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Celestial Rebels

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The followiiiK interview, taken f rom the San Francisco Cali, wlll be read wi'th much Interest by the niany who are acquainted wlth Dr. Osborne: Dr. D. E. Osborne, who was one of the passensers on the City of Peking, regtetered at the Occidental yepterday. He has resided in China for eeven years, during the past iour liaving been surgeon at the silver mines of the Viceroy of Mongolla, whleh are located about 300 miles from the great wall. "Eight Inindrrd Cliinamen were ployed in the mines," eays Dr. Osborne, "and twelve Americans, principally trom Nevada and Ai-izona, were in charge of departmenta and superintended the work. The minos were fully equipped wlth machinery, largely from the Union Iron Works. "Mongolia is overrun wltb banditti, wlio hold lip travelers as they cross the raountains in mule palanquins. The latter are the Pullman cars of Mongolia. Two rnuloe tandem bear the palanquín containing the traveler, the compartment lx'ini rispended from poles fastened to the harneiss. They travel slowly -through the passes, averaging óO miles ,a üay. and tho banditti frequently attack thiem, althoogh the hfjshwayraen are araid of Eurapeane, wno are usually well armed. 'Each banditti is mounted, armod wit a knife and an old-fashioned ftusee gun, wlth a inatch-lock. The siivtT minea wete si'ii''tI(l '" 10 Imperial soldiere, commanded by a Tartar general. On November 7th a large number of ttoe banditti nttacked the mines lor ■purposea of plunder. Th' Runrrt jijned tlie enemy and a general riot followed. All of the Americana but two left tv mines, lmi I (oift think the rlotera obtalned mucli booty. When the VIceroy b-ard of the atta-k be dlapatehed .- 000 eotöl -rs to guard the min"H, which will be amply protecteöln the future. "TÉere is an Important misslonary eettlement at Tlentsln. the seapori erf Peking, tifty miles up the rlver. There is a Rritish concosion two mileB below the native city oí Tient.sin, and hiere 500 foreignera reaiüe, ■" Deing íiiis-idii.ui s. Tho bitter feellng of hostility agatnst the rellgloua teachers has not moderated. nml tl( Bettlement oí Ticntain is iti constant cxpectation of an attaik. "Tvo fi-unl)oat,s are in the rlver, wh'-rc thcy wlll he Btationed for the winter, and tlw rosirients fully armed. lililíes haw been placed amomg the trees, and those wlll be sounded at the intimation of a riot. The alarm vrill be a smi;ii (or all tbe peopie to repair bo the city hall. whleh will be barrlcaded, and defended wlth öatllng gujM. Tbe men are alao well prodod wlth rifles and animunition. "I ani satletled that the missionarirs alone the Yangtetekiaag ar(l Hable bo be expoeeo to uu vioieuee of :i iikiIi a1 any time. They reallze thls, but siiow bo Incllnatlon to leaert their poets. The authorltles may order th" mteBionaries to repair to tlir tn-iity posts. as adequate protcction cannot l'. afforded in the interlor villaKeB. "Tlio tvntrnl Government is sincere in iis deeire to take care of the lives and property of all foreisners, but the Manilaiians. and e-en the Rovernors of pi'oviniMs, sometimos connive at inob autragt. "The iinnicnw country owtside of th Rreiat wall is In a Btate ctt rebelHon. -Th ■ tcrritory is alinost as large as China proper, and, as communicatinn s impTfectly malntained 1't.wwn the different toWTlB, it is ficult too mppresa the rebel. There wlll lik'ly serióos t.roublr In MonKo'.ia, l)iit the b.imlitti have more regard ior the liv' of Americana than thoee of any other toreignera, and dtlzens iif the United tates have frequently leen favorcd wlth iramunity from attaok u pon produetion of thcir passports." Doa't lall to read the opening chapters of Mark Twain's latest great humerOUB novel, "The American Clnimant," in The Detroit Journal of Janiniiy 2d. Ask or send a postal card to F Stofflet, the Journal agent for Ann Arbor, to leave yon a copy. II not convenient to do this send a 2c stamp to The Journal, Detroit, and It wtll l)i' promptly sent you by return mail. f'olde nre irequently the result of deransementK ol the Btomach and of a low condition of the system generallv As a corrective and etrengtaiener o"f the alimentary organs, Ayer's Pilis are invaluable, fheir uee being always uttended wttb marked bcucfit. A musical tel ow- Phil Harmonie. Fot runner Attolletto clubs. N;nv s time oí year to pay your drbis, and tims anable some mi ■ i íse to ]i ly th 'irs. Mark Twaln, America's greatest humorist, h&e just written a new story entltled: "The American ( lalmant," wlüi-.h will begln In The Detroit Journal of S.i mnlay, .lanuary 2d. To the great dellght oí all lovers of pure wit. tiiat oelebrated character, Col. Mulberry Beltere, will reappear as the liiero of tlüs story, bat with cntirely ncw and drainatie urroundings. Wliy do we heap ho?e mounda of years lU'foro u nul behiml. And acora the linie days that pass Like angels on the wind1.' - Dinnh Muloch Criuk.


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