a criminal assault upon {lanche Staton, aged 9 years. An ineffectual attempt to lynch Bisso was made. The New York court of appeals has decided that a person riding upon a railway pass can recover darnages in case of an injury. A. B. SpÏKS' wagon factory at Stering, I1L, was burned. Loss, 8120,000; nsuvance, f35,000. The report of Prof. T. Mendenhall. chief of the United States geodetic and eoast Ruvey, concerning the IndianaOhio boundary line, shows that it is one mile east of its proper place, thus giving Ohio nearly 100 square miles of Indiana territory. The issue of the Windom two-dollar certifieates was begun at Washington. So. 1 was alloted to Mrs. Windom. Thuee workmen were thawing out dynamite at Corunna, Mich., when it exploded, killing one and fatally wounding the others. The Grand hotel at Leadville, Col., was burned, a sick guest named Mathews perishing in the flames. Two of a gang of firebugs were captured in St. Pau), Minn., while in the act of starting a fire. One of them confessed that he had burned many hpuses fora percentage of the insurance. The postmaster general has issued an order directing that all promotions of clerks in the fiity post offices now under the civil service law and rules be made only after a competitive examination. Two FRKiGiiT trains on the L., N. A. & C. coUided near Lafayette, Ind. , and one engineer was fatally injured. The damage to property amounted to 150,000, Gkoisöe E. 1'ahr, proprietor of the Hotel Warwick at Springfield, Mass., shot his wife and then commUted suicide because she refused to give him money. The annual report of the first assistant postmaster general shows that at the close of the last fiscal year there were 2,i)84 presidential post offices in the United States. The gross receipts amounted to 850,305,057, being an increase of $4,872,696 over the previous year. The aggregate exp-nditure for compensation to postmasters amounted to ■ 1, 20.999. Fouii women lost their lives in fires in New Ürleans. Thjc boiler in a planing mili at Lodi, Tex., exploded, killing Jack Bickham and W. S. arner. What appearêd to be a hnge ball of fire was observed to shoot across the heavens in the vicinity of Valparaíso, Ind. The treasury of the state of Arkansas was for the first time in its history without a dollar. Four persons were killed and two were woundcd by the derailing of a car at a switch in New York city. A i'RAiiïiiï fire swept over the northern part of Lyons county, Kan., and many haystacks, gvanaries and orchards were destroyed. The loss would amount to thousands of dollars. In his annual report to Secretary Foster on the operations and condition of the treasury Tveasurer Nebeker says the net ordinary revenues of the government for the past fiscal year were $392,612,447.31, or 810,468,535.32 less than those of the year before. The net ordinary expenditures, exclusive of the amounts paid in premium on bonds purcliased. were $355,372,684.74. The postal revenues amounted to $65,702,908.55 and the expenditures to $72,067,580.65. The reduction effected Airing the year in the principal of the bonded debt was $116,590,273. The ainount of money in oirculation was $1.676,078, 102. The disbursements during the year were 8781,126,870.32, teaving a balance of 8720,222,332.00. John 15. Hier, aged 52, was shot and fatally wounded by his jealous wife at East Buffalo. N. Y. Geohgb J. Reis, a Detroit (Mich.) proceryman, liis wife and three sons were smothered to death by the destruction of their store and dwellinrf by fire. The new eruiser New York was successfully launched at Cramp's shipyard in Philadelphia in the presente ol Secretary Tracy and other distinguished persons. Samuel Poi.i,ak, aged 51, shot his wife in Philadelphia and then killed himself. Jealousy was the cause. At Haverstraw, N. Y.j the Clinton dynatnite works were blown up and five men were killed. Three children were burned to deatl in Capt. Maxwell's store atLittle Rock Ark. At Cleveland, O., the steambarg Edward S. Pease was nearly destroyed by fire, and Philip Stutsman and Gus Ringer, engineer and fireman respectively, were drowned. The steamer Eastern Oregon was destroyed by fire while on the dry docks at Ol.yrnpia, Wash. : loss $180,000. The latest figures indicated that the six men wliorobbed the Trisco express car neav St. Louis secured in the neighborhood of $75,000. Thirteex alleged anarchists were fined from 810 to $100 each by Justice W'oodman in Chicago. R. IJi.oon, an oil operator at Warren, Pa., who was thrown from his horse and killed, carried liie insurance ol 8300,000. The annual report of the comptroller of the currency shows that during the year ended October 31 last 193 nevf bank were organized, with an aggregate capital of 20,700,000. TIn; nutnber.ei ïu.nks iq wtinn. .vs -2.Ü21, ïaving Tn capital stock" S6S4, 753',"8üo. The affairs of 102 insolvent banks were inally closed. POSTMASTER GENERAL WaNAMAKEB n his annual report will recommend enlarging the free delivery service, and will ask congress to pass a bilí to en,itle towDS of a population between 5,000 and 9.999 to the free delivery. Gov. McKinxf.y in his message to he Virginia legislatura urged that the ra-ilroads be forced to provide separate coaches for negroes. Fibe destroyed the Western normal college at Shenandoah, la-, causing a loss of SBO, 000. Robhers held up a train on the East Tennessee, Virginia & Georgia road near Rome, Ga., anU secured about 81,000 from the express car. Mrs. Gkohge Martin and her son, aged 1}4 years, were burned to death at Denver, Col. The accident was caused by the child upsetting a lamp. Thk five mercantile appraisers of Philadelphia - Patton, Houseman, Crawford, Heil and Hunter - indicted for fraud in office, were sentenced ta dismissal from office. Couxty Treasurkr Landis, of Stafford county. Kan., was said to be S15, 120 short in his accounts. Frank Palmer, a soldier who mur dered Tremaine, an Indian scout, near Fort Sully, S. D., in 1878, was captured in Bonham, Tex. Geis & Co., lithographers at Buffalo, N. Y., were reported to be insolvent, with $475,000 nominal assets and S275,000 liabilities. Thbek persons were killed and seven badly injurcd in a collision on the Baltimore & Ohio road near Pennington, N. J. Four negroes were drowned in the river at Memphis, Tenn., by the capsising of a boat. Jasper Mans, his wife and their two children were fatally burned by a gasoline explosión in their house at Crestón, Ia. A new band of holmess has been organized in Kansas City, Kan., which has fixed the end of the world to come off Christmas day of this year. The first attempt in the history of the country to afford relief to the famine-stricken peasantry of Russia has originated in Minneapolis. The scheme is to send a shipload of flour to Russia by the middle of next January, and the 5,000 merchant millers of America are to be asked to help. John McManus was hanged at Philadelphia for the murder of Eugene Maginnis, February 21, 1800. Commodore Folger, chief of the bureau of ordnance, in his annual report estimates the expense of the bureau for the next fiscal year at 84,780,291, of which total the sum of L4, 186,250 is to be applied toward armament of new vessels authorized to be built A FIER which started in a barn adjoining the coal and lumber yard of the D. J. lioyce estáte in Plainfleld, N. J., caused a loss of 5150,000. Wiih.i; Mrs. Clement Kitts, of Lima, O., was temporarily absent the house caug-ht fire and her two Iittle children were bnrned to death. In his annual report Postmaster General Wanamaker shows that, in spite of the fact that over SI, 000,000 worth of lottery revenue has been lost during the last year, the postal deficit of Sö,000,000 is surely disappearing. Mr. Wanamaker favors postal telegraph, telephones and a postal saving-s system, and thinks penny postage will be demanded in the near future, and shows how newspapers may be transported free from July 1, 1893. In the United States the business failures during the seven days ended on tbe 4th numbered 330, against 295 the preceding week and 312 for the corresponding week last year. Two passenger and two freight trains were wrecked on the New York & New England railroad at East Thompson, Conn., and three men were killed and seven injured. Paymaster General Stewart in his antiual report to the secretary of the navy says that the growth of the navy has called for expenditures of $3.500,000 at shore stations during the fiscal year. Du. Ffi.ix Roan, a prominent citizen of Caswell couuty, N. C, on his death bed confessed that he killed Senator John W. Stephen twenty years ago. A sevkhe shock of earthquake was feit at Cincinnati and windows were broken in some iastances. Xear Owosso, Mich., a small log churoh was blown up with dynamite by unknown persons. Nine men were killed and six injured. three iatally, by the collapse of the wall of the burned building recently occupied by Farwell, Ozmun & Co., in St. Paul. Near Liberty Center, Ia., Mr. and Mrs. Levi Mills, an aged couple, were cremated by the burning of theirhome. Twei.vk barges loaded with brick capsized In the Hudson river at Crotón point during a storm and twenty persons were drowned. Chaiï M. Skaton was hanged at Mount Vernon, 51o., for the murder of Lewis Channel at Joplin, lio., July 5, 1889. The residence of S. M. Fry, near Springfield, Mo., was burned, and Miss Minóla Payne, a lady 18 years i oíd, perished in the James. Wind destroyed property worth ' $100,000 in the Cumberland valley in Pennsylvania, and damage was done in several other places in the state. Muncie school children contributed 4,344 pennies toward making an exhibit of Indiana's schools at the world's fair. By a boiler explosión at Pope & Pulley's mili near Hornellsville, Mo., three men were instantly killed and the building demolished. Yale's annual report shows that the college received 8343,394 in gifts during the past j ear. H. D. Wii.son entered Russell Sage's office in New York city and demanden ft million dollars. On being refused Wilson threw a dynamite bomb, injuring Mr. Sage and five other persons, and killing Benjamin F. Morton, a derk, and himself. A jumptoí? off place- The prinic bonrd. Abowt the only force some people htiTe 1 the torce of habit. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. Isaac M. l'.itowN1, the founder of many newspapers and the oldest editor in Indiana, díe.l afhis home in Columbus, lnd. , ag-cd nearly 75 years. Ex-Gov. James N. Johnson, of Georgia, diod at Coi um bus. Maj. Thomas IIahwabd died at his home in Urooklyn, N. Y., aged 102 years. He secured his military title during the war of 1S12. Wksley fScoTT, of Scottsville, Ind.,is the oldest postmaster in point of consecutive service in the United States, having been in office fifty-one years. Mrs. Elizaukth Doikik died at Damariseotta, Me., having passed the century mark in age by a few months. One of her sisters lived to be 102 years old. Wiley P. Harris died at Jackson, Miss., aged 70. He was a member of congress in the '50s. Jamks Sanderson, who was said to have killed 140 Indians in the last twenty years, died at Fort Sumner, N. M.' Col. Edmond Dick Tayi.ok, father of greenback currency, an intímate personal friend and adviser of President Lincoln, died at his home in Chicago, aged 89 years. FOPEIGN. Rev. Charles H. Spürgeon has written to a friend in London from Mentonc, Ital.y, that his health gaina slowly. FlBK damaged the Wilanx I'"lorin textile works at lioulaix, France, to the extent of 1'. 600:000 francs. Tuk epidemie of influenza was increasin.!,'' in scverity at Paris and I5erlin. aad hundrods had died ia Paris of the disease. üazaus iind concerts for the relief of the famine-stricken people of Russia were to be promoted by the Germán uourt. ANOTHRB rebellion has broken out in China, two or tfaree important towns have been captured md hundreds of natives mnnlered, amoug them many Christian converts. Commamiii: Evans, of the l'nited otates cruiser Yorktown, was assured by tlie intendente of Valparaíso, Chili, that he would insurc the safety of all American seamen landing in Valparaiso. Late advices give the number of deaths by the recent J apáñese earthquakes as 7,560, and the injured at 10,120. The exportation of tobáceo from Mexico during the last üscal year amounted to él5C,S44.5(i more tlian the previous year. Tuk mother of Barron Dellard, a high official in the ministry of war, and her inaid. werp fonud in a room at their home in l'aris with their throats ent. Dom Pedro, ex-emperor of Brazil, died in l'aris, ;ig-r.'d 61! years. Since 1887, when Dom Pedro was forced to leave Brazil. his health had been failing. Influenza was so wide-spread in Berlín as to interfero with the operation ol' raiUays and other large concerns and with municipal and judicial affairs. He spitals were crowded to their utmost capacity. An explosión of fire damp in a mine in the town of Sombrerese, Mex. , killed five miners. The Standard bank at Melbourne, Australia, with a capital of S5,0U0,000, suspended. LATER NEWS. Fifi v-ji-.ven sailors lost their livês on the ireat lakes during the season just closed. This was the largest number of deaths of any year since the lakes were navigated. Thk liellefonte (Pa.) Nail & Iron Compiim suspended with liabilities of $808,000." Durixo November last 29,205 immigrants l&nded at the port of New York, ag-ainst 32,144 during the saine time the prcvious year. A fire among bookbindery establishments in Fhiladelphia caused a loss of 5350,000. The imperial forces in China defeated the rebels in a battle near Chooyang. Eleven hundred rebels were slaughtered on the field, and those which were overtaken and captured were immediately executed. Sevextv-thhee miners lost their lives by an explosión of fire damp in a mine at St. Etieme, France. Prof. W. II. McCubbins, of Maysvilles, Ark., shot and killed his wife ' and then killed himself. The doublé tragedy was on account of jealousy. The Belle Center bank in Logan county, O., was robbed of 512,000. A wobk train on the Findlay, Fort Wayne i Western railroad went through a bridge near Ottawa, O., and ! killed three Italian laborers and wounded a number of others. A PASSBNOBB train jumped the track on a trestle near Evansville, Miss., and feil a distance of 30 feet, injuring sixteen persons, some of them fatally. Thk cotton mili at Des Moines, Ia., the only one in the state, was destroyed by fire, causing a loss of $125,000.' A looomotive struck a buffgy near Lima, O., containing William Meadlowe and Ilarry Knipe and hoth men'a heads and Knipe's arms and l'i,rs were cut off and the horse was killed. Thk Chinese legation in l'aris re' ceived an official dispatch sayiDír that in China 500 ChriStians, several native priests, a Mongolian prince and some unconverted natives had been inassacred and many churches pillaged and burned in the towns of T-sieutchaug and Pingsuten. Thikty-fol'R horses perished in a Hvery stable fire in Durango, Col. In the democratie caucas in Washington sr venteen ballots were taken for speaker of the house, resulting as follous: Crisp, II; Mills, 91; Springer, 17; McMillin. 19: llatch, 5; Stevens, 1; necessary to choice, 114. In the republican cauihia Mr. Reed was unauimously for speaker.


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