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Ladies' Library

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The Ladlea' Llbrary ol Aun Krtxx la .-m organlzatlon iiiri, iiai been in imIiImi for over twenty-flre yeara. Ltke all benefit made familiar through long aaaoclatlon, Ita ad mntagea perhapa are n.i rlghtly ea ttmated. ii haa been Hüd tha1 t baa paated ii.i.v of nefuloeu la Increafe t 'iiii'-r Ubrarlea and the opportunttlea afforded bj of the unlveraltj , do im.i ihink Ho. n inppllea a detnaad mh-i omIv b.v ,-i cirenlattng librar?, upplying reading matter t. aced perwcN, to Invalida, and the in.iiiv to uiicin i s impoaalbte to in.-ikc om ui a Ubrary where the bc ■.■munt !,■ drawn. 'i'iic hlatory thla aaaoclatlon origd bj three oc fodp ladlea ol Uu town wiri-n is adrantagea in all dlr.-ci dus rere Umlted .- 1 1 1 i i w.-is a ptone movement la H1 tnawn. gacceMort of these ladlea througb coottnued eftorta rere abti lo L88S to ereci oo Bnron si., ;i bailding on wii :ii f800 remaina fco upata. Mr. Iinviil WATiTijig ,,.,s ci offered to dooate $100 toward the llqriJ ■ '.i 1 1 j j - ci,.,i if i ia pald withii the llbrary year, which espirea m'xt April. Mr. .loiin Lawrenee baa prnmlaod to do S.U1H-. Bereral other (rienda have made pledgea of rarlooa .siims Tintii the amouni la redneed to $800 'riiis h vcry enoouraging Indeed to have the proapeel f ao amall ;i sum reapectlTely to ralaa iui aa the $600 is pledged oniy on oonditlon tbal the $800 la ralaed betore i-xt April, it is orged most earneqtly that n (Meada f the Ubrary come forward ;iikI rnbatantlally ald the ladlea that thc.V in.iy iiot forfrit, luinmiit promised thi-m. It is propoasd to hoid a huIiï of dons, faiicy arttclea and eandlea ultalili' (OC l'hi'islni.-is giftM, al the library on Satnrday Dec. L9th, to aid in ■ome meacure towafd the deslred "iul. ('ontrilml ons of iiioncy or artiriis the aale are earneatly reqaeal Dd for that day, Baturday December teth. tale uiii be held both mornlng nul afternooa.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier