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Miss Zuda Rhodea io visiting relatives in Saline. Ernost Eberbach i visiting friend in Clevela-nd, O. Burt F. Schumacher visited friends Cn Brighton New Yeare. Ellie D. Alley, of Noble's Btore, te wrestííng with the grippe. Christiaa Wetzel, oí Detroit, is visiting his paa-ente on W. Liborty st. A. J. C. Smith, oí Ohlo, has been visiting M. C. Peterson íor a time. Misa Belle Turntmll has returned froin á ttadt to hfT home in Hamilton, Out. Miss Amiuida Hennlng has been vigiting rolatives at Jackson during the wieek. Dr. N. A. McLachlan has returned íroaii a visit to his oíd home in Ontario, i ' " ti Mrs. Aiidrew J. Sutherlaad retumbóme Moaiday from a visit in Battle Creek. John Llndenechmidt has had the poor judgment to ho.TO the grippe again. , Tfving K. Pona, oí Chicago, is gpending the wk with hi parents, on S State st. Louis D. Taylor, of Chicago, was in the city over New Years visitinjt oJd frwoids. M. H. Goodrich, of E. Ann st., is vieiting írieuds in Albion and Marshall, this week. Mis. Tripp has returned home írom a visit with her daughter, Mrs. Beanett, of Jackeon. Mr. and Mrs. Arnbrose Kearney entertalned Rev. Fr. Healy, of Chicago, om Thureday last. John E. Travis and wife arrived in Ann Arbor Monday evening to reni-ain a few weeke. Prof. F. M. Hamüton, who was bere during the holidays, has returned to Bycyrus, Ohio. W. B. Cady, caeMer of the Sault Ste Marie bank, ie in the city, acco-mpaided by Mre. Cady. Mr. and Mre. G. Luick are confined to ttoeir home on 'E. Liberty et., with a.n attack of la grippe. Mrs. Dr. W. B. Bmith hiia boen entertuining Mrs. R. H. Anderson, of Detroit, during the week. Mrs. Dr. Heartley returned home yesterday from her trip to Milwaukw, Wis., and to Ohicajro. Mr. and Mrs. Phüip H. Quick, of 8. State st., returned from tiH'ir stay in Branch county, Mouday. Prof. Julius V. Seyler, returned to Detroit Monday, after a week's stay with his parents, in 'this city. Mis. Gregwry Dibble. of E. Washington et., returned Mouday from a short vi.sit wlth frieaids in Fint. Miss JLury Bushnell, of 8. State st., retuvned Monday from a weeks utay wlth rclativcs in Branch county. Miss Máry I'atrick, oí Plint, has beon vMaag Mrs. Dan H. Church, oo E. Jefferson st., during the week. Miss Alioe Beckwith returned to Charlotte Monday, after havlng gpent the vacation week with relatives here. Pro". George W. Itenwick and wife, oí Muskegon, have boen in the city visitin# oild friends durin the week. Goo. H. Siiow visited relatives in Cüiicago, New YearB, remaining over bunday, returning Monilay morning. Charlee F. Staebler and wife have returncKl trom a three week's visit witji frionds in Chicago and Omaha, Neb. i Mr. Marliall Peaae, who went south d-uring vacation time hae returned hoon?, and has resumed his duties again. Mrs. Alice Haven and daughter Grace, returned Saturday from a vitiit with frionds at Evanston and Chica(ooi-íío A. DouglnsB is tKakiiiR a res)iti' froin business fo-r a week or two which he is spending -it home with lis family. Mrs. Fanny Angelí, wbj has been spending the week with her father, Tudge Cooley, returned home to Detroit. Monday. Hon. Joseph T. Jacobs left for ', 'ashngton, D. C, Tuesday morning to ittend a meeting oí the Board of ndian Commiísioners. I i ter- he pot he grippe and dldn't 'go. Judge Babbitt is stlll oontined to lis home at Ypsilamtí, with Ii grippe. % is evidently havini a S"rio is time vi tli the unpleaennt foreigner. Mrs. Mitcbell, of S. Main st., wont -o Richmond, Ind., Monday moraing, - K-ing c.-illed by a telegram announcffifi tb serlous illnes.s of her mother. Frank Parker entertained a number oí hi3 young frionds at the home " Ma parents, Mr. and Mes. y I, Parker, E. Ann et., on New Yeare eve. Dr. Chas Gatchell has jast returned rom a trip to Mexico. The vivid derlptloa he ives of tihat country, vfiwldn't mafa' a man fall in love vith it. Looi I!. Lx,, who is teaching in IIinois, bas been spending the vacaiüii at the home of lii.s father, on Tv. state st. He returned to Illinois [omday. Will öeerey, of the Regiater oï Deeds office, carne down Monday mornin# or the firet time since havlng lus Laib amputated, and commenced work igain at bis desk. Every one was Klad to see hiim. Tbe Boston Herald has the foliowina,- among ite personal items thai will ba of interest to. many Ann Arbor Mende of the youn lady: "Miss Mary AsMey, of Toledo, who is enpraged to Mr. Abram S. Hewitt's son is the only daughter o-i Col. James M. Ashley, presideait oif the Toledo, Ann Arbor & Northern Michigan R. K., and is a girl oí anusual mental attninments and personal attractioais." BrinK in your pamphlets ajid get tiiem bound at The Courier office.


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