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Present pointers- Our advertisers. A popular route- The motor line. Taxes, and Ohristmae time are altogether too intímate. They ought to be divorced. The publdc schools close to-morrow ior a two weeks vacatdon, opening agaiu Monday, Jan. 4th. George Foster and a friend went out to Stockbridge last week and in a couple of days bagged 12.5 quails. The new time table on the Ann Arbor & Ypedlanti St. R. R. went into affect Monday, and wiM be found in ite proix?r place. The editor of the Courier is indebted to Hon. E. P. Allen for 12 bound volumes, containing the history of this country na made by the Sist eonKrcs. Father Kelley has consummated arrangements by which two .Tesuit fathers, oí Detroit, widl conduct a mission tn the new hall as Boon as it Is completed. Union Council, of tihe masonic fraternity, ïpsüanti, conferred degreea upon severa I candidatos, among them a nnmbcr from Ann Arbor, Tuesday cvening . livv. J. M. Gelfltan delivers a lecture in the course at South Lyon, this evening, liaving foc lus subject "The Phaedo, or the Last Words of Socarfcos." Mts. Mary Benham, an old pioneer, who caine lure in 1830, died in Trenton las; week. She was a sister of Itobert Howard, and will ba remembcred by all the early settlers. The annual report of the State Ilailroad Coiuiiiissioiicr, Hou. Chas. R. Whitman, of this city, is upon uur dcek, and contains a vast amount of etatietics relative to railroads. If you know of a first class boy, who doesn't know too much, and who is willing to learn soniething, we can teil you where he can find a good place to learn the printer's trade. Apply at the Couricr office. Edward AVasser, a young lad not yet 16 years of age, was up bef ore Justice Pond Monday, on a charge oí assault preierred by John Earl, and hds hearing was adjourned until the 29th, County Agent Townor, of YpBllanti, furni.hing bonds for his appearaace. Welcli Post G. A. R. chose the following officers last Frlday evening: P. C, Jlilton H. Perkins; S. V. C, .T. Q. A. Sessioes; J. V. C, James Webb; O. of D., II. A. Sweet; O. of G., E. Bowen; J. G., Jacob Schantz; O. G., John Tice; Quar., Conrad Noli; Chaplafai, W. K. Chilclg; Surgeon, Dr. William F. Breakey. One oí the vory best lectures tliat has been delivered irTAnn Arbor this season, wae heard at the M. E. clnu-ch last evening. Rev. Camden M. Cobern took his audience through Egypt, Turkey and Arabin, but principnlly throuRh Egypt, and he was so earneet and effective ín hls manner and worde that the people were more than deliffhted. The lectura is wortliy of au audience like the one that greeted Taimago, and ought to be repeated at Bome future time. Th Cowler office will priat Que High School Omega thla year. Prof. A. TenBrook, of tliis city, prcaclH'd at the Baptist church, in Mejusheeter, last Sunday. O'Hara, Boyle & Co. lost ten or twelve dressed ciiickcns (ram in front oí their store on the north side last Saturday evenlng. James Clark, wlio for so man; yeafs years hoe been cdght watohman, has been granted a pension, through x. K. ciiiids' agency. Mre. Mary C. WWtlng has been in Oakland county for severa! daya durIng the week, settling up an estáte there of conisiderable importance. Borne 800 Ypeilauttians carne to Ann Arboc Sunday evenlng to hear Elev. Talmage preach, and were all laken home (ia one train on the motor line. Bnrglars broke into the store of P. Donovan, on the north side, Saturday niglit, and Htole two or three boxea ot clgara, a package or two of peneils, and some other small artlcleg. The librarían oí the school district librar.v,- at the high school building- gives notloe tha1 the library will not lx' ():'!i (liu-iii; the hoJldays, but will be apí'ii Jan. 5th, whon school is resumed. The Michigan State Teachers" Association is nearly a hall century old. The torty-tirst animal meeting is held in Grand RapfOs, December 28, 29 and :!0. Special rates, both railway and hotels. Georgi L. EdloX who is doing the towns along tlhe line of the T., A. A. & N. M. R. R., for a souvenir book, containing illustrations etc., has finiB'hel up this city and moved on to the next town. On Friday evenlng of this week the hcrtl) side Sunday School will hold their C'hrititmae exercises in the M, E chapel. A fine program has been arranged, and presente will be given to the childre.n. The township treasurer of Scio was the first one to pay money to the county treasurer thiis year. On Thursdav he paid $550. On Priday Ann Arbor town paid in $500; Saturday I'rccdoim, $1,406.50. Salem $1,000, Xortlifield $400. The young people's society of Bethel A. M. E. church, have a fair in progreaa which will last until to-morrow night. A fine program for each evening. The money raised to be used in completing the church edifice now in procesa of erection. The new steani heatdng apparatus for the lat Baptist church has not yet arrived and services wiH be held next Sunday as usual and will not be omitted without full previous notice. The sermón next Sunda.y morning will be appropriate to tlie Christmas week. Justice Pond senteneed Herman Knapp, on a plea oí guilty of larcency, to the Detroit House of Correction for 90 days, on Saturday. The hearing of Stephen Keegan, who was arrosted with Knapp for the same offense was adjourned to the 29th Inst. Ann Arbor lodge No. 27, A. O. U. TV., has chosen the following officers: M. W., John Tessmer; F., John Baumgardner; O., John Molke; Fin., John Kuebler; Ree., Göttlob Schneider; G., Herman Zuell; I. W., W. Horft; O. W., W. Joerndt; trustee, Gottlob Luick; Del. toG. L., George Halier; Alt., Henry Allmenddnger; Med. Ex., Dr. Jodin Kapp; standard bearer, Chas. Boenke. The Daily News, of Batavia, N. Y., under date of Dec. 9Ch, contains a column description of the marriage of Louis B. Lañe, a prominent lawyer of that place, and Miss Minnie E. Tibbals, formerly of Ann Arbor. The services were performed at Buffnlo, K. Y. on Saturday, Dec. 5th. The bride is quite well known here, and ha-s many friende who will wish her well in her new life. The teachers connected with the eewing school are planning for an entertainment for the children during the holidays and it will be impossiblo for us to próvido for them without a.ssistaiicc from our friends, and we would ask all inberested in our work to send in toys, money, or books to the superintendent, M. 8. Brown, No. 13, S. State st., before Jan. lst. We have 100 childri'ii cnrolled on our books and wiill hope for liberal contributions. The exbibit nuide by the Ann Arbor Art Club at the Ladiie's Library As&ociiation building last week was superior to any former one. Year by the club íls progressing, and the niembers may now pride themselves upon the work tbey do. There were 23 exhibitors this year, and but few of the pictures but what contained real meriit. It ie not possible to enter upon a description of the pictures, anü tlie merite and geiuus of the ai-tists. lt is unnecessary. Those wlio saw the picturea can judge for flu-iiisclvi 's. and those who did not see tliem missed sering eomething that was warth seeing. The newspaper men oí the city have the pleasure of artnouncing to thelr readers that on Saturday, at : 1-l' o'clock, Mr. Fred C. Brown, editor of the Daüy Times, was married to Miss i:ii.alictli C. Seymour, at the hoiae of the bride's mother, on S. State et., Rev. Henry Tatlock, of St. Andrew's church offickiting. Mr. Brown. sinec coming here and taking Iiold of the Daily Times, has proven Iiiinself a man of energy and abilIty, and in taking this step 1iial makee an imperfect man a pcrteot one, he h-as the kindest wishes of all the ecribes and a great many wther people of the city. The bride is a lady of prominence in society (ïclrs. May the couple dweil in happiness until Fatlier Time shall silver thoir heads and cali them home to the resorved seats set apart for all gooi] newepaper men and their families. Sparrows coet the county $24.54 last wwk. Commiseioner Cavanaugh is inspecting the schools in York this week. Henry Paul, of Pittefield, is very UI, witli little or no hopee for recovery. The new car has arrived for the motor line and is not only a handBome ear but it rides very easily. Wm. Feldhauser, of this city, was elected a trustee oí the Landwehr Bund, at its recent session in Detroit. D. B. Tracy, of the C. H. & D. road, will be at the Arlington Thursday an-d Friday to see studente about railroad rates south. There are some very hondsome, and some very tempting displays in the show Windows of our merchants. It makes one wish himself a millionaire. The case of Smurthwaite vs. Thomas has been occupyijig the time of the circuit court for several days, with several lawyers upan each side fighting it. Some $600 are involved. The members of Arbor Tent K. O. T. M. are to give an entertainment Kiw;ird the last of this month. It will be a good one, you can rely up011 that. About sixty Masons went to Ypsil:uni on the motor last evening to take part in the Council initiation and banquet. Walter I'ack offlciated gracefully as toast master and many gootl speechee were brought out, the but of wliich were by Dr. Carrow and Mayor Doty. The Times is boom ing a proposition to start a car factory here. It is estimated that it will take about .f50,000 to put the enterprise upon its feet. It would be a good thiiiu;, and there never lias been i time in the history of railroading in the United States wlion there were ehough freight cars to supply the demand. Mr. Peckham, vrho has had considerable experience in the oil regions, gave some Interesting lantern views iore the fnity club Monday evenlng, showtng the marnier of drilling the rocks for oil, and in what way the oil is coiifined in the eandstone fountalms, not flowiiig or being pumped from reservoirs, as some may believe. To add to the evemlög's pleaBure, MIbs C. tndorwood read some excellent selections from Dickeos.


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Ann Arbor Courier