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"M. & H. WRITING TABLEJS. The Handsomest, Most Economical, and BEST method of putting up Writing Papers for home and office use. Get them from your Stationer, or send direct to the Manufacturera, HASBROUCK & SINCLAIR, 536&538PEARL ST., NEW YORK. . N. B.- A Handsome Tablet suitable for Polite ( i,rn:spondenee mailed for Twrnty-Five Cents. GOLD MEDAL, PASIS, 1S73. Ï. Baker & Co.'S Breakfast Gocoa from which the excess oí oil }ias been removed, is Absolutely Pure and it ís Soluble. No Chemicals are used in its preparation. It has more than three times the strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is therefore far more economical, costing le&s than one cent a cuj). It is delicious, nourishing, strengtheniug, easily digested, and admirably adapted for invalids as well as for persons in health. Sold by Grocers everywhere. W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mass. For twenty-flvB yeara the czpvi-'ccs of milliona 01 snfferers, old and j-ou lemale, hava gratefully endorsed the mlraorüuna vtrtuea of Tliis Pliarmacentical Paradox of Ihe Age A vitaüzlng Btdmulant without al cohoL A nerve sedativa without . narcotics. A blood purifier without ! poisons. A liver cleanser. A purely vegetable tissue-maker, promoting digestión, nutrition, eeerefrion, exeretion and respiration. A life-giving tonic, pure end simple, without the disastroua reaetiona of the deadly compounda of rum and alcohol i ually sold as bitters. Was ne7er known tefore ín the WorH. lts diecovery amonft tho mecücinal fruits, roote and herbs of California WAS A MTRACLE, anti their conibination into a phenomenal lifegiTing tonio A TRICMPH of the CHHMICAI. ABT. The only changa made in the formula during twraiy-five years haB been to present it in two conibinations. The old oriqinal remain usrhanged but being Gtronger, more Uxative and bctter. ,-t neio fonn more agreeable to tba taste and better adapted to aelicntr u-omen and rliiiilmi, but coniprising tho same tonic properties, is now made and tlie friftirifof the tiurhl is challenatd to produce the equal of this TRULY & OXLY TKMPEEESCE IBITTEKS KNOWS or to prohice apurely vegetable bitters or medicina of any kind, whose action is at oiico eo sale, so eer taiu and comprehensivo as the CALIFORNIA VIXECiAR BITTERS, or any compnund which from lts vai'ieil action uou the vital iuuctions is cqual to tho CURE OF SO KAHY DISEASE8. Thrir in lepion- Rheuroatisni. Neuralgia Catarrli, Jaundice, Kiilnoy Sisease, .crofula, Skiá Dlneasesand Boils. Cousumpticui, Püesand all disorders arising from indigestión, impure blood nervous prostration, and dilapidated coustitution from any cause give -n-ay to it liko mist before tho Bun. ivhile ita singular power over THE DEADLY MirROBE AXD OMXIPBESEXT BAC-JER1A indieates ifs puperiority in all diseasea of malarial origin, and renders it the BEST VERJIIFUGE KNOWN. No family can afford to do without a bottle of OLD AND NEW STYLE YINEGAR BITTER9 in the house, as eipressea by thonsands of testimoníala. Send for beautiful book. Address, It. H. JHcDONALD DRUG CO.,' New YorKr Mortg M.i: Sale. WHEREAS, Andrew R. Schmidt and Rose Schmldt, of the city oí Aun Arbor, IVa-litenaw County, State of Michigan', on the twenty fourth day of December, one thousand eight hundred and cightv-cight, made and executed a mortgage to Baker, Gray Company (ineorporated) of Detroit, State" of Michigan", to secure the payment of the sum of tuteen huudred dollars and interest at eight per cent perauuum: the principal sum beingdueasfolIows: $750 in si mouths. and $750 in one year from date of said mortgage, which mortgage was recorded in the office of the Register of Deeda for said Coiuity of Washtenaw, State of Michigan, o the third day of January, A. D.. 1889, u Liber"3of mortgages on page 57. And whereas the sum of four hundred and fortvfive dollars of the principal and interest 'is claimed to be due on said mortgage at the date of this notice and default haring been made in the paymeut of the same or auy part thereof, whereby the power eontained In said mortgage to sell the premisos described therein has bcconie operatire and no snit or proceedings in law or equity haring beeu instltuted to recorer any part of the sum due. Notice is there fore bereby glven that by rirtue of the power of sale contained iu said mortgage and piirsiuint to the statite in siirli ['a-e made and prorided we shall on Saturday, the twentythird dar of January one tbounand eight hundred and Qinety-two at ten o'clock in the forenoonol that day, sell at public auction to the ! blgheet bidder, at the soutli door of the eourt house In the city of Ann Arbor in said county (satd court house being the place for holding the circuit court in saidcountyi the premisea described in said mortgage or as mueh thereof as shall be aecessary to satisfy the amount due on said mortgage and all costs and charges of such sale us follows: All those certaln pleces or pareéis oí land sitúate in the city of Aun Arbor, in the Connty of Washtenaw, State of Michigan and described aafollowsto-wlt: rhose parts of lot.s aumber one and iht in block four (4) north of Iluron street, range sixeast, commenclng at the intersection of the north line of North street witH easterly line of Detroit strect and runnning thence northwestarly alone Detroit Btreet one hundred and iif ty-f our f eet, thence southeasterly at right angles to Detroit - fifty fret. tlicncc south fourtcen de one hundred and threeand one-half ieet thence est one hundred mul lire feet to pla beginning, exceptlng the right of william to use the well on Baid premi iitíí half the repairs thereof. l, October24, 1891. BAKER, i,i: y x co.. .!. (;. . Sessions, Mortg Attomey for Moi Targos ohoes ra hit ly Y11 i "Box Tip" School Shoes Y&v for Boys and Girls. ; Ipj&o. Heelefl or Wedge Heel. ê' &A&L Sizes- 8tolO!4 1.85 ■BfcT M? Ito3 1.75 ■BFsë-ös8 ají to 6M 8-00 &fi FARGO'S )MV $2.50 Calf Shoe frjravv for Gentlemen, ■■■vAff-ov -. Unequaled by any shoe tv F ëTjnr f 3 America at the same Pp--''tliifar1U&:Ltfí'price. In Co narren, Uut; i-J "Süg ton ;tnit Lace. Muu'uand Boj t f($2.50LADIES'BOOT ö5? X Don9oia or Button, I ftxe Opera, or Common Sense. tCn$e Tackless and Flexible. tfc?ÍrLAtíe Vnrranted the most OUR NAME IS ON THE BOTTOW OF EVERY SHOE. felííh01 dOaí.r for r1' Sh "■ " l'C doea not rSï, t AV ?nd 'S us,lmd w? wiu pmUb yuu n pair oo recelijt of S"irt poatal f or Uescriptive list. O. H. FAE6O & CO., Chiea&o, HL DOTY & FEINER, AGENTS, - ANX ARBOR. Hutzel's Water Back ! A very important invention which will be hailed with delight by everybody using a stove or range for hot water circulation. After years of experience we have succeeded in pro ducing a simple and perfect WATER BACK. It overcomes all the present troubles of extracting lime and other sediments vhich accumulate in water backs, often making them useless and in great many instances beconïing dangerous. The outlay of dollars is reduced ta dimes. No household using a range can afford to be without it. No more troubie by using city water for hot water circulation. Can be used in any stove. Ask your stove dealer for Hutzel's Water Back. Mason & Davis Co's. ranges for sale at C. Eberbach are provided with our improvement. Everybody cali and examine this useful invention. HUTZEL & CO., Pl'mbers and Steam fitters. ANN ARBOI?, - . MICH goo33i's Cotton Eoot ■ E&# COMPOUND R P "pomD0sed of Cotton Root. Tansy and 'Iv y3 1 ennyroyal- a recent discovery by an fcjjola physician. Is succeesfuUu used montldy-SiLfe. Effettual. Price $L by malL sealed. Ladies, ask your druircist for Cook's Cotton Root Compound and take no sabstitute, or molose 2 stamps for sealed particuiars Address POND LIÍ.Y COMl'ANY. No. 3 Fisher Blook, 131 Woodward ave., Detroit. Mich. EBERBACH & SONS, ANN ARBOR, SELL BELOW PILLS. T A "niTTQ TRY LEDUC'S "PEll.JJli(5 RIODICAL" PILLS from Paris, France. KstaMished in Europe 1839, Ornada in 1878. For Snppressions, Irregularltii's. nul Monthly Dcrangenients. A reliable monthly medicine. ïhey ahvays relieve. Any druggist, $2. American 'Pili Co.. Proprietors, Spencer, Iowa. Robert Sjephenson & Co., Wholesale agents, and all otber druggists iu Aun Arbor. These pills are warranted to bringon the " change. CET THE BEST FIRE IISURAKCE $29,000,000. Securlty held for the protection of the policv hofders. CHRISTIAN MACK Representa the f ollowing fl ret-olass eompanies, oí wliich one, tiit Ltna, ñas alone puid $i5,000, 000 fire losses in sixty-five years: MtnAj of Hartford $9,192.644 Fnmklin of Philadelphia 3,118,713 ,Germania, x. Y 2,700,729 Germán, American, N. Y 4,065,968 London Aeurance, London 1,416,788 Michigan F. & M., Detroit 287,608 N. Y. Underwriters, X. Y 2,596,676 Kational, Hartford 1.774,505 Pbcenlx, Brooklyn 3,759,036 Losses liberally'adjusted and promptly paid. Políciea Issued at the lowest ratesof premium. Utttí " F Mlaaed hla Opporttmity! líONT MIm nt Tourx, ICeatler. l'ue raajority iiunloct their onpnrtnnities, uid fiom tbat canse livo in poverty and díe ín obïcoriiy ! H:irriwing dospnir is the lit of iiiany. !i9 tliey louk back on lost, foreverlost, opportnniiy IJleln pasit"iitií ! Reaota otit. Be up and doing. Iiuiíruveyour upportuniiy. íiml secure pi o speiity. prominent, peacö. It wns said by a philosopaur, tbát "the Goddess of l'Orcund offers a (Tolden onpoitiuiity to oiirh person nt some peiiod of Ufe; ciiibuicetbeclmncei nndshepuupi pnt bar licúes; failtodu 60 nnd slie depnrts, nrcer to return." How shall you find tbe golikn tportunityf Investiírute every chance that appears worthy. and of fair piomi; tli;it iswhatallancce?s:ui metido. Mere is an oppurtutnty, sachas Ís nutoftea witliin the reacb t laboring poople. (niproved, t wilj give, at lenst, n grand start Id lift. The coi.dkn njtpurtnnity for here. MunCJ lo be made riipiilly nd honurabljr by any i: iii of atther sex. All RgM. Yon can do the wtirk and lte al homo, wherever ron are. Kven beginners uro eii'ily earning from #i.1 to ÍS I per day, Yoa can do aswll If yon wlH work, nol t"ü tiard, bnt indnttrindyoitean [nvrena rom iticmena yongooo. Yoa can givospure time oiíly, oral I yonr Ume tu t he work. Easy to luíirn. Cupital not reniiired. We Btortyou. .All is coraptiraiiveiy new nnd ronlly woDderful. Wo instruct nnd ahonr yon how, fcce. l'uilinc miklioirn ain'ong our workerg. Ko room to explaiu here. V rite And Imi ti all Fiee, by ratnrn malí Unwise ti delay. Address at once II. Hallett fc l'., Jiox bSO, PoiLlnnd, M:ilne.


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