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'il i ■ .■ 1 1 ; i : ace Uuti (tathered tolUten to Dr, Talmage n Saturday evenlng laSt ni TuivcrKity hall, svai .in ui mease one, and it m-u entertain i-d. A ii n of Dr. Talmaffe'g hIií--.-í were a Llttle ohegtnuty, bal iiU 1 1 1 .- 1 1 j ii uf iriiinj; ihciii made made thcni B gOOd ;is lien'. Kspcrially was tii.-i oí the (oolUb uitni-s.s, and tbe lady who wax entertalning i ínsenator al Wwhlagtoa, The Dr. itated that if we leave to iVCillllilHIÍHtH tJ KUCK.H UllITC U (MIIHfioin nuil id tbeologlana to prophecy wiicrc we are gotng to, wre ittll h.-ivc í.-fi for eonaiderattos the fact tbat u-r art bere. "Thl k i he iirsi (ui ury of tbe woiid, i he be1,. oí th Ih'.sI cent ury. lusl year oí the best decade, and the beat ndghi ui the be1 noontb of the be1 year whioh ever exlsted. it haa tak es all Un1 ;i.-s id makr this minute po:-Hlilc." "My iilc-iK of rclijiiiiii are ilifiiTini trom tliose df KOinc ic(iil-. I Iliinl. the more relixiOU a man has the hap pier lic s. Must of iis go throufch lifc afoot, and I'iii Koinu t'i tliose wlio il atong wit II ui!' as happy ih I eau." Whcn he asks a Masón an Odd I'cllow tK the xrip, ihcy Peply that tic iniiHt }iin thclr society to olitain tbe grip, lic had joim-d a wen-I (S(Hcy in Iiíh lifc, lint hc had had the grippe. "Ia-i iih, touijílit, enter iuto a conspiracy of Kood eheer, witli a grip of four finKTH ciriiciHMi over palm of oor neighbor'i baad and fcbe ttramb t llit ly cl.iKcd mvr 1 baak Ol tin: iiiinil. If you ïiavc oever yct tried the kfTM of ROOd cheer, you shonld do M at om. Iet uh cultívate thn pirlt, arry it. luto our oburchM, carry It mito our lioiiK-H. worst iliiiin' that can liapp"n t a man is in haw the boy dl; out of liim. Don'1 Rel drictl lip betOTO your time. Dou't Blirivcl. J dim'! care bOW lOOJC a man or roman Uvca, Khey have ao rigbt t" gal tu !■ more tban dgbteen yu.irs old. "W onRiit. to brlghiteD our bornea, llaiiií iü Ilicin. Ihey are a oiiMnnt edocatioa in the bouaehold. It h uut the l)i)okK our cllillll'i'Il, o mucli uk it is tlii' pictureH thewhich edúcate tiu-ni. Baag brlKbt nid i'heerful pi-t ures in yuur lionie. l)(jn'l fill the walls of yuur room wilh jiictnres cif Si. K.-irtholoniew's nnss.iere if you u;ml yuur chililren i errnv uil linht hearteil ;iik1 happy. lave niusie in vuur homes. 1Í you ■■ih'i alford a piano, gei a unitar. if ou can't aiford a ultar gel .-in iceordi.-in one is enougb [or a nelgb xwliood. Uu the qnevtlon of nmofleaienta, iir. Dalmaffe had liberal ideas. He wam d lo ■ a certaln claai of parlor aincs in eer. ln.usi-. 11e uoiildn't uidertake t" ay in a llterary U-cure hoss people shoiild juin laoh other (ín the Hoor, lint he diil KM ol)Jl to a room (uil of youiiK leopie wiin eouiiin't keep their teel Htill. It iisi-d bo be a (avorite ïlmlle with iin-ciioui.ius tii.u the tloweri of recreatlon .-til grew on me rerge of a ireclplce. JSome of ihem mav grcxw licrr, luit Uu1 liriniil i- I ;i n 1 besi towera grow Lu the garden o! the .iiiii. 1,1 the careworii bartneae man oome and j i u us Ln a romping, bear ■uk game ol ti i n 1 man's huif, a elai gic game wiih me. Oh, my trleods, u e canM a [ford to be ancnori tea. There hï m roch thiag as belng happy uuicws w.' make oi aera happj , "I . 1 1 w ; i % teel sorry í'r o man who lias sc character bimaell tha1 he has bo 'A' baofc and marihaJ :i line oí ghosta to malee up the deliciency. oo credit to a fi thai hl grandfather wmh ,-i isc man. I lini't can' whii vuur anc.c-slors witc, hhe queatlon la, who are you? ''"i'1 teil iiy a'.s anceatry, color, cioiiics, gnrrouadlngi at loolu whai lic . Prono whatover and wherever a. man comes, my door hall fly open i rl. .is .i ral trap Hies sluit iï 1 knmv Ihal he lovew (iod aail líales sha in." The leoturer thouffhi tha1 the din Ing room "iu;-iit to 1h the brlghtesi room in 1 liousi-. He said I hal men uoiilcl uw ii'u vears Longer II they went home ii 1 1 1 ■ i dinners, Instead nf gtulllng down greay potatoee and laiuled rueal al a r e-,1 a ui-a n I . They Bbould ai leasi spaad enougb time wiih chlldren so they would know ihem if they mei then tne Hl l'eil . "Tnere are more thau d mllUon men Ln America, wflio ore denylng ilieniHelves all scH-ial and domeatlC re creatlom, and Bpending Clieir II vos ln grabiüng, grubbln Ing, tind liolli llí, e.íll",lll)i gOUglng. Wllal for ? To i" spoil i chUdren. i wa wome men clon't ■ .el alom;' ia liie wui'lil is bi'. don'i ha ve enougb i rouble ■il. il' : men a the world had thelr 'pened a ihe bexLonlnK on i b ■ grlndstonea ol . i le."


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier