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Personal- Albor: Mann, .Ti-., has arrrved in town. Cari Warden is vteitlng friends ia Grand Rápida for the bolidaye. EUefoop Glllesple was in the city a lay or so during tlie past week. Mrs. Ijttii' Mcdai-is win pend Chrietmaa with friends in Detroit. M. E. Sill and wlie, of Dtxter, were Ttsltlog rolutives in the city Monday. Dr. F. H. Brown lias gone to New York to rernain until after Jan. lat. Dr. Herdman and family have gone to Washington, D. C, for the holidays. Mrs. Pred W. Blake lias one to Detroit to vi-it her mother during Christmaa. G. Frank Alünendiager Jms been wreertUng with the grlppe for several days. A. I.. Noble lias been euffering from a -i'Vít,' colrt dnrlng the past few days. Mr. and Mis. J. E. Beal visited fricncls in Manlstee several days last weck. Mw. X. li. Beere, ol Cliicago, is vlsitlng Mre. R. A. Boal for the holiday srasou. Eli W. Moore, of this city, attended the gT'-at inasoiiic fair at Bay City last Frlday. Mr. Wateoa, oí Chíeago, te a suest nf Matthew Duke a mi íamily for the holiciay soason. H. A. Williams is agala back at his desk, ns business manager of the Courier establishment. Mrs. Dr. Yaughan save a tea party to a large number of friruds last Thursday evening. (ïeorge I-oomi, Jr., lias gone to Chicago Tvhere he exj)ccts to remaiu. during iba winter. 'lia.s. H. Kline went to Detroit Priday, ana sot the ïii-st installment of his ik'w envelopee. Mrs. Iï. .]. Boutwell has returned home fi'oin Adrián, where she has been vteiting (rienda. Dr.. J. W. Keating has gone to Cincinnati. Oliio, and LoalsvUle, Ky., on a business trip. Mre. K. II. Bptain, of Detroit, hag lopn visitinji hor sister, Mrs. E. F. Mills, during the weck. Oscar Silmiid, of Jackson, is visitiiiK hls pareats, Mr. and Mrs. F. Schhnd, on s. Kift li ivo. Frod. A. Howlefct and family, of E. Ann st.. wHl spi'inl Chrlstmas with Mr. H's brother in I-yudon. Mtee Abbie A. Pond went to Flint laert Satmrday, to remaln during the The hülidays with lier sister. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Roebm have the pleaeure of innonncing to their friende the arrival of Miss Roehm. Mtoe-Emma E. Baaiield lef t for Seat tic. Washington, Satorday nlght, wtiere win engage in teaching. Mis. Culvcr, ol Maynard si.. ■-.11,1 to Mason, Micli., to remaln duriiiíí the winter witli her kou, Elias. Mise BeUe Turnbull left yesterdaj toe her home in Hamilton, Ont., to remata durlng tbe Cnristmas holidays. Mr. añil Mre. L. Dow. Hubbanl left last Monrtay mornin.n' for Sagiíi.iw. wlific ilivy are to reside permaoently. Rev. Roberl .. lioiliuid. .Ir.. wenJ to st. I. oiiis. Mo., last Week, and filled lite pulpit of his tather'e church Suiwlay. Mrs. Parsball, lio has been vlsltlng her mothcr, Mrs. lU'iiham, for a oonple ni weeks, returned home to Wayne, Saturday. Miss Lury Bushnell ,-nnl Uttle ew Kcnncth Kriih. leave ! "ri ila.v for a week'a stay wl'fch relatlves at Xoble. Bramcii county. Mr. ;uul Mrs. li. P. Bower, ol Caeveïand, ture expected at ihr borne at Mr. liouci's niotlier, on X. Ingalla st., tor Cliristmas. Eilward Dul'fy went to Adrián Monday, anil froni there to I.rinsini;, to at.trml nit'etini;s of th' board of whlch lio is a member. Mr. and Mrs. John E. Travis, who have boon in Aun Arboc for several weeks, returaed fco Bhelr horue in Plainwell last Saturday. Mrs. Dr. Héartliey lelt iar Milwau sh Wis., last Friday, t aperad the Holulay BeaeOD wiih lur (lauuhtcr, Mrs. Dr. H.'iiry KUÜUea. Mise Kat!' iiatch. lm bas been i ïrirud.s in Kahunazoo for severa 1 iioiiiiis. lias been in the city for a !'■■ ilays, visitiny old fri snds. Mrs. Powere, who was call'il hen iiy the death oJ ter father 8. (. Benham, some two weeks ago, returliefl t Graad Rápida last Frïday. Miss Kate K. Jacobs retumed home lai Sunday eveninir trom New York, mucii iiiiprovcii in health. Mr. Jacobs went cast to return vvith hl8 daughter. Mis Nellte I.. Cliilds h-as retnrned bo her home trom her school duttea at MamtBtique, to retnaln during Uu holiilaxs. Miss ('liilds liardly cnsidi'i's that country x li equal of Am Arbor. Baby Miriam, at t li ; M. E. ])arson■in exteode au Invltatloo to all hor Mende to eome and Bee ter oext Prllay, uliicli wil] He her first Chrlstnae Day. In whlch invitation Mirfun'e papa and mamn lieartily join. Let shining ('harity adora your zeal, Ine uoblest impulse generons minds can feeL - Aarou HilL


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Ann Arbor Courier