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MASONIC DIRECTORY. Aun Ardor Commanhhhv, Nu. 18, meet ñnt 'l'ii!8dey o( each inontli, li. K. WhUh, E. O. Johu K. Miner, Kecorder. WiBHTENAW CHAlTEIt, No. 6, IÍ. A.M. M . ■■ I - i'.rnt Miniiluy each montb, L. C. Goodrich, H. 1'.; H. D. Seurctary. BUSINESS CARDS. MODISTE, MakeH flue CotNtmes, Tallrir guita, aUo Miases' iiiid ChlldrenV Buiti. Ladies' Wraps a Speclalty. HU NORTII niTH BTBXXT, ANN AIUIOK. 82_ Chas. "W. "Voel, liiidc r ia all kinds of Freah and Salt Meats. PouUrii i.'mi, etc EVERYTHING NEAT and CLEAN No. 9 IC. AN St., Ann AjBOB. W. W. NICHOLS, DENTIST. Rooms over Aini Arlmr BkTlngl Iiiuiks, Opp Courl Home Square. VITALIZED AIR. A 'iïninlstered. It íh lgT66ftble mui iitny to take, and no proatrsting efleota (ollow, whllu textil ure eztracted irlthont pain. Hou -.-. sirn, Oniulin-Mtiil umi FRESCO PAINTER ! Fftpering, Olaelng, Gilding, and Caloiminiii', nii'i vrofi "f even dewrlptlon done in fine best ityretand wmranti-d to KÏVf IfttiSiAOtion. Shop, No. 4 W. Washington St., Ann Arbor, .StïS . - cc tel eses _. i 1 J o o : - ' - ■ o 5 j Mi C I I - - jT A MINE m "l H i.i!i:n a n DISI i OB lili. a JÏ0LIDAY JHE FLOOD CATES ARE OPEN I SUCH A CAKNIVAL 4, S ni prioes wlH foiicjw m uíii créate a Lo coiiniiuliít v ! Carpets. ELEGANT TAI'ESTKY QQ BBÜ8SEL8 ■ - - ü üC. mi: vkiív jjks'I' si im:r rc TWO -PLY DvjC. Ïm1.: . . 38c, 23c, 18c WIM1T1I AT S7.0DI lw,rs' IS4.75 ron Tvo nm Cloaks. Til I. I.AHT CAI. I, iS THKM. We have u lareo DtimtMr l U n. pxpeuHlve, lyliHli garraenU 1 Illf M[PP i,-n. Th5 aire ut - - - - IÜUI I MUD -J Tl II, XMAM 'M HU AT WOKTH IMIIs83S&mUHLH ÏHOTISAN DS of noveltleH of every descriptlon - iippnpri:ite Kills fcir the Ni-uMon. OFFICES T0 HEMT! A fine suite bi officea over the Farm er.s et Mechanlo'e Bank, .Main tt., Ann Arlu.i-. Enquire :it Coi bibe office. REPORT OF THE GONDITION OF TH! i ark Savings Baak AtAnn Arbor Michigan,! the closu oi botlHU, Dm. 3, VI. BBaOCBCXS. I.jiuis and discounts HKMM9 M Stocks, iionds. mortgage, etc SUfioi Ni OverdraftH I8.M0 1 Duefrom Imnks In reaerve oltle kj:i,u74 10 Dut fruin other banku mul tmnlten - . Dne from School Treaa. and city of AnnArbor - ièJM 48 Furnlture ttild flxturen 1,930 W ( H! T,-Ilt CXJlfTlMCS Illld tX6l SjDM - Check ano OMb Item 187 7 NiclteU and pcliliieH liH 5ti Uold coln - i7uü oo Sllver coln _ 1,100 00 678. ud National Buknot. '20,7 00 1 ,,1,11 $871,720 47 I.IAÜII.ITIKS. Capital itook pald in $ 'o,ooo oo Surplus fund.L. - lOOflOB mj rncllvidcd profltH BJ78 BI Dividend! anpald Wï 00 Individua] depoiltt UWol m Certlflcatei of deposlt - Sl,i Bavlnga di-.OHltn - 186,783 50 iui' to bank and banken tilo W Total - 74,7'iO 47 STATE OF MK'llli; N, Countj of v.. nuw, S8. i,i hiuk-s k. Hlscock, Caihler of tbe above named bank do solemnly awear tlnu iinabove ttatement is trut to the bet uf mjr lciiow]'ii}.'r mui bel lef. ( II 18. K. HISCOCK, I H-hi.r. Correct- Attttl: CBBMTIAü Uaok, Iiamki. ck, David Rinmt, Din BubBcribed and iworn to before me, tli 1h Utn dav of December. LS01 MICHAEL .1. FRITZ, BTotary Public. üissolution Notice. 'iiiK Circuit cor ut rosrai Couhty o WuhT K S A W . i ii the matter of the petltlon Chai Qreen to dlnolve the Ann ArborTaunlng i ompany ! Nóiic.' s bereby giren that on the "mh day of iber the petltlon oi "ld Charle E Green was flic-d in iaid Court, praylng that the ald Ann Arbor Tannlng Company mlght i Milvi'd liy ii n lid du rt, and that nald uroceedlng Ie pending In -mld i. i LAWRENI E. Dated Nor. 80, 18Í1. Att'T tor Petltloner.


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Ann Arbor Courier