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Council ChamlH'r. Ann Arbar, Dee. 21, 1891. Kriiiiliir meeting. Otninclj met and was called tu order i.v Pres. öooley. Roll called. Quorum present. Ais'iu Al'is. O'Heairn and Ferguson o M'nutes ol prevlone meeting approvad. PETITIONS ANli COMMUNICATIONS. A petítlon glgned by Swathel. Kyer t ivt:'r.-i);i, Etegtnald Spokee and 25 itlicrs. the council to cause Sunimii street (lately called High 8reet) weeterly trom Main st., to be ï c ït-iii-tl and utraiu-h tened, to be 86 i width. Reterred to street commlttee. REPORT OF STANDINCi ('OM.MITTKK. To the Coinmou Council: - Your eommittoo on llgfating to vhom was referped the matter oï lhting the city for next year, comoencing Jan. lst, A. D. 1892, would ■cspci'tïull.v recommend tliat the projosltlon o( ilic Ann Arbor T. H. Electric ('.. 1m accepted under same conlition a.s lasi year, except that wnen oles and li.ülits ave ordered moved :hat the said Ann Arbor T. H. Electric Co., shell move the same at their own ixpenee onder üie dh-ection of the i.ulitiiur oommlttee or street commlaErinDer as the common council may direct, Eteapectfnlly submittod, WIIJÜIAM HERZ, GEO. AI.LMËNDINGER ARTHUR J. KITSON. Liighting Com. Aid Martin moved that tin1 report e accepted and ndopted. Whicli motion prevailed as follows: Yeas - Aids. Mann, Wines, Herz, Martin, Allmendingcr, Fillmore, Taylor, Rehberg, Hall, Kitson, Pres. Cooley -11. REPOBTS OF SPECIAL COMMITTKKS. To the Common Council:- Your conimi'ttec whlch was appointed to negotiati for the extensión of FO'Urth ave., trom Madison et. to Hill Kt., reepéctfully report that they have had an Interview with Mr. Parker, the OTvner of the land required for Biich extensión. The least gum that Mr. Parker wil] take is i'i.ü-ht hundred dollars ($800). Your committee are of the opinión that such a sura is in excess of the real worttt of the land required including all posslble damage to come irom the opeiving of such street, and recommend tlial condcmnation proceedings le Inetltuted to acquire the neoeesary riiglit of way. Respectfully Bttbmiitted, E. i. MAXX. ( ;eo. a i. i .m endingeb, louis p. hall. Committeer. Aid. Mann moved that the report be accepted and adopted and conmittee discliarged. Which mot ion pievailed as follows: Alds. Mann. Wines, Herz, Martín. Allmendinger, Fillmore, Taylor. Renberg, Hall, Kitsocn, Pres. Cooley -11. ' REPORTS OF CITY OKFICERS. I hereby announce the appointment, by tlie mayor, of D. Byeralt nnd Robt. Leonard as special policemen at the opera house, subject to the provisioiitó of the resolution passed Dec. 7th, 1891. WM. J. MILLER, Clerk. Ann Arbor, Dec. 21, 1891. MOTIOXS AND RESOLUTIONS. By Aid. Herz. Resolved, Xhat the mayor and city clerk be and they are hereby authoi-ized to contract with the Ann Arbor T. H. Electric Co., for the eity to light the city according to tile term.s of last year's contract, except that when poles or liglitK are ordered moved or changed, the unid compaay shull change or remove the saine at t ln-ir ora expense. Which inotion prevailed as follows: Yeas - Alds. Mann, Wines, Herz, Martin. Allmendinger, FUlmore, Taylor, Rehberg, Hall, Kit.soii, Pres. ('oolej-11. By Aid. Mann. Whereue, ThíB council, havlng through ns commlttee, ilniy Inetructed lor i lia i purpoee, made a fair and rcasona iil ■ elfort to obtain the right oí way for the extensión of Fourth ave. LOutJuerly from Madison streel to Ilill street; aleo a reléase of dam;L.- likcly ni be occasioned thereby, and tliis council doth declare that suc'ii right Of AV.-iy lias nol been obtained by purclhae or otherwise, for the reaeon that ve were n able tu agree wirtJh bhe person interested in the land and benemen ts, required, or attected thereb.v. therefore Resolved, Tba1 the city clerk do certify iliis reeoiution to the city atey, wlw is hereby dlrected forthwith lo institute prooeeding in condemnatlon, and acqulire such right of way and settle such and all such chiinis lor (lain.-i.u-'. AVhich resolution prevailed as followt: Veas- Alds. Mann, Wines, Herz, Martin, Allmendinger, Fillmore, Taylor, EehBerg, Hall, Kitsom, Pres. Cooley -11. By Aid. Mann. WHereaa the oid cemetery la ihhv ia poswesion of the eity anil is loo valuabl to hold long out of use. a ml, -vhere.-is, it is dcsira ble to inake the best uwe of the same, consistent with the ïhiiits of the people therefore FteaDilved, That the committee on parki and the oity attoniey submit a íilan for renbing for residence purpoeeaor otiher auitable use and report to tli' council it their earliest cmivenieace. Refu-red to park commlttee. Aid. Taj-lor moved tliat the appointment.- made by the mayor oí I). Bycraít and Itobert Leonard as special policeaien at opera himse be confirmed by tliis council. Which motiöii prevailed. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS. Prof. Chas. E. Greene made a further report om eewerage as requested by tüie council, with plans and profile. The report of Prof. Greene is as follows: To the Common Council of the City of Ann Arbor. Gentlemen:- Under the resolution of the common council of Nov. lGth, 1891, I have made the following estímate of cost of a ma in eewer for the city of Ann Arbor, from the creek on Iliil si., to the Huron river, and 1 submtt with the estímate a.plai and proiile Uie sewer, showing the line from Bunker 's Dam and the R. I?. bridge to Liberty st., which, in conucctiou with the genera! plan made and reported by m bwo yeare ago, will cover all the pointe relerred to in Uic niiovc pesolntlon. "The cstiinati' of oost for a pipe aewer trom ü. R. bridge to Iliil ut. ai iiic oreek, as per my original plan, te: K. ]{. bridprc to foot oL Mnin st.. i;."00 ft. l'2 In. pipe - _._ .$9,461) Foot of Main st. to Mlllei ave., 3600 ft. 18 in. pipe 3,104 Miller ave. to William st., 1900 ft. 15 in. pipe 3.217 Wllliam st. to Itill ,-t. mul oreek, 8500 ft. 12 In.pine 2,115 Total f)fi0 ft Í17.902 Engineering and Coutingencies,10j $ 1,790 Total $19,C92 If the above line is continued to Bunker's Dam.add r.iOO ft.,22 in.pipe 2,470 Plus 10; 247 Í22.409 Tf the aboye Une is built with 24" tripe in place of 22" and 18" from the K. R. bridge as far as Miller ave., aml tJien with 18" pipe t Hill st., the estimate will be: B. R. bridge to Miller ave , 9100 ft , 24 in. pipe Í15.90S Miller ave. to Hill st. and creek. 5400 ft. 18 in. pipe $ 7,262 $23,160 Engineering and Contingencies, 10 jf 2,316 $26,476 If the line is continued to Bnnker's Dam add 1900 ft.. 24 in. pipe 2,983 rius 10 jÉ 29x If the line Is built with 24 In. pipe from ' R.S bridge is far as Hill st., and 22 In. pipe from thence to creek, we will have 14000 ft. 21 in. pipe $26,473 500 ft, 22 in. pipe 735 „ ■ %-ZI&H Engineering and t'ontingencies. 10j 2.721 If continued to Bunker's Dam add as above 3,281 $33,210 The rcsolution of Nov. 16th, calle for an estímate for a main sewer, from Bunker's Dam, with 30", first qualRy sewer pipe from lts outlet to the south sido of Huron st., and 26" pipe from Huron st. to south line of Hill st., and 22" pipe from Hill st. to stopping place as indicatcd on map. As 1 understand that no larger size of sewer pipe taan 21" is made, I have feit oblijred to estímate on 30" brick sewer for the lower portion, a. 24" pipe from Huron to Hill st., and a 22" pipe for the remaining dittance. The quantities, therefore will be, Bunker's Dam toM.C.R. R., lOOOft. briek sewer, 80 In. diameter, 8 in. thick t 4,750 M. C. R. R. bridge to Huron st., 'JXDO ft. brick sewer, 30 in. diameter, 8 in. thick 29,400 Huron to Hill st., 4200 ft. 24 In. pipe . 8125 On Hill st.. 550 ft. 22 in. pipe .... I 808 „ . . USfiSS ■ ring and Contingencies, 10 7,808 $47,391 il be seen by Inspectlon of the prorile, to carry the sewer to Bunker's Dam. wil! require a lessenlng of the grade and hemoe a diminution of the velocity. 1 am, therefore, of the opinión that thta losser grade and the further dimimition of veloclty from the greater roughneae of the Interior will irender 30" brick sewer no more efficiënt for conveyance of sewage than the 24" and poaslbly the 22" pipe. As brick is nat impervious to water the capacity of thle sewer will be further diminiahed by the infiltration of ground water, of whdch there is considerable all along the river bank. The author of the resolution under which thla report is submitted dld not probably notice that, 011 the general plan, the grade of the main sewer is steeper above the intersection of Mnin and Summit sts. than it is below, .and that, if 24" pipe or 30" sewer is lartce enoiifrh below that podnt, it should. (for due economy, be reduced proportionately above that point, not taking account of the incroase of sewage from laterale alon# the way. The sewer, ae estlmated, i supposed to le bendered for by contractors of experlience in thla line of work, after public advertisment. A very material reductlon from these üemres can be made, if the line otf the sewer can be in the neig-hborhood of Allen creek, aeróse private property, a indicated approxunately by the dotted line, thus avoidiii'j: the deeii cuttinir nhown on the pro'ile on First fit., from Catharine to Washington st., and in a less deKree at the corner of Main and Felch sts. For the deepest cut the. saing would be from $1.50 to $2 per runnin ".' foot. Whjle from an on'iineerinc; and sanitary point of view I am unable to see why it is BUggested that the outlet should be carried down to Bunker's Dam. 1 have eetlmated to tha.1 point, OiS requeeted, in addition to the line orijrinally proposed. I am Htill of the Opinión, as expressed in my iirst repoa't, that. while it is wlse to plan a srrade which will a.dmit of extensión to the R. R. bridge, there is no necpseity. for the preemt, of carryÍ112: the Bewer (arther than the foot of 13th street. Reepectfully Bub-mitted, CHA8. E. r;RRFATR, f'. E. Ann Arboi-, Dec. 19, '91. Aid. Hall moved Bhart the report, plans and profilfs of Prol, Chas. E. ('.reene be received and referred to sewerage commit ten and report bc spread on the record. Wliich matton nnanlmauely prevailcd. On motion the counc-il adjourned. WM. J. MILX.ER, City ('lerk. Henry Paul, of Pdteteiield, one of the prominent Germán citizens of the county, diied at his honie, at 9.45 o'clock Sunday evening, of cáncer of the stomach. He had been a sufferer for severa! years. Funeral services are to be held thte a. 111., from Bethlehem Evangelical ehurch, Elev. J. Nenman preaching tile sermón. The dvceaeed was born in the township of Scio, June 3, 1840. He held many places of trust, and had been a very active man doring his life time. Vould'at thou f rom sorrow flnd a tweet relief, Or is thy hi-art oppressed wlth woeuntold? ïalm would'st Ui on ííutlier for corrodin grief ?- Pour blessinga round tiico, llke a showor oí gold. - Wllcox. in [ai tb and hope the world wil] diswrrec lint uil mankind' conoern'd in charlty; All must be falso, tliat this one ereiit end ; And all of God, that bless mankind, or mend. - I'ope.


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