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May'st thou live to know and fear Hlm, Trust and love Him all thy daya : Then go dweil forever nrar Him. See His face, and sing His praise. -Isaac Watt e condition of -wheiit in this county is glven at 92 por cent. n Waebte&aw county there art 387,855 acres of farming lands, o' which 278,538 are improved, aaL 109,317 imimproved. Hon. ('has. E. Whitman will de liver the addrase for the 27th animal meeting of the Andrew Jacksoo As Boetatlon at Jackson, Mich., on Jan 8th. Fifteen milis and elevatora in thi county report the marketing of 45, 448 bushels of wheat during last month, and 195,050 Imshels sinci August Ist, last. An artiist has bsen in the city dur ing the past week taking views foi aa eastern art-joairnal. Among thi residences pbotographed was that o: Hou. Chas. It. Whitman. I gav a pair oí gloves to her Last Cln-istinas, trimmed with fflofi sy fur. Ungreatful makl! for Christmas sh Tliis year üue mitten glvea to me On Christmas Day, frotu 11 to 12 a. 111., and üi-om 5 to 8 p. m., the Ep worth League, of the M. E. church. wül reoelve lts (rlends in the churcl parlors. A general Lnvitation is es tended. Accordtng to the last erop repori of Mr. Soper, the condition o( livi Stock in this county was as follows: Hors' 99 per cent., sheep 98 pe-, cent., swine 98 per cent. Tlgera no quoted. There are 3,41ü (arma tn Wnshtt nnv county, averaging 118.54 aeree eacli. This s about the largest aver age of any of the lower península coun tiee of the state,, except Jacksov which has au average of 120.47 acres Fh-o was sbarted under the nrw 100-horse power marine boiler at ttu Courier office Saturday morning, nni it Avorked like a charm. It is ; great stcam generator, and the mo-d era iinprovcmcnts ninke it a vaina ble aid to the work of the office. Mi-. Davteon lias superintended the wot oí placing it in position, and gettinj it BtarteH. Ilere the Btocklnga were Bwung In tlioir red white and blue, !l fnsliioned tofeetthat Ughtasthe deij Ah, i he fragrant old [alth when we watched th eold Reluctantly tinge the dim border of day, When we bravea the bare Hoor with our littlbare feet - No shrine to a pilprrim was ever so sweet; When eact heart and ench stocking was bur dened with bllse- On the verge of two worlds there ia nothm; llke this But a mother'a last sinile and a lover's Bre - Benj. F. Taylor On the cvcning of Monday, Dcc. 28th at 6 o'clock, there will be a merrj Cliristmas time in the audience room of the Prcsbyterian church under th auspices of its Sunday school. Theri will bc good music, speeches, and i large Cliristmas tree -vell loaded wltt all kinds o nseful articles for th special benefit oí Miss Brown's in dustrial school. A vcry excellen écheme and worthy of lmltatlon After these exercises the children wil be given a Cliristmas supper in the rooms bolow. This day sliall Chrlstlan Upi be unte, ui Cbrietias hearts be eold? OU, catch the nuthem tliat froni hoavcn O'er Judah's mountains rolled ! Wheu nightly burst from seraph harps The high and solemn lay; Glory to Godl on earth be peace; Salv'ation comes to-day I " - ]:. H. Sears! st. AmiIitw's ehurch is beiag beautlfull.v üecorat&d tot Che ('hristmas eeaSOll. Tt Avill t.ikr 330 presenta to make ihc drcuit of the Bethtehem Snnday BC'llOOl. The youiiK people ol Bethel A. M. E. ehurch cleared $112 by bhelr (air last week. .j i ; ii 1 1 Rose lias opened ap new eeciontl hand store on Fourth ave., opposit,' tin' court. house. A social hop will be glven m c'hristmas evo by the meinbers oí Washtelian- lodge I. O. O. P. The ni'v oíílcers ol Fraternity and Golden Bule Lodgee i'. & A. M., wore Lnetálled lasi Monday evening, at Masonic temple. Thre le a prospect t lint the city tnay, poesiibly, get the ïn'w bridge lliat it comtracted for several montlus ago, trom the Smtth Bridge Ca. At the recent meeting ol the Shorthoa-n Cattle Broeder's Association, held at Lanfitng, W. E. Iïoyden, oí Delhi Mills, was dhoeen president. The stores that deal in C'hristma.s gooils Oiave been busy as beehives this week. To-day and to-morrow the jam wiill be huge, if the weather is fine. Lucy A. Scranton applies for a divoroe from Don. S. Scranton, and Chas B. Ackerman weks release from the marrwige bonds with Elizabeth Ackerman. Mis. Dewitt C. Fall, of this city, has received the appointment of deputy grand master of Rebecca Lotlges by the rand lodge OÍ Odd Fellows of Uiü state. We're coming agala to the seiison of ehcer, The Christmaa festlval'a uigh; nd the niKgetl chrysauthemum goes to the rear, Aud the raistletoe berries haug high. At tïie M. E. church on to-morrow evening- Christmas Eve- the Sunday s( hooi will have their annual festivities. Thcre wlll be a Christmas tree, nwl Santa Claus hlmsell has been en?aged to be present. Yon could not invest a $1 to any better advantage than by paying for 3ne year's subscription ior the CourLer. If you take the paper already, perhapa you have a friend who wül ippiToititt' it as a Christmas pres■nt. P. Donovan, of the 5th ward, is liter the youiig leude who broke into ïls store recently and stole sorao ;ood&. He liad the ra arrested but on account of their youth ther were iet oif by ' paybug the costs, about 1510. Amons the musical events in Dtjru u last Saturday p. m., was the ■lcvcntli organ recital, given by Fran-iis L. York, at the Church of Our Pather. Mr. Voi-k's success wlll be tleoelug to liis many Ann Arbor rijende. The oíd calendar, whibh has faded jut during the last twelve months xviill be cast away ia a few days, md a new and bright one bang up in .te place. The oíd one lias served ts purpose. The new one, what wlll t briiiR us ? The anly thinj? to do 8 to await patiently and see. In the nean time look at the bright eide. Christmas day at St. Thomas church iolemn High Mass will ha celebrated tjy Pather Kelley, assisted by one or inore prioste f rom Sandwich, ai ; yclock a. m., and again at 10 o'clock x. m. At 8 1-2 o'clock a. m. low nase -svill be said lor the cliildren. The day will be one oí great activity ii the church, and the Solemn High Mase wüll be a service that will be )f inútil interest and beauty. Avthur Mummery, oí this city, and liss Jennle E. Fitzgn-ald, of Gedües, vill be iinited in marrlage on rl'ucslay, Dec. 29. A reception wiU be viven on the same eveniñg at the uome oí the groom's parents, Mr. and lis. A. .1. Mummery, No. :'. South Paayer Bt., Irom 7 to 10 o'cloek. Rev. ('aiinlcn M. ('obern. at tile M. '.. ( liurch next Sunda.v morning, wlll akc íor hiis tert "A Clwístnias Idyl -The Madonna." Toe mnsic lor tms ;Orvfce will le: Trio- "Lord thy lilis the Henvews," añil a duet. 'Forever with the Lord." Ia the ■vulling Bev, Dr. Kyan will ïill the uilpit and iii' ehoir will render Toar's fturietmaa Antlu-m, "Sing 0, Heav■ iis." and a tenor eolo, by S-helley, 'flirist mas." "Ui: are requoxtml tO aniiounci' that .jDirilnnions cii either money, toys ooks wlll be reoelved with gratiude by the managers ï the sewing .iliniil. and all things given wlll be Lsed in ood advantage, and placed Aiiere they will make some one's ïc.irt All. contrilmtions 11 be sint in befare January lst, ia the lmliday festival oí this school vill be glvn on Jan. 2d. Leave ywar : f&rlnga with M. S. Ilrmfii, superin. 1 ■ ■ ii t . S. State st. It is well known that the millers af .lus oountry are to give a shlp load tí flour bo the Btarving people of Russla. Our millers in Ann Arbor lave agreed to glve a jioodly amount ■at'h. and 11 any of our farmers have a Irashei or more of wheat they au spare, and wlïl leave the same Bither at Swathcl. Kycr & Peterson's, or Allmendingfr & Schnelder's mili, thcy wlll have the 6atiefaction of doLng a eharitable deed, and the as3uraBce that tbey will help some poor 3uHerer. The entire donation received hcre will bo forwarded in one lot Immiik Bent from here to Detroit. The raürortds will carry all of these fionatione frec, to the. Beaboard, from whence thcy will be loftded upon a ghip and sent direct to the starving people of Rueeia. There are about Í50 000,900 people in the lamine stricken district. The strongest light casts deepest shade, The dearest love makes drenriest loss, And sho His birth so biest had made Stood bv Him dviug ou the cross. " -Elizabeth Charles Hon. Wm. Ball, of Hamburg, was in the city Monöay. At the Christmas prayor meeting on Wednesday evening at the M. E. church, au answer will be expectert from all present, to this question: "The Christmas Gift in the Manger oí Bethlchem- What has it been to me and to my Ufe ?" The Courier book bindery is now preparod to do all sorts of binding promptly and neatly. It is thoroughly eqnipped for business. If you have LUiy pamphlots, or other binding you desire to have dome, cali and see ub. Sntisfaction guaranteed. On Thursday evenins last, a 1:ulquet was served at the Congregatlonal church, it being tlio annual New Enslantl supper of tlie Congregational Club of Michigan. Thiere were a large number present from Detroit, .■nul ÜOO sat down to well filled tables. MusiC was furnislied by Prof. K. H. Kempt, and toasts responded to by BfiV. II. L. Hammond, of CliicaKO; K v. Mr. Bradley, ttev. J. H. Bradehaw, Itev. H. P. DeForest, of Detroit, and Rev. A. J. Oovell, of l'lint. Every person who is a íriend to Ann Arbor's advanconont. ougbt to subscribe to the School of Music tund. If nu institution can be built up liere ttoat will bring In $100,000 or over anuuallv, every oitizen in the city is interestcd in it, and effeeted by it. Sucli tliiiij;s do not como to commiinities thai it down and watt far thcm. The n)ly way to secure them is to takè hold and build th-m up. It takoa moncy to start, lmt after it is startcd it wtll not only care for iteelt' bixt be a paying institution. It wlll be 8 good note for the scliool of mnsic IÍ you BUtaBTlbe Í65. Try it. You wlll be glad. Ho was ohubb; and plump- a right jolly old And I laughed, when I Baw him, in splte of myA wink'of his eye, and a twist of nis head, Soon gave me tó know I had nothins to dread : He sjioke not a word, but went straight to hls wcirk. And fllled all tlif Btocklngs; Uien turnea wun And laying his flnger aside of his nose, nd giviue n nod, up the chimney he rose. He sprang to the sloigh, to tbe team gave a Aud!wiiy 'tlii'v all flew, like the down of a But I heard hlm exelaim, ere he drove out of Hni';,y 'i'hristmas to all, and to all a good "isilt" -C.C.Moore. Tho memberfl of Arbor Tent K. O. T. M., are to givc their annual banquet and dance at the Rink, on Wcdnesday evening, Dec. 3Oth. The committees for the occasion are: Arrangements- J. Geo. Lutz, John O. Jenkuis, F. E. Mills, F. Esslinger, H. Hatto. Reception- N. J. Keyer, J. T. Jacobs, W. F. StimsoQi, S. W. Millaxd, P. S. Baniield. Floor Com.- John Fischer, ('lias. Dietne, Jr., 1. Theurer, C. H. Jones, Kolft. Hnywood, TV. Gabrielski.


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Ann Arbor Courier