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Tiik dialh tif Senator Plumb, of Kansas, was Mmounoed in the scnate on the 2!st and funeral services -wera held. alter which Senators Peffer, i'. timer, Paddook, Dolph and Kansom were appoint ü a cornmitiee to ivcconip.iny the re mains to Emporio, Kan. No businoss was transaoted . . . The bouae was not In susüion. Btbphen B. Elkims was oontlriii d ns socretuay of v. ar by tiit: señale on the üld Dllls were lntroduoeU appropriatl g 11, XW.000 for thecstnh.i i men tof a gun faotoryonthe Pacific coast; to provida the ifovernment with mcans Bufflclnnt to supply the want of a sound Olrculating medium, aiul to tmprnve tiie navigation in l afford safety to coimnéroeön the Mlsslsslppl river Thu house wad not in session. BlKATOB HANSBBOD3H iN-b.) iniroduced a bilí in the senuto on thu 833 autholtzing the postmustor uunural to ex t end ïf tren prauticable th'; freo ilelivery system to rural or farming cominunities. fter conflrmin cveral nominutions ;in ailjouniment was taknn to .Tanuary 5 - In the house the speuiipr announced th; nppotatment of the various coramlttees. Mr. Meredlth, ofVIrginim announoed ths de:ith of lii.i pr.d crss „■, Mr. W. 11. F Loe, ;ndas a mark of respect the house mijourned to meet Tuesdfty, January S. DOMESTIC. Jon. and Nicholas Raad, who resided in Elkhart, Ind., were instantly killed by a Lake Shore & Michigan Bouthecn train in Chicago. Thk intho supretne oourt for the release oí Schwab and Fielden, the Chicago anarchiste, wil] take place on January 17, 1892. Ik the United vStates the visible supt ply of grain on the 81st was: Wheat. 4:!,2(i;,344 bushels; corn, 3,915,022 bushels; oats, 8,848,844 bushels. Rev. Patheb Kbobgkr, who for a number of years was in charpe of St. Vincent's Catholio church at Elkhart, Ind., was missing-, and creditors would lose 817,000. Ax incendiary fire destroyed tha business portion of La Grange, Wyo. Lusic & Co., dealers in canned and dried fruits at San Francisco, Cal., failed for $100,000. A si'Kciai, train on the Chicago & Alton broke the record between Chicago and Kansas', makinff the run ol 419 miles in 11% honra, or at the rate of 45 miles an hour. Païrick SiiKAi.n. an American sailor who arrived at San Diejfo, Cal., from Valparaíso, said he was recently arrested by Chilian pólice without cause and beaten into inseusibility. A HURRiCA.NK at Marshalltown, Ia., destroyed man y barns, uprooted trees and wrecked several houses. The storm traveled in streaks, leveling stalk fields as if by roller. Ihe Bank of Greenville at. Greenville, Miss., suspended, with liabilities of 81,000.000. Two coal miners at Wilkesbarre, Pa., I!. Ready and H. Linnen, were killed by a fallingf iciele. David Kbouse, a eitizen of the United States and a resident of Greenville, N. .1., was in a Germán prison, having been arrested in Berlín for not serving in the anny bef ore he emigrated to America. lx the fatnily of Isaae Havens neai Deer Creek, Ia., iivc children died from black diphtheria, and the only othei child and the ïather and raother wer not espected t-i Thu oücake departmont of the Union milis in Detroit, Mico., was altnost entirely destroyed byflre. Loss, 8150,000. The conversón of trade-dollar bullion into standard dollars has been completed and the coinag-e of standard silver dollars is therefore at an end. Ex-SfXKETARV OF ÖTATE SOPEB. OÍ Michigan, wrote to üov. Winans demanding- that his resijnation be returned. The governor would refuse to do so. Gai.tox Hall, an outlaw imprisor.ed at Bristol. Tenn., ivas said to have killed tvventy-seven men. The Russian Charge d' affaires at ■Washington hits Britten a letter in which he says that any aid for the famine districts of Rnssia will be faithiully distributed. lle further states that 20,OJO,000 of his eountrymen are suffering' from laek of food. At Ann Arbor, Mich., Frank Vandewalker completad his fortieth quail in as many davs. The post office at Millersburg, Ky., was burned with most of its contente! Tuk first full carg-o of American tin ever produced from an American tin mine was reeeived by W. W. Stewart at San Diego, Cal., from the Temescal mines. Capt. C. Bürke, with nineteen cavalrymen and infantry, met sixty revolutionists at a place oalled the Retamal, in Star county, Tex., and Corporal Edstrom was killed. The insurgents were put to flight. While the steamer West Coast waa hauling alongside the wharf at Point Arena, Cal., her raoorings parted, and Bhe was driven on a reef and nine of the crew were drowned. Jok Hanfobd (colored) was hanged at Forest, Miss , for murder. Nicholas Fox shot his wife at South Omaha, Neb., and then cut his throat with a razor. There were 5,000 cases of erip in Cincinnati and suburbs, and the disease was provine fatal beyoñd all precedent. Thomas Wn.sosr, of Vinton, Ia., was taken with a fit of hiccoug-hing, and in spite of medical aid died in a short time. The total value of the exports from the United States for the twelve months ended Nov. 30, 1891, was S949 - 022, 185, against 8855,952,136 the previous year. The value of inports during the year was $810,372,489. The balance of trade in favor of the United States for the twelve months ended November 30 as shown by the statement of the bureau of statistics, was 8129 649 - 696. ' The Michigan supreme court rendered a verdict adverse to the state which involved the title to 1,500,000 acres of land, valued at 87,500,000. The jury at White Plains, N. Y., inTestiptiiipr the condition of Edward M. Field, brouffht in a verdict that he was insane. Gov. WrNANs, of Michigan, has appointed Eobert R. Blacker, of Maniatee, secretary of state, vice Soper, removed. Ar Sacramento, Cal., Baker & Ilamilton's atrriaulturaJL implement l loase i trarned. ioss. .5ioo,ouo. Mus. Ada Thorpb Loftus was placed in an insane asylum at New York, lie arrived in this country recently, and announced that she carne íor the purpose of killinpr President Harrison. Wií.i.iam S. Parsons and August Honing, business men in Philadelphla, died from Wvo i iïect.s ol' ecapiog illuminiiti.i.: giu Dubi.vo the past year 4,188 miles of railway track liave l;eeu laii in fortythree states and tcrritaries. This increases the uaflway system of the United States to 171,000 mjles. Tuk scate iactory of John Chatellon fc Sons in New Vork was destroyed by fire. tho loss, being (116,000. As ammonia tank in Armour's paeking- establishment at Kansas City, Ma, exploded and iour men were killed and several othera woundrd. At Augusta, Kan., Wllliain Khoades mortally wounded his divorc d wife and then shot hiinself dead. Charles lin.i., at one time a vvealthy lawyer in Cincinnati, died f rom -starvation. His rich relations were kept in inorance of his whereabouts aml financial condition and were horribly Bhoeke.l to find him dead. Thomas Dassox, a farm hand, fatally shot Eda Kutzen, the 18-year-old daug-hter of bis employer, near Libertyville, 111., slie rejected his attentions, and then shot himself dead. In the United States the business failures durin theseven days ended on the 25th numbeivd ü9'. against 3:r the week and 883 fur the correspondilltf wc .1; last, yriir. A ui. k vein of lea.l ore was discovered about 5 inile.s east of St. Joseph. Mo. The Nebraska distiliery at Nebraska City was destroye.d by fii-e. a loss of L100,000. Afteh strug-o-linT for two months, at a cost of H, 750, 000, the strik ing coal miners in Indiana returned to work at their wag'e.s. It was reported that the officials of the state and navy departments at Washington considerad the prospects of a peaceful settlemont of the Chilian alïair more doubtful than at any time since the Valparaíso outbreak. Two me.n were killed in a wreek on the Haltimore & Ohio near I'lymouth, O. In a woodshed in rear of a dweiling at Sedalia, SI o. , the bodies of two infants who had been murdered were found. in Choctaw county. Ala., under the lead of Job Sima, robbed the store or John McMillan and shot and killed four persons. LOWENTHAL, LlVINGSTOXE fe Co., mercliants at San Francisco, failed, with liabilitics of about $,20,000, nearly all due to English firms. Martin Mkyers, one of the leading checker plaj'ers of this country, was found deatl at Heading-, Pa„ the result of excessive drinking-. AiiiïAXfiKMK.NTs have been completed by the director of the mint at Washington for the new silver subsidiary coins, dimes, quarters and half dollars early n 1893. The bureau of statistics reports that 38,615 imraigrantsarrivedin the United States during the month of Xovember, 1891, against 40,643 November of last year. A.v expresa train on tlie Xew York Central ran into another train near Hasting-s, X. Y., and eleven persons were killed, six fataliv injured and four badly hurt. A drunken brakeman caused the disaster. Flamks in the works oí the L. Wolff Manufacturing Company in Chicago caused a loss of S200.000. It was repurted that Capt. Francia Hardie of the Third cavalry and his detachment of fifty men met an armed forcé of Garza's followers near Carriso, Tex., and that in the engagement that ensued fourteen of the United States soldiers were killed. Miss Eui.a Bbaoh Williams, pianisi of the Bijou Theater Company, while the overtnre at Starsel"s hall, in Jessup. Ga., feil dead. Alvan L. (bkuxivood was arrested in Boston, charjjed with the embezzlement of S30.000 from the Mutual One Year Benefit Order. STBPHES B. Ki.kixs took the oath of ofBce as secretary of ivar in YVashing. ton. A beer wag-on collided with a Pittsburgh cable car, in the side and fatally injuring twcf persons and Eeriously severa] others. About one-half the business houses at Waverly, 111., were destroyed by fire. Fire destroyed á business block at HutehiDson, Kan., the loss $150 - 000. ÍN A fire at Bingham, Utah, Pat O'Malley and Eric Jacobson, miners, were burued to death. Pink Franklin andhis son and John Canterbury were struek by a falling tree near Gadsden, Ala,, and killed. A passenger train on the East Tennessee railroad ran off the track near Williams, Ga., and se venteen persons were injured, none fatally. VVili.iam Brennan, an old recluse living near Huntincrdon, Pa., was fatally beaten by unknovvn men and thea robbed of 31,000. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. Katheki.vk Rogkhs, the well-known actress, died in New York city. Jerome I. Case, of Hacine, Wis., a famous manufacturer and horse breeder, died at his hotne, aged nearly 70 years. Prof. C. D. Wilber, a geologist of national reputation, died at his home in Am-ora, 111, aged 61 years. John I. Handley, of East Wilton, who enjoyed tho distinction of being the tallest soldier from Maine in the late war, died at Portland, Me. He was 6 feet 7 inches tall. John P. Richardson, a millionaire of Chattanooga, Tenn., died, a victim of the cigarette habit Joiix Mongoza, chief of the Miami tribe of indians, died suddenly in a aloon at Peru, Ind. Mus. Fanny Thomas, a colored womn who lived near Portland, Ind., died t the age of 108 years. Frank Hkkeford, a member of the torty-second, Forty-third and FortyEourth congresses, and who was on the death of United States Senator Caperton elected to succeed him, died at his home in Monroe county, JV. Va., aged 56 years. 6 -"cv. Johd íamii.ton, knowQ as The Fighting J'arson," on account of his war record, died suddenly at Mount Morris. Mich. John A. J. Cbessweli., who was postmasti-r general ander President Gract frorn 18ÖM to 1877, died at Llkton, Md., aged 08 ;. :n-. F. 3. Pon, state treasurer of Florida, died at -1 acKKOiiTille, ag'ed 58,years. (;. 3. Habhh has been tlected first chief of the Olierokee nation to succeed' the late .loei B. Mayes. J. Lawuk.vck CtETZ died at Reading, Pa., of la grippe. affed 70 yeara. Mr. Getz was a member of the Kortieth, Forty-iii-st and Forty-second conjtresses. FOREIG.M. Tuk crops in the Arpr-ntine Iïepublic were said to be the lai-gust ever known thcT". Garza, the Mexican revolutionist, offered to lay down bis anus for S10,000 cash or a consulate in the United States. During the recont severe 'jales along the Baltic Bisteen fishermen belong-ing at Berlín were drowned. Whii.k 200 laborer were returning1 from work on a railway in Italy they were overtiilcen by a terrifie snoivstorm, and twenty-five were sulïocated in drifts. A fog over a part of Enn-land and the Irish sea caused a suspension of business. Intensely cold weather was causing ilistre a throughout England. Thk steaiüsliiij Abyssinia, of the Guion line, bound from New York to Liverpool, was burned ut sea. The passenjfers and crew were reseued by the steamer Spree. The Abyssinia was valtlèd at 8200,000 and the carg-o was valuable. From wreekagfe picked up oif the Scilly islands it was believed that the Iiritish Bteamer Cavalier, which left Gibraltar for Falmouth December 8, had been lost with all on board. The ravages of yellow feverin Brazil were heavierdaüy So severe and fatal were the attaeks that a widespread panic had seized upon the inhabitants. At Leeds, Eng-.. during a fog two men walked into the river and were drowned. Advices from South África say that while the Continlios expedition was en route frorn Ouillimane to Ma?hatnba an explosión of ffunpowder oceurred. by which sixty persons were killed and 170 wounded. Two mkx were instantly killed by an explosión of dynatnite on a French ship at Antwerp. A COIXISION oceurred near vaca, Mex., on the Southern raüroad, in the death of twelve perBOns. Official returns of the election in Waterford, Ireland, show that Redmond, the Parnellits candidate, won over Davitt, McCarthyite, by a majority of 49(3 votes. An.viKAL Jorge Montt was proclaimed as president of the republic in every toivn and city in Chili. A FAMI8HES pcasant in the Tscheljabinsk district in Eussia killed five men for the purpose of robbing them and food vvith the money. LATER NEWS. UPBIKtt i .. ..liiny cv r ■ mi mies of Williaro IV r In and Miss Phillips near Meridian, M ss., a jealous rival named Johnson Bred through a winclow and killed the bridegroom. John J. Nathahs, alraost the last of old-time circus men, died in New York. CabtwbIOHT u-on the six-Jay walking- match in St Louis, making 502 miles: Hegelman second, 500 miles. Flambs among business buildings ia Boston causea a loss of S450.000. Tjik crv of fire caused a panic in a theater at Gateshead, Eng-., and nine childreli and oue man were crushed to death. The old VVolsey homestead on the Casino farm in Bowery liay, L. I., was destroyed by fire, causing a loss of L100,000. Bob Sims and six members of his bloodthirsty gang were lynched in C'hoctaw eounty, Ala., by a mob. JnxiK Ueoege W. McCladt, for twenty ye%rsjudffe of the circu t court, feil 60 feet from a stairway in the courthouse at St. Joseph, Mo., and was killed. Skvkhal business houses at Chattanoofra. Tenn., were destroyed by fire, the loss being f560,000. A DI8PATCH from Singapore, Cliina, reported severe fighting with the rebels in which 2,000 rebels ure killed and fifty leaders beheaded. The resiilenee of W. II. Pearsall, near Goldsboro, N. C, was burned by an incendiary, and Mr. Pearsall, his vvife and two children perished in the flames. Mbs. Phoebe Wadk-Woodruff-DubAnd died at Irvington, 2ST. J., of pneumonía at the age of 100 years 1 month and 11 days. Dijking the recent fog in London thivty persons were drowned by walking off the docks into the rlver. The hospital for the insane at Pontiac, Mich., was burned and the inraates were saved with great difficulty. Loss, f250,000. By the sinking of an Erie railway barge m the nver at New York 143 heaclof cattle were drowned Thk HSth anniversary oí the battle cf Trenton, X. J., was celebrated in that city by laying the corner-stone ol a monument to Washington. Thk Carpenter steel works at Reading, Pa., were burned, the loss being $125, 0U0. Tidai, wiivcs broke high over some of the islands of the Gilbert group in the Soutli seas, causing the loss of 100 lives and the demolishing of many 11 on se .


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