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Botb the metliod aud results when Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant and refreshiiig to the taste, aud acts gently yet promptly on the Kidueys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the system effectually, dispels colds, headaches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only reniedy of its kind ever produced, pleasing to the taste and acceptable to the stornach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c and $1 bottles by all leading druggists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will procure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. LOU1SVILLE, KY. NEW YORK, N.Y. ETfie Greatest BloiJ PurifieriQ KNOWN. # I I This Great Germán Medicine Is thcS, II III cheapestand best. 128doscsof SUL-#i II llPIIi;iLlJITTKUSfor$1.00,lessthan# 5 f Illone cent a dose. It wlll cure the Lt UI pg worst cases of skin disenso, from en u3 i common pimplo on the ta(xM ? J; ITIio that awful dfsease Serofula. fi IIISULriIlTR BITTEI18 is thc# Illbest medicine to use in all# llcascs of such stubliorn andyour III lldccp Beáted diseases. lo#neysareout Hl aot ever tuke #of order. Use U Q BLUE PILLS JE5ftS5ugB ■Ilormoroiiry.tliej'aredeadir -'. no III ly. Place your trust i"#,3,.?,; !vu lt áüsl I I IsULI'IIUlí ' J5Irn'KIíS,iK.ou"e I II II mudil-inc t-vcimadè? ƒ Sulkr Bitters í ij öwi!liayr-l!ovsticky#Don'twaituntil yotiM ITI subetance? Isy()iir#areunatjletowalk,orll llbrcath foul nnd#are flat on your back.l I II olTin slve ? Your Jrbut get some at once, íi III mSl']Vi'TYV:i!hc Invalid's Fríend.SJ Eáimnu;n'i!yFTneyonng, theaped and m in: t'ck,ffns use". ]{Miiembcr wliat you III H ropy, e'-ffreal her?, it mar save your III ■II udy, orMüfc, it has saved hundreda. l II '- l)on't wait until to-morrow. □ fTry a Bottle To-day! □ f ■ K re you low-splrited and weak, BT1 II S Br BUÉtering trom the oxoesses of 1 1 S#v(ltli? Jf BO, 8ULPHÜB BlTTERsIl 1 'Wn-Ul cure you. Send 3 2-cent stamps to A. P. Onlway to 00., Boston. Mass.. tor best medical work imblislieil? BEAL & POND, insumcf iRE?ns Ccurisr Office, 41 and 43 North Main St , (Successors to C. II. Millen.) BThe oldest agencyin the city. Establlshed over aquarter of a century ago. Representlng the following flret-closa companiee, with over 60,000.00"api1;i) aix! A-si'ts. Home In. ('.. oí New York. ..Contini:nï.w. !.-. Co., of New York. Kiagaea Ins. Co., ol New York. Gikabd l.s. Co., ol Phlladelphia. Oriënt Ins. Co., of Hartford. COMMI BC] il DNION.Of l.omlon LlVSBFOOL, FjONÖON ::.i'' ' Bates Low as the L.wcst. Lossen Llberallv Aftjii"'1'' 'I promptly Paid. BEAL & POKTB. ■fe ■ ■ ■■ O. AXAKESIS " glvos instant Sil Pïrclief ainl is an infallible EL. % Cure for Piles. Price$l. Hy fa &■ Vüox 8416. New York City. MAKINC A BEAUTIFUL HOME ISnot a iiie.innii f mmy. Taste, expertenoe and sidll have much todo wiih It. If you tntend to build, it will lie a mlstnke not lo send for our books of Sknblbli Low-oost Hoüskb, now arranged In thrtt volumes. In tliem you wül llud perspectiva views, floor plans deacrlptlons, and estlinates of eonts for lie tastefut, new desifin for houses. Tlicy also glve our firtves f or completé worklng Plans. Details, and BpeC' llcatlons, wlilch i'nalile ynu to Imllil without ilelais, mftákes or qvarreië wlth your butlder, and whlcb any nnecan understand, Good bulldera reccomend these plans. Testimoniáis f rom all parts of the country. Vol. I contatos 86 copyrlghted designs of housrs costlnR between 9-xi and ÉISOD. Vol. II contalna 86 conyrlKlited designs, S1KIKJ toXX1. Vol. III e.ontalns 35 copyrlKlited desiRna, ÍMW to 9UÜO. Frico, by inall, ÍI.OÜ eitcli, or .J for the set. Wealsopubllsh "COLONIAL HOTTSE8," a oíame showtne: rernpee.tlves and Floor Plana of Iioubcs arraneed Ín (he Inlnilinblr style of the Colonial Archltecture, and haring all modera arrangements for e0$8Pijg$iQ&0VBlia FOR FOBEST iNT SHOKIi:- Ibis shows l'iM-spectlves and Floor Plans of new designs íor Sammer Cottages, whlcn are romantic, convenlent, andclicap. Prlcell.Oü by malí. Address NATIONAL &RCHITEGTS' UNION, WON. Ke.venth Phlladelphla, St.. Pa. SAWMILLS, ENGINES, Improved Variable Friction Feed. Bend for catalogue and special úricos. A. IÏ. FARQUHAR C0., Yorn, p IhAAAA v T:VIE! ' 1"ll'rr"lk" to i'eir G1 1 II fltL-achany ittrlyiiitelli(Cfmi.frynofitheik IIbcx, who can read and write, and wha, ■ !■■ 11 I lafter instructioii,wlll work induatríouily, VWV Wimwio eara Hiree Thounand Dollam a Tearintliclrown i"caltics,whcrcverthey Hvc.I willalsofuniiih the "iniiuinii orctii[..yim-iii,nt wVii li you can fnnt tliatamount. Mo mi y for meutili-t.s simccíhíuI aa above. Knuilyand qulcklr learned. I dntiru but mo uork.r frum ench district orcuunty. I have alrraity itught nml provided wlth mj)1oyment Ihitq Dumliir, who tro nmkinp over 3000 a j .■ r eticb. It IV I . W' nd SOI. II. Full jiaili.-ulnrs F IC F,K., L. O, AIJ.I.V. Itox 4tf, AiitftKtu, Mulne.


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