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Valuable Hints For Housekeepers

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Take Castor oil in hot milk or hot cotfee and 11 wlll not bc so unpalatable. II hash is smoothly plastered down it wlU sour more readily than if it is left in broken niasses in the choiping bowl, and well exposed to the air. Always keep a clock on the kitchen slulf, and a basin and plenty of hand towels for use by and in the sink. Be sure that the towels have bi-ass rings for hanging on a hook or nail. Keep the stove or range free froni soot and ash-dust as mach as possible. I'oorly cooked food wlll le the result of clogged passages, (traite, etc. i Vegetables whlch come to the table in a hall-dons condltlon will occasion gaatrlc troubles, and lay tlie foundation for chronic invalidism. Do not set down to partake of food with a troubled or worried mind. Your food will do you little good under euch circumstances. To take oil out of carpets, place thick blotting paper on the spot and cover with n hot iron whlch wlll draw the grease out, repeating as often as necessary, use clean paper each time. Kibbons or silk whlch have become greasy rnay be cleaned by covering with pulverized French chalk and hold it near the fire, then it may be brushed off. Blood stains may be taken out by soaking in alcohol or kerosene. To take ink out of paper wet n teaspoonful of chloride of lime with a little water, apply to the spot with a eloth, but do not rub it, the ink will gradually grow fainter until it is entirely out. ■Coflee spilied on daniask may be taken out with the yolk of an egg, a little wine mixed with warm water, after applying wash it off with warm water. A very fine furniture polish may be made at home, take one-half ounce of Allsanet root, cut up in small pieces and add to a pint of linseed oil, and let it stand for a week. Then add an ounce of gum arabic, and one of shellac varnish. Let all stand for another week in a bottle and near but not too close to the fire, then strain and it is ready for U8C To clean hair brushes nicely sprinkle pulverlxed borax over them and let it remaln on one-half hour, then wash them thoroughly and rub them well. Always clean paint brushes iately alter ostng as they are then much easier to clean and wlll keep softer and more pliable H not allowed to dry the paint In. Turpentiue stiffens them. I usually wipe tlicm off thoroughly on soft paper, and then wasli them in warm water usimí a little soap as well. Squeeze and smooth them with the fingers and eet aside to dry. Do not wipe them off. Whën potter's ware is boiled for the purpose of hardening it throw a handful of bran into the water, and thle will prevent the glaze on the -ware from beins injured by salt or acids. To clean carpeta, beat them well on the wrong side Hrst, then on the ritfhL, then lay them down and reanove spots and stains by the use of ONtf."H and water. Oifcelwths sl-.ould be rubbed off with .1 rlaaael cloth dipped in sweet milk once a week, rut) well. One drop of oil applied each hour will lubrícate a very lieavy bearing. Por jKiisonous wounde made by ingeots sueli as mosquitoes, etc., apply cologne water. Old rubber rings of cans wlll oreen regain much oí their electieity by soaking in weak ammonia water. Wipe flatirons on a cloth wet with coal oil and they will not scorch the clothing. To keep glassware bright wipe immedlately after it is taken from the hot suds. Clean the ink from steel pens with an Irish potatoe. To clean brass gas fixtures rub them with cut leraons, and then wash them off in hot water. Cayenne pepper is highly recommmended ior driving away ants, it should be sprinkled around their haunts. Clean carved ivory with a paste made of wet sawdust and a little lciiKin juicc. Kpread it on quite thick]y and let it dry, then brush off Wlth i nail brush. Rub the nickel part of the stove frequently with a chamois to keep it bright.


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