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The BMfty-seoond congress convenctl in Wash ing on the 7th. The senato was called to orde br Vice President Morton, and after swearin in new memberfl and transacting routine bus ness aüjourned for the day In the nous Clerk McPherson ordered the cali oí the rol 880 members rtfflpoading to their names, afte which an adjournmeut was taken. In the I'irtul States sentite on the 8th th oath of offloe v as adminisL'Teil to Messrs Jones (Ark.). Dubois (Idano) and Cali (Fia.; A message w as reeeived announcing that th house was oiganized and ready to proceed t business, and a commiltee was named to wal upon the president.... In the house Mr. Cris was formaüy electcd speaker, and Messrs Reed and Mills esoorted him to. the chair The new members were then sworn in, afte which a commiltee was chosen to inform th president tïiat the house was organized. IN tbe sonate the president's message wa read on the 9th. No business was transacted In tho house the massage of the presiden was read. A resolution was offered requesting the speaker to appoint the committees of th house ainong the several states according t population and that eaeh state receive at leas one chairmanship. Adjourned to the 1-tli. Ahokc tne 600 Wils introduce d in the senat on the lutli were the iollowing: For the fre coinage of frold and silver bullion; for the re moral of the rematna of Uiysses S. Grant t Arlington cemetery; for the election of sen ators by the people; to revive the grade o lieutenant general of the United States; to prevent the salo of arms to Indians: to sus pend the coming of the Chinese laborers to the United States; to reduce the postume to one cent; to ostablish postal-savings banks; pro viding for an income tax to pay pensions; to inake the presidential term end April 80 instead of Marota 4, ar,d making the president ineliffiüle for a seoond term. Adjourned to the 14th The house was not in s.'ssion. DOMESTIC, E. Baughman', a merehant at Fort Worth, Tex., failecl for over $300,000. Fokrest Thomas (colored) was exe cuted at (reenville, Miss., for the mur der of Hay ward Bryant in November 1S90. Mrs. W. H. Long, living near High Rock, Ind., gave birth to a perfeetly formed, healthy girl weighing one pound. The Indiana supreme court has decided that a woman has a right to sue any one for damages who alieuates her husband's affections. Gov. Merriam has issued a circular letter asking the people of Minnesota to help the poor in Russia. It was estimated that there was not a week's supply of soft coal in Iowa, Dakota, Minnesota, Illinois, Kansas and Nebraska. Asher C. Mast's barn and sixteen fine horses were burned at West Milton. O., causing a loss of 820,000. An Indian outbreak was threatened at the Cheyenne agency in Montana and United States troops had been ordered to the scène. Fire destroyed the John Dunlap silk milis at Paterson, N. J., causing a loss of $100.000. A statement prepared at the pension office shows that during the month of November last 22,258 pension claims of all classes wereallowed, upon which the first payments aggregated $2,863,333. The average payment to each pensioner was therefore S124.20. United States gunboat No. 5 was launched at Bath, Me., and christened the Machias. One man was killed outright and four others terribly injured by a falling wall caused by a:i explosión during a fire in a Buffalo (N. Y.) planing mili. Six persons were drowned near Stelacour, Wash., by the upsetting of a boat during a storm on Puget sound. F. A. Harter, paying teller in the Detroit national bank at Detroit, Mich., was said to be over S10.000 short in his accounts. Mus. Charles Bliss, of Kast Maine, N. Y., was frightened to death by the runninjf away of her horses. Johh Dp.Rush and Lewis Rhodes, of St Mary's, had a fipht over a woman at Lima, O., and both were fatally injured. At Rochester, N. Y., Joseph L. Deyo, convicted of wife murder, was sentenced to be put to ceath by electricity at Auburn during the week commencing January 18. At Cleveland, O., the Cleveland theater wasdestroyed by fire, entailing a loss of $100,000. The Riehmond (Va.) city council will buy JIrs. Oefferson Davis a city residence to cost $-35,000 in the event that she makes Richmond her home. Two MKN were killed and five injured by the colla psing of a frame ice-house at Lehightown, Pa. During the twelve months ended September 30 the valne of our exports of merchandise was$?9;33,091,136, arainst $860,177,115 for the previous twelve months, an increase of 502,914,027. Mus.'a SCDBSKI, in jail at Sunbury, Pa., on the charge of stealing 590, hang-ed herseli Enoch Morgans Sons & Co., of New York, have given $10,000 toward the world's fair. The coinage of tho mints during the last fiscal year was the largest in the listory of the mints in this country, aggregating 119,547,877 pieces, valued at 968,611, 159. 85. Joseph R. LAMPKiN.the night watchman at the Santa Fe depot at La Junta, Col., was killed by J. W. Knorsa, a crazy man, who then took his own life. The average condition of wheat in Vlichigan was reported at 92 per cent., against 102 per cent. one year ago. During the month of November 1,688,968 bushels of wheat were markeied. Talton Hall, who sa:d that during lis life he had killed ninety-nine men, Tvas arrested at Memphis, Tenn. Five firemen and five girls and one boy lost their lives in two fires at Louisville, Ky. The American horse at Waukesha, Wis., wasdestroyed by fire, the guests escaping in their nightclothes. The nrw congres.-iional directory shows that nearly oiu-lwlf of the house, or 1 13. ■■■■ new píen anknown the h.i'l f Ihe national : I aturo. The annual report of Secretary Fos er shows that the revenues of the government from all sources for the fiscal 'ear ended June 30, 1891, were 5458,544,83.03. The expenditures for the same period were $421,304,470.48, leaving B surplus of L37, 239, 762. 57. As compared vith the fiscal year 1890 the receipts or 1S1I1 have fallen of $5,418,847.53. There v. as an lacrease of 857,636,198.14 in the ordinarv expendituces, For tho jn.j. !■■ lincai year ine revenues are e timated at L433,000,000. The expend tu"es for the same period are estimatec at 8409,000,000, leaving an estimatec surplus for the year of 824,000,000. Th amount of money in circulation De cember 1 w:is Sl,577,2rt:í,070. Flajies (Ustroyed every building bu two in the vil! age of Pinos Altos, N. IV EUBRBSnOBF'S hotel and the office of the Chroniele, the Sun and Eagl and the Star were burned at Madison Wis. At the meeting of the National Ba association in Washington Jaines C Carter, of New York, was chosen pres ident, and Washington was selected a the permanent place for holding th yearly sessions. Kit Causón, a son of the famou scout of the same name, murdered hi mother-in-law and father-in-law nea La Junta, Col., and escaped. Famil; trouble was the cause. The Mechanic Mills Compauy's fac tory at Seattle, Wash., was burnec' causing a loss of L140,000; insurance 828,000. The Miases Clinch, half sisters anc heirs of the late Mrs. A. T. Stewart, o: New York. have divided their property worth between 84,000,000 and ., 000, 000 between thuir nephews a.ul nieces, re taining only a $10,000 annuity. A LADi.E filled with molten metal ex ploded at the Lncy furnace in I'itts burgh, Pa., fatally burniag .lame Mardella, aged 45, and Peter Hickey aged :;:;. The entire business portion of Ree Key, Ind. , was destroyed by tire. George Stabkby and John Brown were convicted at Alton, 111., of the murder of ex-State Senator Gilham and senteneed to thirty years each in the penitentiary. DüRlXG the lumber s;-ason lately closed milis in the Duluth (Minn.) dis trict cut 953,800,003 feet, against 215, 000,000 feet lat year. Thk greater part of the business section of Ardmore, I. T. , and about twenty-üve dwellings were destroyed by fire. In the United States the business failures during the seven days ended on the llth numbered 320. against 330 the preceding week and 374 for the corresponding week last 3'ear. The supreme court of Texas has declared the law aliens owning land in the state unconstitutional. At the leading clearing-houses in the Dnited States the exchanges during the week ended on the llth aggregated 81,813,070,872, against 81,007,490,639 the previous week. The increase as compared with the corresponding week of 1890 was 11.8. Robert Ruston and his wife were killed by a train at Erskine, Ind. Important gold discoveries were reported near Golden, CoL Cheboygan, Mich., produced 104,000,)00 feet of lumber during the past season, against 130,000,000 feet the preceding season. Ten men, sentenced to be hanged, have been released at Columbia, S. C, Henry Suber having confessed that he ilone committed the murder of which they were convicted. Mrs. Mar y Gotschalk, her little daughter Lettie and Mrs. Mary Witt were killed by the cars at Homewood HL Fourtekn horses were burned to death in a fire at Ishpeming, Mich. In a collision on the Mobile & Ohio near Jonesboro, 111., Engineer G. S. Flippin and two laborers, Siineon Oleson and James Miller, wee killed and eight others were injured, soine iatally. The national executive council of the Woman's Alliance convened at Topeka, Kan. The secretary reported a membership of 20,000 in seven states. Fibe at San Francisco destroyed Thomas' dye house and the California Motor Company's works. Total loss, $125,000. The American hop erop of 1891 is computed to be 243,308 bales, as compared with 204,849 bales last year. The net gold in the treasury department on the llth was 5131,125,587, an increase of nearly 314,000,000 since June. The right of railways to issue free passes is to be tested by the government by a suit to be brought against a New England road. J. H. Harmony, of Kansas City, Mo., was sandbagged and robbed of SI, 000 in Cameron, Mo. The man who tried to kill Russell Sage in New York with a dynamite bomb has been identified as Henry L. Norcross, of Boston. The steamer Maggie Ross was wrecked near Yaquina, Cal., and the crew of sixteen men were reported ost. The bark Gen. Butler foundered in a gale near Cape Arago, Ore., and nine sailors were drowned. PERSONAL AND POLIT1CAL. Felix Bohannon aged 86 years, and Miss Americus Legg, aged 18, were married near English, Ind. The bride was reared by the old man. The national democratie committea will meet in Washington January 31, 1892, for the purpose of fixing the time and location of the national convenion. Isaac Anglin died at his home near Warsaw, Ind., aged 103 years. Mr. asd Mrs. Robert Cochraíí died vithin an hour of each other at Bellebntaine, O. They had been married ixty-four years. M. L. Stearns, aged 52 years, exfovernor of Florida, dropped dead at he residenceof his wife's mother, Mrs. H. D. Walker, atPalatine Bridge, N. Y. Col. Witj.TAM Clapi", for many year editor of the Boston Journal, died suddenly in Boston. In the Alezandria (Va.) district E. 5. Meredith (dem.) was elected to conRress to eri the late Gen. Lee. Charles B. Evarts, aged 47 years, eldest sou of ex-Senator William M. ïvarts, was found dead in bed at Windor, Vt. Georqe W. Stewabt, the inventor of the sea telephone, by which passing Bhips can communicate, died in New York. Eüqene Secor, of Forest City, O., ■was elected president of the American Bee-Keeper's association at Albany, N. Y. At Beloit, Wis., Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Cowles celebrated their sixty-seventh wedding anniversary Hicii.TkTi " " "' t employé in the govern inent service, died in Washington, lie was a clerk in the treasury department appointed during President Jaekson's administration. Russem. M. Little died at Glens Falls, N. Y., ageJ 82. He founded the Glens Falls Insuranca Company anc was its president since 1864. FOREIGN. Thr recent earthquake in Japan leit 500,001 persons homeless and destitute, and an appeal for aid lias been made to the United States. The sitviation in the state of Rio de Janeiro was beeoming eritical. The insurgents had established a provisional government and had selected Parahyoa . as their capital. Thieves robbed the Russian treasury at Vladivs'oek of SiiüO.OOO. Two BO.NS of Goor re (Hbson, of Pontypool, Cmt.. whilo sioigh riding on thu ice broke through and were drowned. A xkw rolcanic island, 5Ü0 meters in length, has appeared southward of the Island of Pantellaris, in Italy. Durin'G a galo at Dorington, Eng., houses were uiiroofed, chimneys blovvn down, outhonses demolished and fences destroyed and twopersons '.ven' killed. Albi bt, a prominent banker of Garlitz, in Prussian Silesia, embezzled 2.000,010 manrks and fted A TERRIBLE storm did enormous darnage in Cork and all overothe south of Ireland, A BLACKSMITH at liuda Pesth, Hungary, killed ais wife and three childrcn. He then committe4 suicide after setting fire to t :. ■ The Preneh hark Leonore, ( ant. Barnard, was wreeked off Numble's Head. Eng., and twelve i Dhe were drowj Btoriis of ,'rpat severity raged throu;jhout Bavaria atld scores of live? were lost andan immense amounto) projjerty destroyed. Tuk Mallisori tribe from Albania raided and turned several villages and hamlets in Servia and killed eleven persons. Thk one tbousandth anniversary of the establishment of the kingdom of Hungary wili be ceU'brated with a national ex hi bition in lS:).ï. The recent victories of the Chinese imperial troops sent against the rebels in Mongolia have brought the insurrection to an en l. Fortv-two insurgents who had a hand in the killing of Christians were beheaded at Pfvkon. During a debate in the French chamber of deputies M. de Cassagnac called M. Floquet, president of the chamber, a liar. Upon his reí usal to retract M. Floquet challened him to a duel and the challenge was accepted. Prksidext Moxtt, of Chili, in response to President Harrlson'S message declares that the sentiment of his conntry is friendly to the United States, and that he thinks the result of the Baltimore inquiry vvill be satisfactory to America. Diirin'g a gale at Hong Kong many Chinese vessels were destroyed and hundreds of Chinese sailors and laborers engaged about the harbor were drowned. LATER NEWS. Ti!.!; : e ■ victs were IcilLeU at the Arïain" : I la.) penitentiary by the giving away oí a scafEold on which they were standing'. Miss A. H. Brücb, Frank Puckwood, Mrs. L. I). Hatch and her little son were alL found murdered in a house 6 miles south of New Smyrna, Fla. Imas Bisi.and, a planter, drunk, quarreled with Conductor Turner, of the Louisville, New Orleans & Texas raihvay near Canonburg, Miss., and while Turner, shooting at lim, feil off the train and broke his neck. The Amerien hop erop of 1891 was comp.uted to be 243,S38 bales, as comiared with 204,849 bales last year. Twelvk persons were wounded in a íattle which took place between a sheriff's posse and striking miners near Crested Butte, Col. MlDDLETOWN, a Maryland village, ïeld a big celebration in honor of the lüOth birtliday of Miss Elizabeth Apiernan, one of its citizens. Mrs. N. Mason was burned to death at Melbourne, Ark., by falling into the ireplace while in a fainting fit. Mías Julia A. Ames, editor of the Jnion Signal, the official organ of the Voman's Christion Temperance union, and a resident of Evanston, 111., died at {oston. Her remains would be forwarded to Streator, 111., for burial. While on a drunken spree John Vliller fatally wounded his wife and hen committed suicide by shooting at Jount Olive, 111. Fivk men were killed by the exploion of dynamite which they untlerook to thaw out in a stove at (rand unction, Col. Hask Lovett and two companioDS, all Dotorious cattle thieves, were ynched !i0 miles east of Custer City, S. ). , and their bodies riddled with bulets. Dr. Washington F. Peck, a prominent physiciau of Davenport, Ia., died at the age of 5S year.s. MlHISTEBS at Mexico, Mo.. have delared against a ball which is to be iven on Christmas night for the benet of the ex-confederates' home. Mrs. Maeï Milleu, of St. Peter, linn. , was acquitted of the murder of ïer husband on the ground of insanity. Six chiklren were burned to dsith at 'aris, Tex. , since the cotton picking eason began. Ur. II. B. DOÜGLA8, house surgeon of ie city hospital at Kansas City, Mo. , ulied himself with morphine because f a tlireatened exposure of the hospital management.


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Ann Arbor Courier