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Ai'" Albor, Dee. 71 h. 1891, Regalar meeting. OonncU met .-nul waa calted to ordi bj l'n-s. 00Oly. Roil ealled. a quorum preeeat. Lbsent, Aid. Wlnee- 1. Minutes of prevlou meeting appro f-ii. JMonriiiNs AM) COHHI tnCATIOm. To the Honorable Mayor and iiin men oi bhe CSty of Ann Arbor. (i-niicincn: Wc hereby propoce ti i-oniiinic tbe preaent contract fo Ughting tbe city o Aun Arbor tor 'on commencíng Jan, Lst, isdl', m '!■'■ the coiKlilions .iiid upon 111 urne irrms aa at present In foroi elgbty ■"■(■ Ughtfl ($0) at elgtatj Doe 'Hollara ($81.00) eaci per yeai Ughte to bnrn i trandred .'11111 glxtj fivc (L'(;.-,) ïiihls fioiii (IiihI; mitil lL'.:!i o'clock ;i. in. The llgnting to be dom onder Vh ■ dtreoOoi] of the Ughtlnf Oommittee. Addltlooal UKhta, ihonli any be reqnJred, to be turnlahed apoi tbe miuiv term. AJo addltlona USfhttng, oih.-r than the time abov( peeWed, .-it prbportioaal ratea, Ileflpectfully youis, A. A. T. II. E. Co.. A. i.. NOBLE, Bee'y A Treaa. Baterred ii Ugbtlng oommittee. REPOBTS sTANDlMi COlOnTTKBB FINANCK. To the Oommon OounoU: Your Commlttoe on Plnance ronpoct iully rc])ort that tliey have liad the followliif? bilis undor consideratlon and would rccommend thelr allowance at miiiis etated. CONTINOKNT rUND. W. .1 Milicr, KHlury f 66 K. 11. Nrirrls " s, m Jacoli II. Stark, jiiuitnr, salary 88 KM W. Moore.slx raonths' saliiiy L'fj ( MissJeseic v. ttuby, typewrltlng 76 Dr. E. A. (lurk, wiliiry fg l Sheehan Ji j, Wuplc sKulesof Ordor, etc 1100 Heury Wllmot, poitliu blllfl 1 oo Jas. K. Baoh, ttfa and otb irard ntriDo house losnnuioe 1750 Seyl olil umi AlmendtDger, repoin ; uu W. J. Millor, )osi stampa 1 ik Loulo I{(iIiI-, ciiil 1, -; Ann Arbor Mvliigt Bank, interest ;: t, P. O'Hüarn, xiilary lwi NI Ann ArlKir 'I'.ll. BlectrfO Co., oIBco 2 00 Aun T-ll. Bleotrlo Co., stroet llirhtlnjr 666 86 Total t 1000 11 STIIEKT KIM. On Sulhcrluiid, salary, mm Smltb Motley, ■ so 00 Philip Viib.-I, iiin-l 24 dg hri-tian ! Si u uu. lalior 4 00 John ('u rroll, snow plowing 1 rw Qeorge Schllmer " :i im H 1 1 ry Hai " m Henry Warner " ;; ,,, i leo. Weeks " i -,,, John Molliijfh ' " ;j (X) Frank Sutherland, labor !i 'i Hlchaei Williams, lahor '.'.'.'.. ::i m Vm. Nlmps, labor 14 AH Win. Kucht), lahor " i:j o; Joteph Butzel, labor.. . r, -'-, Gustave Walters, labor i -m Kurl Vardt, lalior ■ ■ -, Jaoob Mlobenfelder labor "" n kfiohael Ueaalon, labor k wi Willis Clark, labor '.'.'.'.'.'." ,- M. B. Murnhy, lalior íicaii A Co., hupplios " j '', Patrlck MoOabe, teamiiif; .".7.7.7 5s Kun (.'rau-t'ord, teanilDff 818 Mirluii Kustorer, U'aming i j EUias Sadler, uauúng '" hito N. Huthcrlund, horsoand oart M R Micliatil Hcary, tcamiiifr m i;h Cbaunoy Tbompaon, repalrinjí walks i; K ■■ L. Judson, " iiw. Istiell.CopIngr :i 50 Willlain 1I(tz, pafotlDg liiidjfo Noï.. U W K. J. Rojfers, repairs . % ih 'rank Uiiilock, lumhur i 1, Bpj i.ciid & Allinendine-cr, repairs 22 60 HMDZmannA l,ailln-M-ayi-r, salt HO Bohuh .v MaebUg, bardware, eto :ci n V ni . Her., puiiitiiiif siifii :; ;.j T""11 t 644 83 jfiiiE DKPAitTUK.v; rum, FrelSlil.-y, „!„,■ im (X) C.A. l..iw,ui-, aalary mj ixi, sal.n-y mq& Henfy Mi-Laren, huliiry " u 00 Charles Carroll, salai-y 40 00 Moi-Riin Wíiiíhhim, salary .. 40 hu Max Uitllin-..-,, Uiuy m JJ Alezander I). Imus, Balary in . Herman Kim, uüry si Bobert Bom, uüair. h oo liOiiiH Wi-ininitiiii, galary 8 00 John Klnney , saiary " ' 00 am UoLaren, galary k 1 iiuoneo .liiii-ic-, hay in in I retetot Kast, carrou. asslgned to Fred Sipley - 02 I i inzuían & Laubongayor, Ürañ I H. C. Clark, cata 4 rj, (Jeo Sun!, oats "'" u Antón Tuefel, bUinketl and repairs."" a 88 Mrs. It. itciiin, wiishuii 1 (m Mn.C.S. lall.wwinií -" 2 mi I. Haudy, palnUny """ 5 00 tfgnre i Oo.,bnke ' 1 o T"'"' I 472 75 l'OIM'k HM,. Jamt-K {. Murnu.salary m nn lavi,](„lli„s. HiiUiry ... . w Nobi f. ■!■„.,., s.,lurv ■; g Jobo Kcrmy, ipeoUü pólice 2 no Miobael Brenner, He..-iui pólice a oo Melvin C. Potersun. ipeolal pólice. 2 00 Tank Campton, portal pohco ". 4 oo m. il. M.iriiii.v, tpeoial polioe oo Nelton Sutberland, use of two horses Ootoberaiat o On KoliiiiHoii ii llowlott, uoö'of hackï" " !i 50 W. (i. Boem, m at tms andhack 4 mi Total ïl'mw POOB 1 " " 1 Sipl.-y, sulary )0 nn Mrs. Evanu, ald.. . i fi Bhaw, Ud . ' (J J. Knpp, SawlDff wood '. i -.-. Aun ArbOT Kruk and Tile (:o.,T6co'nig WOO1 .S rj, Dofa a i ■■„".'.".". ? Ll'l. Dnlly, xiiM-ril'S '.,,, J.T. JaoobA Co., olotblng wiiihun i . tfldhokgrooeñe:::::::::: i ; Wiiiiimi II Molntyre, " !'; O'Harad Boyle '" ■?! C. Binier, ' ■ gij J. Werner, I""' gg T""11 r2K4(W I1KCAIMTI I.ATIDX. Oonttamnt Pund fioifin Streel Pund "'SS ü I DDd Poltoe Fund imm Poor Fund ...."..".".".'.'."."I." aM j '''""'' .fóísTffi J Etespeotfully sabmitted. LOUI8 I'. IIai.i,. E. (;. Mans-, Wtlíiam Hebz, Finance Com. Aid. O'Heara moved ih.-u. tbe reporl beaocepted and adopted and warrant ordered drawn íor tame. Wblch miii.,u prevalled by a y .-i. and oay rote aa followji: V'-.ik Aldt. M.-uiii, Eter, Martin, Allmendlnger, Fillmore, O'Hearn, i er -i. Taylor, Rehberg, Hall, Cltaon, í iii Prea. Cooley 1 8. X.iys Nbne. RXPOSTt Oí tPBClAI C0HMIT1 I Aid. M.-uiii. cli.iiini.iri ni 1 . - - .- 1 1 uütti-r un wi,;,i un oí money uiii be aecemary bo obtaáu tbe t t to the laad reqnlred lor tbe estenaion of 8. FonrUi iv.'., iiKkcd tor ftnt h.'itimo which vu granted. Aid. TI.-ill, rliaiiinnii of special COIH mlftee po fn-' beda ior the elty at Univcr.sity Hospital, aeked (gr hirtber tiini' u ■iiicii ,-ih granted. BKP0BT8 01 ' 1 1. nu ie i:us. CITY TKI-.AM l:i:i;"s klii'OKT lolt TUK KONTB EHDOTG BTOVEJCBEB 80, 1861. Ta Uu; Oomnwn Ommoü of the Otty of An n Ailnir: liitliirici' (ivcnlmft uu per last report ï5,8M.9 MlINKV KECEIVED. OonUngeni i'und- Milh'i-, UoenMi $ 5C0 Polloe rand Miuslml MiiiTily, lees '. ■L Jiutioe Pond, Uno 1 gjB JfcttÜ lli.Sfi $5,845.M umï DIIBUMSD. ('(intiniicnt Pand $ (r, Streel i'uini 76H.00 Piremen'i Pand uo Pólice Pund jT8ui '■""■ '■'"'"i. mw Wiiii-r Pund CeiiH'tory Kund Boldlen' Belle! Pand DfcOO Total f'fiinm ALANCE ON IIAMJ. Contingent Pand m■ rdnwrn Ki,057.38 Btrei i Pand, over'i'iiwn i'm.n ircincn'H Ku ad, over,,'I,1'IW" Polloe Pund :m.4t Poor Pand, overdr'wn 1,019.06 liter Pand wu i Cometer; Pund i;-; 98 Soldier' Beltef Pund KUO UDivereitj Hospital Aid I!(.ikI Pund ... K40.00 Delinquent Tax f'und , overtrawn ggU8 Dok'Im.y Kund 100.00 _ .Total i,kiuz s.oai.os Tola) ovmdrafti íh.-itom Beapectfully submitted, S. W. I'.i:ki, City Treaaurer. Ann Artxn cuy, Deoembar i, íwti. Ann Aitooil BATurot llixK, I Ann Amiim. Mirii., Dvu.2, inyi. j Ib the Mayorana Aldermen of tiu Oity Of Aun Albor: Tiiis wil] oertify that the account of 3. W. Beakes, City Treaaurer, la overIrawninthe amoant of EightThousund, Four Handred Sf'vcnty-sccn and :-100 Dollars, (18,477.08 , BespecfeCnlly, niAs. K. Biscock, Cashier. The repartí oí dty clerk, marshal tnd superintendent cd Ch poor wrere Boeived, read and placed oo tile. iM tNISHKD Bl lim Aid.Tin.ui Herz Moved, ih.-ii the resolntion r Aid. 'ergnaoa for Ote extensión n' BammH ' oami to Detroli si. be baleen trom he t,-i!iif and put apon its pafcage. Hm risoiii t oh oí Aiii.rni.-i 11 FerKo on was öien raad, aa followe: Woereae, Thta eounci] tiaving trough ís eommittee duly lnatructed "' 'ii.ii purpoae, made a fatr and aonaW ■ effori to obtaln the pljthi i' w.-i.v tor tbe extensión of Summil xt. i l.v íroni Itc-.iki-s st. lo DetTOH .; aiso .-i pélense oí damage likely io De occatnoneü thereby, and thit uncU dot declare that such rlh1 i iray ii.-i.s iH.t i ■ -. - 1 1 acqulred by or oilicru-iw. lor the reason uai thej wtre no1 abte tu agree itii ih p r.-ons Interested Id the land á benemente, required therefor ur 'tected thereby, therefore "ivi'i!, That city elerk éo ■riií.v thta resolutioa ! the city atwney, uim [g tereby dlrected íorthitii tu inst i pro leedingí lo con demnaüon, and acqplre inch rlghi oí way and íettlá kih-Ii and .-iii sm-ii ClainM fir damageg. Aid. M.-iit ín moved tha1 A.ld. Hers'a mol Ion be lald on the table. Wfeách wem lort bj a yea and Hay vote ís folln: feas- Alda. Mann, idartln, Taylor, Hall, K i I son - 5. N.i.vs aIiIk. iici-7. Allmendinger, I'ilhnon-, CHearn, Fergngon, Etehbi rg, i'ns. Cooley - 7. The motton oí Ahí. Herz tben prevailed. reaolutloa oí Aid. Pergtuoa tras ttaen loat two tblrd ol nii the al dermen elecl noi voting i neretor, ai follou: fea- Alda. Hers, AHmandlnger, Fillmore. O'Hearn, Fergnaon, Rehberg, and PreaJ cooicy- 7. .iys aiiIh. Müiiii, Martín, Taylor, Hall and Kit son - 5. KOTIOHI and BK8OLU1 IOMS. l'.y Aid, M.-i 1111. wiH-rc.ih. Complalof baring been made ol the lichting ot the couri boiM dook, Resolved, That the matter be referred to the lichting eommlttee wlth (liri-c.tioii to fnvartlgate and report t the conncll. Referred t Huriitin eommlttee. By Aid. i'crgii-.i Vlicrcan, DetroH ht. at and Uk junctiori uitii Beakea rt. iia beenconMdci-abl.Y narrwoed by the streel rail u.-iv track, and it appeartng thai the safety ol the krarelüig public requlre tiiat MH-h gtreel al su.-ii poíni be nrideoed, therefore olved 'lii.ii the wldening of Detroit streel along lot number irizteen WocV rour, Ormsbey .v Page'i addiUon to the city. La u necestiary public improvement, that the gum ol three hundred dolían ($800) be and the Rame is ocreby approprlated from the contingent rund for the pnrpoae oi purcnusing lol NO. Ui, from the A. A. Sai Co. ih.ii .in order therefor be draws payabU Peb. Iki nexi for Kiicii pnrpoae, th.-u delivery o! ïuch order made on dellvery ol good .-111(1 rofflcleni deed ol s.-iiii lol 1 i - t alter reeb pnrchaw ald lol be' Kraded and ued for itreet uurpóae nidenlng i.oiii ii t ,(i i flnd Deakea KlH. Whicii reaolutlou prevatled by ;i yea Jiiicl iiny mote ih follou-K: Aid. Mann, Herï, AUmendlnrer, i'iiimoi-.'. O'Hearn, Ferguaon, Taylor Behberg, Heil, Kitaon, and Pre Oootej il. n.-'.vs ai,i. Martin- 1. By Aid .O'Hearn. Vlicn-;,H. the city Iiuh ,1,1,-u,, ga, cbrougn the UndneM f i„, .Jü . Oorman, two large and raluable mapa oí il. ■ ii,i,.,i gtatea, bherefore, l:'-"ill'i. 'i'ii-'t tbanki of the '.mini be tendered to .Mr. Gorman K lus prompt and favorable conHderatlon, that the city elerk do tran i-, Conrewmaa Gorman .- eopy "f iins reaolutlon ander eal )f olty. wiiicli reaolatlbn unanlmously nre -i I.-.!. Bj Aid. Taylor. i:s'.h,,i, ■-il;,i n, ,. mayo, ,„. .l]( '■ ' bj aul borla d and empowered 1 appolnt for bhe term oí one rear I). Bycraíi and Roberi Leonard gpec haJ polloamea ror che pnrpoM i guardtag tbe property of and ,-,„ servLng khe peace al the grand poen hovute in ihis city, mcb pollcemen nowever, to perform tucn lervlce wlth mi costa io the city, and aiso iii dty i rlthoul llablllty (or an neglect i iiuiy nu bhelT part. Whirii resolution prevalled. By Aid. Fillmore. olved, 'i h:ii a special commit te '" öve be appojirted i. the chalr, an charged wtto the dm y ,,s Lnvestlgal ini th' evldence In the caae ot Kempe ' Uw City, bow pending In th circuit ((hui . it h power to emplo; counsel m .-issíhi the -ity attornej on the trlai, also If Buch commii t deern ii advUable to eompr se eaii and to report thelr doinga 11 u OUt dcl.iy. Whicii írsiduiion preyalled as tq Vr;is Aids. Manu, Ilirz. Maf tin, A.Umendlnger, Ffllmore, O'Harn Pergaaoo, Taylor, Rehberg, Hall, Kii sou and Pre. Goolej 1 2, Na.s Xiii.-. The prealdeni appodnted i Im followiiK eommittee: Aid. Fillmore, Martin. O'Hearn, WIne, Hall. Aid. Taylor nicn.-d tlial all iiHiulicrs of tiiix connc-ii sho are Intereated In gatei for raii-road croaalnga In thii city do meel commiMloner oí rail roails, al 1' o'clock )). in., Wrilnisi !a Dec. Bth, ai iii" councll chamber . Aid PergtMon moved as an amend ment . iiiat the full boord meet. Whicii amendment preyalled and the origiaeJ motion as amended prevailed. Aid. Hall moved t tial I Im board oi public vork do report on petltlon for ■idewalk in I8th st., wesi vide to lilis COUnCil al ni-xt Wcdiirsda.v's n Iinii. whicii motion preralled. On motion the councU adjourned.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier